Part One Hundred Eight: You're Hired

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"Kaya Davis, wake the fuck up", Lara's voice appeared. I was totally confused. I had just dreamt. Was this a dream? "Wake up", she said again and I slowly opened my eyes to her with a phone in her hand that was pointing in my direction. I rubbed my eyes. "What?"

"This is Keanu and he wants to speak to you", she said and handed the phone over. "Why?", I asked. "Just take the call", she said and stomped back to her bed.

"Hello? Is this Keanu?", I sleepily asked. "Yeah.. listen Kaya. Monica couldn't reach you at home. Have you moved by the way?"

My head was working really slowly. Have I moved? Oh yeah! To Venice.. because of Vince. Vince... I knit my brows. "Kaya?"

"Uhuh..", I mumbled.

"Are you capable of taking in news or shall I call you later?"

"No.. tell me."

"Okay so Monica tried to reach you to make you an offer. She's retiring from her job as you know. And she's suggested you to do the shooting assistance for our next project. She'd advice you. The director thought it would be great. He's a cool guy. Gus van Sant. Well.. we'll start next year and for so long you get to practice with short films and TV commercials. How does that sound to you?" he asked and my mouth stood open.

I couldn't believe it. Work with Gus van Sant? He was a legend after doing Drugstore Cowboy.

"Kaya? ...I think I'll call you later", Keanu said and I screamed No and Lara screamed, too. She had probably fallen asleep again.

"Jeez..", Keanu mumbled and laughed.

"I fucking want this job. Don't hesitate to tell Monica. You made my day.. No wait.. you made my life. Can't wait to tell my boss I'll quit my job", I said and we hung up.

I hopped off and shook Lara like crazy. "I got a new job. I got a new job. I'll shoot with Gus van Sant. Can you fucking believe it?"

"I can't even believe you're so full of power. It's early", she grumbled.

"Okay okay.. I'll wake John", I said and picked up the phone again.

Down in the lobby, I was tripping with my feet like crazy until he arrived and sat down next to me, rubbing his eyes. Then he leaned forward, placed his hands on my thighs and kissed me. "Morning beautiful. What's the news?"

"I'm gonna work with Gus van Sant", I called out and bit my lip.

"What? Gus van Sant that did Drugstore Cowboy? Really?"

"Yeah! I'll become the movie assistant. I can't believe that this is gonna be my new career", I said and smiled widely.

John took both of my hands into his and kissed them. "Wow Kaya. I'm so proud of you. This is amazing."

"I know. I can't believe it myself", I said and smiled from ear to ear.

"You're going places. I think I need to marry you soon so I can retire from working and be a stay-at-home-dad", he said and chuckled.

"Whoa. So you think I'm gonna be the earner?"

"Sure", he said and smirked.

"No way! And if you wanna be a stay-at-home-dad there has to be a child first", I said and poked out my tongue.

"I know how we can anticipate that", he said and started kissing my neck.

"John.. where are we supposed to do that? In your room where Chad sleeps? In my room next to Lara?", I asked but he didn't stop kissing my neck.

"Come on.. we'll find somewhere to go", he whispered and took my hand.

He guided me through the hall and tried every doorknob until one of them turned and the door cracked open. Inside it was dark and John felt for the light switch. He looked to me and smiled. It was a storeroom with a big counter to the right. The light was dimmed and it was very quiet. He pushed the door close and turned the knob then taking my hand and guiding me to the counter.

He grabbed my hip and lifted me up there. I spread my legs and slung them around his body. He took my face and kissed me for a long moment. "I've missed this", he said and smirked, starting to kiss my neck. "Me too", I said and moaned quietly.

He lifted my skirt and let his hands slide up and down my thighs, slightly smacking them from time to time. I forced his body closer to mine with my legs and felt his hard-on through my panties. His hands were now stroking my back and unclipping my bra. I pulled down the straps and he grabbed the bra, ripping it from my body to finally reach for my breasts.

"Oh my god John.. the thought of someone walking into us is turning me on so much", I breathed and he smirked. "I know it is", he said while sucking on my breast. "You're so kinky. I love it", he added and let his hand wander between my legs, pulling off my panties real slow.

My body was vibrating, my thoughts were spinning. I clawed my one hand into his back and opened his jeans with my other one. I let my body fall backwards slightly and the next moment something fell to the ground with a horribly loud sound. I almost fell off the counter from the schock.

John quickly grabbed my back and whispered into my ear. "It's okay, it's okay. Noone will notice", he said and pulled down his pants. "Alright?", he asked and looked to me. I answered by putting both of my hands around his pulsing member and putting him inside of me. He bit his lip and started pushing gently, going faster and faster, leaving me out of breath and wanting more.

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