24. Chapter Weightlessly

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After it got dark, Giovanni went to Johanna into her room to get some sleep. I made ​​a stopover in the kitchen after I've realized that I have hardly eaten anything all day. Looking for something I could cook quickly, I sang a bit for myself. The water for the pasta was cooking quickly so I throw them into the water with some sault.

Giovanni's words didn't go out of my head, also Mike's words drove roller coaster in my thoughts. Can it be that Justin is not happy with our relationship? Can it be that he doubts us even if he loves me? Have I done something wrong?

Suddenly there was a ring at the door, loud roar was heard. Completely lost in thought, I went to the door to open it. Ryan, Khalil, Fredo, Za and some other guys were cheering in front of the door. With wide eyes, I stared at the group without knowing what they were looking for.

"Hey sweet, we have heard there is something to celebrate. May we come in?" Fredo asked politely when he saw how I stood stunned in the doorway. I nodded and took a step to the side so everyone could occur. Only then I saw that there were not only men. A whole troop of beautiful, all dressed up women followed the guys without really noticing me. Like frozen I stood there, as Justin jogged down the stairs and welcomed all.

"Don't worry, we will not stay here." He called over to me. All eyes were on me. I was so embarrassed and I couldn't believe he is doing this to me. Everyone immediately noticed that the mood between Justin and I was tensed, but I tried to maintain the facade upright.

"Excuse me, but I'm currently cooking. I wish you much fun and hope we'll see each other soon again." I said politely with my head held high and left the party group. Tears threatened to reach the surface, as I just managed to get to the secure kitchen. This asshole! Why is he doing this?

The oil in the pan was hot, so I could throw in the onions and bacon. While these sizzling in the pan, I stirred around in the spaghetti. My face wet from the salty tears of humiliation. I led a glass of wine to my lips and waiting for the alcohol to calm me. The noise in the hall fell silent; they seem to have left the house.

Out of nowhere, I suddenly heard a throat clearing. Surprised, I turned around to see the face I love so much. Justin looked at me dumbfounded, as he made ​​some tentative steps towards me.

"You are crying!" He muttered the obvious. I wiped the tears from my face and looked back on the stove.

"Don't mind, I just cut onions." I whispered back and avoided eye contact. I could feel his presence right behind me, without looking at him.

"Baby, this I didn't wanna. I'm sorry; I didn't mean to hurt you." He apologized honest; I could feel that he was unsure if he should hug me from behind or not.

"Go celebrate; you have every reason for it." I said and took the pot with the pasta from the stove. His eyes bored holes into my head.

"I will not go if you're mad at me." He said with a pouty voice; the voice that makes me weak.

"I'm not mad. I'm confused, I'm hurt but I understand that you want to celebrate. Really, if I weren't so sensitive, and exhausted I might even come along." I said even though it wasn't true, I fumbled with my own finger. He stroked my hair out of my face, I turned away briefly.

"I have no desire to argue with you. We both are so different in some things." I said softly.

"Yes that is true, we really are different, but opposites attract one another and in so many other things we are so similar to each other, that it is sometimes scary." He said, stroking my shoulder.

"I'm really not the best women whisperer but I give my best to be a good man for you." Justin murmured shyly and looked at me through his eyelashes. I could not help but smile.

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