42. Chapter I'll call you Bizzle

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Justin POV

We were all petrified. No one said anything. We sat in the waiting room of the hospital, waiting for the doctors to tell us how (YN) is doing. She had internal bleedings in the head, that's all we know. She lies for 2 hours in the operating room now and with the passing minute I get more anxiety. We were all covered in blood, dirty and injured, but none of us felt pain. At least not physical. Ciccio sat across from me, staring into nothingness. Khalil was also absent, distraught and exhausted. I myself was at the end, I couldn’t think straight. I was terrified for my girlfriend, terrified because I had killed someone tonight and felt indescribable grief because I've lost a brother. This what happened today has and will change our lives forever.

We were in a small clinic, with really good doctors, I had hope that they can save (YN). They had to save her. Because I couldn’t.

“Oh my God!” Rushed my mother in the waiting room, and froze at the sight which offered itself to her. She only knew that there was an accident and (YN) is in surgery. I immediately stood up and went to her, but my legs were weak. I fell to my knees in front of her and hided my head in her stomach as I hugged her and started crying like never before.

“Justin, baby, what happened?” She muttered as she put her arms around me and got scared, even more than before.

“I have failed. I couldn’t save her. Giovanni is dead and (YN) fights for her life. I have failed.” I whimpered hysterically in the jacket of my mother. She knelt down to me. I couldn’t look her in the eyes. It took a moment for the words to reach her.

“Mama, I killed a human being.” I whispered and looked hesitant with a blurred look in her eyes. She stared at me, without saying a word, she just took my face in her little hands and stroked her thumb over my wet cheeks.

“Come sit down. I'm going to look after you.” She said calmly and with love and care in her soft voice. I did as she told me sat on the chair next to Khalil and tried to reach a regular breath. Why does she say nothing?

She left the waiting room, but came back a few minutes later with a nurse at her side. The nurse looked at us three shortly shocked, but immediately went to work and cleaned our wounds. I was given a sedative, like Khalil and Ciccio. My mother gave us something to drink and helped the nurse with her work.

“I would suggest that a doctor looks at your other wounds. Just to make sure that you have no internal injuries sustained.” Said the nurse after she had doctored our faces. We all three nodded emotionless, it was no matter. My mother pressed her palms together, closed her eyes and began to pray after the nurse had left the room.

She prayed for help that (YN) gets well, she prayed for the soul of Giovanni and the other who died today. She prayed for mercy for her son, so me. Ciccio suddenly whimpered and began to cry, for the first time. The words of my mother broke through the wall that surrounded Ciccio. She went to him, sat down next to him and hugged him tightly.

“It's okay.” She whispered in his ear and stroked lovingly over his head. “He is now in a better place, watching over us.”

“I can’t manage all that without him.” He muttered and hugged my mother.

“You are not alone. We are all here for you.” She assured him, and looked at me sympathetically. It took a few minutes that Ciccio calmed down again. We were all exhausted, another hour passed, Khalil is asleep as a doctor entered the room. I immediately jumped up, not a second went by, till Ciccio and my mother stood next to me.

“Are you the family of (YN)?” Asked the doctor. His face betrayed no emotion. My heart was racing again, I was nervous and anxious. We nodded and looked at him expectantly.

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