8. Chapter Anything else?

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You're sitting in your car after you left the office on the way home. In mind, Cassandra. In one hour is your meeting and you're still not sure whether you should go there or not. On the one hand you want to know what she has to tell you, but on the other hand you know that it won't be anything postive and you know that it has something to do with Justin.  

You cruse with your car aimlessly through Los Angeles, always near the local in which you shall meet.  

From Justin:  

‘Baby, I'll stay in the studio today longer. Don't wait for me. Love. Justin xoxo'  

To Justin:  

‘Remember, we fly to New York tomorrow morning.'   

From Justin:  

‘I haven't forgotten ;) Can't wait to meet your bff.'  

To Justin:

‘:) I love you‘   

He always puts a smile on your face. You have talked until the wee hours yesterday. It was an evening, the two of you will certainly never forget. You couldn't understand why he was afraid to lose you. Even if it flattered you in a way that the magazines and online news have written about you, it wasn't the goal to make someone jealous or envious. And certainly not to leave Justin standing in a bad light.

He was the star, not you and it should remain like that. You didn't want that attention and even less for your looks. If someone admires you then please for your work.  

You've parked your car near the bar, you've decided to listen to what Cassandra has to say. And you were too curious about who she is. Your facade of the untouchable was built. No matter what she will tell you, you won't show emotional response. That's the plan.  

You took a few deep breaths, put on your sunglasses and you pulled the hood of your hoodie over your head, as you made you way to the bar. Your phone in your right hand in your left hand the keys to your car. You didn't plan to stay there for long, so you left your bag right in the car. Upon entering the bar, vibrates your phone. You have a message from Justin.  

From Justin:  

‘I love you more. Forever!'

You've read the text several times. Forever? He has never said that before. Yes, he did kind of but writing it...You had almost tears in your eyes as you solve your view of your phone and look around the bar.

You didn't know whom you was looking for, without taking off your sunglasses, you've made ​​further steps inside the bar. There were only a few people, until your gaze stopped on a woman. A woman you knew. The woman which tried to kiss Justin back then when you were together in the strip club. She waved you over, as a sign that she was Cassandra the waitress.  

Inwardly, you were restless. Sweaty hands and a rapidly beating heart brought you to be nervous, with every step you made closer to her. Towards the outside you were confident and secure, inward the complete opposite. You sat at the small round table, on which she has been waiting for you. You tried to interpret her expression, but could see nothing.

You've once again look around before you slowly took off your sunglasses.   

"I'm glad you came. Want something to drink? I invite you.", she said in a high, annoying voice and smiled at you.   

"What do you want?". you ask short and hard. You don't want to spend a second longer than necessary with that person. She looked up in surprise, hesitated for a moment but then nodded.   

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