27. Chapter Mr. DiCaprio

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“(Y/N), please look over here!” Cried the photographers from all sides. Justin and I were on the carpet. Johanna is already gone inside and waiting there for us. We post for the camera together, smiling and winking.

“Justin, please give me your perfect smile!” Screamed another one. It flashes from all sides, I had the feeling to become blind soon. Justin kissed my cheek my arms encircle his neck. I giggled as his hands slipped into the direction of my butt.

“Now again the interviews.” Justin whispered in my ear and took me by the hand. I followed him and stood beside him with a professional smile.

“Well you two, how are you?” Asked a man who was well dressed and very polite. Justin answered for both of us.

“(Y/N), I must say I haven’t yet seen all the guests, but for now you are definitely the best dressed woman on the carpet.” I feel my cheeks getting hot and I squeezed Justin's hand a bit. I thanked him and giggled a bit.

“The good outfit she owes me. I was her stylist today. I chose.” Told Justin laughing and proud. His arm was around my waist, the other holding my hand. The reporter laughed and made him a compliment as well.

“Justin what are you wearing today?” He asked shortly thereafter.

“Today I’m dressed in Dolce Gabbana; I love this blazer.” He replied, winking at the camera.

“You just look great together. Speaking of together, how long have you actually been together?” The man asked curiously. I always wonder why the reporter always have to ask personal questions. Justin and I looked at each other briefly thoughtfully. We both had to think and calculate.

“It is now almost a year.” Justin stated and then look back to me.

“Wow, that's in this business and your age an eternity.” Noted the man and smiled enthusiastically. We laughed with him and said goodbye politely.

“Justin, Justin just one or two questions, please.” Cried a young woman almost hysterical. He hesitated, however, went to her. After the obligatory questions about how Justin is doing and what he is wearing today, she was the first who has finally asked questions about his job. This was once a nice variety. Justin has already given 5-6 interviews and no one had asked for his music. He therefore actually didn’t want to give another interview but he decided to talk with her.

“Justin, are there plans for a new tour? Is there a new album coming this year? We see all the time photos and announcements for new music and your Beliebers and we can’t wait.” She asked hectic and nervous. I could immediately see that she was one of us. She herself was a Belieber. Justin chuckled and turned on flirt mode.

“Do you know that you're the first one to ask the right questions? I thank you for that. So, new music comes, it will again give a tour but when hasn’t yet been determined. All I can say is soon!” He said and laughed at her. She blushed and giggled like a little girl. I chuckled and watched all amused. I love to watch him at his work, he is a true professional and that in his age; simply admirable. After a few more questions he ended the interview politely, he has taken a pic with her, rather I took the photo. She beamed at me gratefully and said goodbye to me.

“She was so cute.” I whispered to Justin's ear as we were on the way to the hall. He laughed and nodded.

“Baby, where is Johanna? I have to go back stage, but I won’t leave you alone.” He said, letting his gaze slide over the crowd. Before I could answer she stood next to us and smiled happily.

“Okay, if something happens or there are problems call me or write me. I won’t let my phone out of sight, do you understand?” He said serious and decisive. I assured him that everything is okay and that he shouldn’t worry. After a brief but loving kiss he disappeared, leaving Johanna and me standing alone in the hall.

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