Part Eighty-Eight: Pajama Party

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"Okay.. listen to me please.. you can either believe me or not. But I'm telling you.. in all honesty.. I didn't ever sleep with anyone else as long as you've been my girlfriend. I always was so proud to be calling you mine. But when you ignored me for all these weeks.. and Tony tried to tell me you were already on to the next... I don't know. I only did kiss Jill.. I kissed her because I needed someone to show me I was wanted. To distract me, too, yeah. But you made me feel.. you.. you really broke me. I didn't ever leave my bunk.. ever. I was getting shit from Tony and Flea everyday. But I didn't care. I didn't eat. I couldn't even sleep even though I was in that small little fucking bunk where you can't do much but sleep all the time. I drank, I smoked. I could've also committed suicide. That's how I felt while you said you were having fun. Imagine that. I love you more than anything. More than my guitars. More than making music. I mean it."

She just sat there and looked to me without saying a word or showing any reaction. I was helpless.

"Okay.. let that sink. I'll stop talking to you until you want me to. I'll walk you back to the Viper, alright?", I said and she nodded.

All the way back I hoped she might say something.. anything.. but she didn't. I hoped she would kiss me. Tell me everything was gonna be alright. But at least I had told her how I felt and maybe she was gonna think about it. Understand.

Kaya's POV

What he said sounded reasonable, I had to admit. But I was still paralyzed and didn't know what to say. Maybe I didn't want to say anything.. and really had to let this sink.

I was very thankful though he wouldn't push me at all.

"I hope to see you again soon", John said as we reached the Viper. He took both of my hands into his and placed a soft kiss on top of them.

I had a gut feeling in my stomach. It was as if I was in love all over. But I couldn't give in to it. Instead I just smiled and waved to vanish back inside.

When I saw Lara, I ran up to her and into her arms crying. She planted a kiss above my ear and patted my head before she asked me what was wrong. 

"I met John", I sobbed.

She grinned and ruffled my hair. "But that's good.. or no?"

I nodded but then shook my head and narrowed my brows. "What? Good or not?", she asked again. "I don't know.." "Oww.. poor baby. What are we gonna do with you?" 

"Have pancakes", I said and pouted. She started laughing and let her arm wander from my back to my shoulder.

We searched for Rio and Keanu and went up to Al's Pancake World because Rio said he made the best vegan pancakes.

My mood quickly rose as a tired looking girl with a pink dress and white apron walked up to our table with three milkshakes, one espresso for Rio and two plates with pancakes drowning in syrup.

After I had five, I leaned back in the puffy cushion with a red leather cover and rubbed my belly. "I think I'm getting sick", I said and started laughing with the rest chiming in. "That's the sake of having pancakes at Al's", Keanu said and smirked. "He knows. He spends every spare minute in here. I mean it", Rio said. Lara rolled her eyes at him playfully. "That's where you are when I try to call you", she said and Keanu shrugged his shoulders in defense.

We decided to take a walk home and since everyone was getting tired as hell, I invited them to crush at my place because it was the nearest to Al's.

I extended my couch and grabbed every blanket and pillow I could find and threw them onto it. "Shit.. this looks too comfortable. You think we all find space on this?", Keanu asked and Rio suggested we could pile. Lara placed her hand over her mouth and yawned. "You pig!"

I put the Wizard of Oz into my video recorder, we shared a last joint and laughed about the ridiculous costumes and filming from the 30s before we fell asleep one after another.

I was the first one to wake up the next day to Rio kicking my leg in his sleep. I froze as I noticed he had his arm around me from behind and was somehow spooning me. I carefully moved away from him to not wake him up but was colliding with the next body. Lara who was entwined with Keanu and fast asleep.

I tried to stay in this jammed position between Rio and Lara but soon my arm began to hurt and I cursed under my breath. When I tried to crawl off the sofa, I heard a sleepy groan. I turned my head and saw Rio rubbing his eyes. I placed my finger over my mouth to shush him and cocked my head in Lara's and Keanu's direction. He nodded understandingly and followed me off the couch.

We shared a wake up cigarette on my balcony and didn't talk at all. "Sometimes I'm just too groggy to talk in the morning", Rio said and smirked. "Same here." "But then again.. I can be a real pain in the ass." I started laughing. "Haha same here, too." "How did you manage doing this with John? Tony always whined to me how him and Flea used to be absolutely hyper all day", he said and chuckled.

"It's not annoying me. I think it's cute. I also enjoy having someone I can be my freaky self with", I said and smiled to myself. Rio started bawling. "You love him, you do! You do!", he said and hit my arm again and again. I rolled my eyes to him. "Let's go make breakfast for our sleeping princesses", I suggested and he nodded, still eyeing me from the side to get a reaction to his comment. I smirked but quickly looked away.

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