49. Chapter This chick sucks

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Justins POV

“The movie was a disaster.” Complained (YN) and put her head on my shoulder. My hand was resting on her thigh.Our driver pulled out of the parking lot on to the open road.

“This is only because we had again missed the first twenty minutes.” I said softly and scrolled through Twitter. To go to the local movie theater only works if I walk into the hall when the lights are already out and the people looked already focused on the screen. Today I wanted to go roller skating with (YN), Ryan and Miriam. We both wanted to pick them up and then we were off to the roller skating rink. Suddenly my phone was buzzing in my hand and Dean’s caller-ID popped up.

“Yo, what's up, man?” I cheered into the phone (YN) immediately shot up and she put off a bit from me. “I'm with my girl on the way to go skating.” I told Dean after he asked me what I'm doing and before I could argue with him, he invited himself to come along. Oops! (YN) could immediately feel that something is wrong when I ended the phone.

“Please don’t tell me that he is coming.” She whimpered and looked at me with puppy eyes. I bit my lip and nodded with an apologetic look.

“You've heard it all, I didn’t invite him.” I said in my defense. She buried her face in my hoodie and groaned in my chest. I had to chuckle because she could be so childish sometimes. I put my arms around her and hugged her tightly to me. My lips I placed on her head and inhaled the scent of her hair. It smelled so fresh and sweet, I wanted to lick (YN) most likely all over her face and body.

“Do you think you can survive it?” I asked her, she lifted her head and looked at me through her lashes.

“Probably, but don’t force me to be nice to him.” She said, still wide-eyed.

“Just ignore him, boo.”

Ryan and I waited impatiently for the girls who were still busy purring their roller skates. They were so deeply intertwined in a conversation that they both had almost forgotten us. Until a loud roaring Dean entered the hall with a new girl at his side.

“Where is my boy?” He shouted and pointed at me. Of course, all eyes on me, and the more than annoyed look from (YN) wasn’t unjustified. A few seconds later, I was surrounded by fans who wanted to take pictures with me.

“Good job, idiot!” Hissed (YN) in Dean's direction, crossing her arms over her chest. He wasn’t impressed and winked at her lordly. After half an hour, I was finally able to go to the raceway with my friends to roller skate.

Hand in hand, we turned our laps, making funny photos and videos, as the cheesy music playing in the background. The girl which Dean had brought appeared for the first time to stand on skates and could hardly stand on her feet for more than a minute. She tried her best to impress us all, but failed.

“You're such a jerk.” Laughed (YN) when I performed a dance for her on my skates.

“Don’t forget that you love this jerk.” I said and rolled to her, wrapped my arms around her waist and pressed my lips to hers. She giggled into the kiss and put her arms around my neck. Suddenly, a loud bang was heard and followed by a high squeaky women voice.

We both turned to see, the girl which had accompanied Dean lying on the floor and cry like a little child. I couldn’t help laughing. Dean and I are followed by (YN) rolled to her to help her.

“I broke a nail. This is the dullest date I ever had, Dean. Can’t we do something for adults?” She said wailing and looked at (YN) and me dismissively. I raised my eyebrow and gave her the same look.

“Okay, I'll make you a proposal, you sit at the edge and take care of yourself. Save your nails and do whatever you…I don’t know…anyway, after that we all go to a party all together.” Dean said, looking at me with a twinkle. (YN) grabbed my hand tightened. She didn’t want to go celebrate with Dean definitely. But if I was honest I would have been interested. I looked at her pleadingly, she looked back at me and nodded thoughtfully giving up. She was always so loyal, she had never discussed with me in front of other people, if it wasn’t absolutely necessary.

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