44. Chapter Thank God

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The days passed and (YN) didn’t wake up. I was nervous, I didn’t know what I should talk about "with" her anymore. I have played so much music in the last days for her. Even new songs written and composed. (YN) parents arrived in Canada yesterday night. My father picked them up and will bring them to the hospital today. It is good that they come now, (YN) looks much better. Her face regenerates well. One can see her beautiful face again.

“Baby, you really need to wake up for me. I miss you so much. I wanna hear your laughter. I want you to look annoyed at me when I make my stupid jokes. I wanna lose myself in your warm eyes again. I wanna take you in my arms.” I whispered as I combed her hair. Sometimes I had the feeling that she is smiling. The hose isn’t in her mouth anymore. She is breathe independently. With a damp cloth, I washed her arms and her face. I already knew all the nurses and doctors at the station with first names and have been asked whether I live here. I haven’t left her side. Too big was the fear that I miss as she opens her eyes finally. I was just in between on the pediatric unit and played with the kids.

I'm so exhausted, I can no longer wait. I'm a nervous wreck.

“You have to wake up. Why do you make me wait so long?” I asked, almost desperately, as I lay down beside her on her bed, snuggled myself under her blanket and put my arm around her torso. I rested my head on my other hand and looked at her. I patted her on her head and placed gentle kisses on her lips, I creamed every day with lip balm, so they don’t become dry. I had learned a lot from the nurses in the previous day. To stay sane, I asked the nurses to give me some tasks, I wanted to take care of my girl.

“I love you so much. You are my everything.” I whispered as I laid my head on the pillow and closed my eyes.


Your parents entered the room, this was the first time they saw you after you moved to LA to Justin. Justin they also know only from pictures and TV. They were accompanied by Doctor Jones. Your mother had tears in her eyes. Your father just stared, speechless. Justin was next to you and finally found a bit of rest he needed so badly.

“Why is here yet a second bed?” Asked your father. He was too shocked to ask the important questions.

“Mr. Bieber, sleeps here every night, and take care of your daughter.” The doctor whispered. Your parents knew the story, but your father had some anger against Justin. He blamed him, however, but still was thankful that you are alive. The doctor saw the evil eye of your father and frowned.

“Justin has saved your daughter.” He said quietly and stood beside your father. “He does everything he can to be with her.” He said and tried make eye contact. Your father took a deep breath and nodded. Your mother was already next to you and stroked your hand, leaned down to you and gave you a hesitant kiss on the forehead. She was afraid to hurt you. You seem still very fragile.

“Was she awake?” She asked the doctor quietly, she didn’t want to wake Justin. The doctor shook his head and calmed your mother quickly, by telling her that this is normal. And you have the best chance to recover by sleep. Your mother stroked her tears from her face and caressing you through your hair.

“She’ll get fine.” Your mother murmured. Mothers know such things, they can feel it. Your father put his arm around his wife and pressed her to his side. Justin, suddenly muttered unintelligible and his eyes fluttered open slowly. His eyes fell on you automatically, in the hope that you might also open your eyes. Your father cleared his throat uncomfortably and thus pulled Justin's attention immediately upon him. Justin's eyes got wide as he immediately jumped out of bed and your parents yet staring sleepily. He knew how your parents look like, so he immediately knew who they were.

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