20. Chapter Why? What? How?

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Last night was beautiful. Justin and you have danced into the night, in the restaurant of your brothers. The evening was a great success for Giovanni and Ciccio.

“I brought her the money and she went to the hospital with me. She has taken the test, now we have to wait a few days. I think she was intimidated by me.” Told Moshy proud when he came back home, to Justin and you in the kitchen. He winked at you as you have placed a cup of coffee infront of him. It took a load off your mind. You really had fear that she doesn’t make the test.

“Did you also drive her back home?” Justin asked after he swallowed his bacon. Moshy nodded and took a sip of his coffee.

Justin began to put the dishes in the dishwasher, wearing only his boxers when you were both done with the breakfast.You were already fully dressed and wanted to hit the trail to the office.

 “Baby, can you drive me to the studio?” Asked Justin, who jogged up the stairs.

“Sure, but then hurry up. I don’t want to be late.” You yell after Justin and checking your phone.

“I can also give you a ride.” Suggested Moshy who stands in the hallway next to you.

“I know bro, but I will go with my girl.” Justin responds and comes fully dressed down the stairs. You had to giggle, Justin is simply irresistible. He gave you a kiss, took your hand in his and you made your way to the garage. Moshy followed you in his own car.

“When should I pick you up in the studio?” You ask Justin, as you stand in a traffic jam on the highway. Justin was just busy with making selfies. He looks over at you, when your eyes met. Without warning, he made a picture of you and laughed.

“Not funny! Show me!” You say determining with a grin on your face. Justin hesitates but then shows you the picture.

“True beauty.” You say confidently, even though you think that the picture of you is awful.

“Well I'm not sure about that.” Giggled Justin provocative and laughs as he looks at the photo again. You gave him a slight blow, laughing. He made an offended face and stroked over the stricken spot.

“Shall I pick you up or not?” You ask after a while. Justin shakes his head as he starts to make calls with some people. You roll your eyes; you can’t stand it when he does that, though ye were talking. Since good 15 minutes he talks now with different people on the phone. The anger rises in you, why can’t he do that when he gets out of the car; or at least reply to your question before? These are the things that go through your mind and annoy you.

“What's up brother?” Ask Justin. “Yes, I'm on my way to the studio, are you ready?”

You have hit the brake more than necessary to get Justin's attention. He sent you a “What is this?”-look, you rolled your eyes as he continued his phone call.

“Bro, I’m in in 10, so upload the loops, so that we can start, okay?” He ended the call, staring holes in your profile.

“What was the problem now?” He asked annoyed.

“I just talked to you and then you start making phone calls in the middle of our conversation. What is this?” You ask him mimicking his voice.

“Fuck it! I had to make sure that someone is in the studio; don’t make a drama out of it.” Justin said louder than you expected. Thrown back you looked at him as if you've been looking for the right words.

“Okay honestly Justin, fuck yourself. Next time Moshy can give you a damn ride.” You yell back, breaking eye contact as you finally have a free ride again.

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