Justin POV
“Why does it take so long?” I asked myself more than Mike, who was sitting with me in the car and waited. She was now already at least 30 minutes up there with Cassandra. If it takes any longer I'm going crazy. Mike looked at me helplessly, as he of course couldn’t answer the question.
“She will come back soon.” He said reassuringly. Hopefully he is right. I fumbled with my clothes, nervous and unsure. About what do the two talk so long?
Hundreds of thoughts flew through my head; dizziness began to spread with every minute that passed. My sweaty hands I rub against my jeans, while my heart tried to jump out of my chest. My head was spinning, so I closed my eyes, my head rested on the backrest so I could take a deep breath. The whole ‘What ifs’ ran through my mind, and in my mind's eye I saw the beautiful face of my girlfriend who was always so supportive. How could I do that to her?
“I love this woman so much, even though it’s not easy in our relationship.” I murmured with closed eyes.
“I know Justin and the rest of the world also. If you could see you together, the way you act with each other. Such a relationship is something everyone is wishing for. You understand each other without words, only one glance and the other knows what the second thinking. I admire you.” Mike said to my total surprise. I stared at him in surprise as he nodded and a grin played across his lips.
“Justin, I’m almost every waking minute of my life in your area. My job is to observe you and to protect you. I see everything. You know, I’m the ‘Daywatcher’ and ‘Nightwatcher’ number one.” He said, joking and winked at me. Despite all the tension he has managed to make me laugh.
“Yes, we really are a good team. Can I trust you with something?” I asked him, I enjoyed that we could talk, so I was distracted. He nodded in agreement.
“Sometimes I have the feeling that I miss out on something. To be in a relationship in my age, I mean...” I hesitated to speak further.
“You talk about making experiences with other women...” Mike fixed point, with a tone of understanding.
“But not only. I’m also talking about go celebrate with the guys. Strip clubs, etc...” It was almost embarrassing to pronounce it.
“As if I remember correctly (Y/N) is open on the subject. Weren’t you even together in the strip club?” Mike reminded me. I thought about it, apparently he doesn’t understand quite what I mean.
“That's not it. It's about to be without her.” Before I could continue talking Mike interrupted me.
“You're talking about freedom.” He said and confirmed that he understands what I mean. I nodded, and stared through the windshield.
“Justin, don’t get me wrong, but you don’t endure more than a day separated from her. You're the one deprived of your liberty yourself.” He was very careful with his wording, because he didn’t want to insult me, ultimately he is my employee.
“Don’t you think that I know? I don’t want to be without her, but sometimes I just need to exploit it, that I’m successful and can have any woman. I know that sounds arrogant, it isn’t meant like that but...”
“Justin, you don’t need not justify yourself in front of me, I understand you very well.” Interrupted Mike me again when he realized that I couldn’t really explain what I meant.
“Do you think that there is a better woman waiting on top; a woman who fits better to you?” He asked me honest. I looked at him thoughtfully, when I suddenly saw a figure running towards us. Large sunglasses hid her eyes, a sweater which she had borrowed from me hiding her beautiful figure. Without hesitation, I got out of the car and ran to her. She jumped into my arms and buried her face in the gap of my neck. I quickly felt her tears on my shoulder, my heart stopped for a moment. Are that tears of joy or tears of sorrow?

Recovery 2 Justin Bieber (Sequel to Recovery)
FanfictionThis is the sequel of Recovery! What will happen, after you had some exciting holiday where you and Justin get to know and love each other, and you decide to move to LA with him? Is it real love? What challenges are waiting for the both of you after...