37. Chapter Are you okay?

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Justins POV

“So, the limo pick you up at 6 o'clock. Then you go to the restaurant, the champagne will be cold and the food will already be ready when you come.” (Y/N) told me when I came into our bedroom.

“Then it goes directly to the casino, by the way, there is also a table-dance bar.” She didn’t looked up from her laptop. How could she organize everything in such a short time?

“I looked at the pictures of the dancers. They are really hot, so maybe you can go there.” She added, and showed me some pictures. I was too amazed to concentrate on it. Her eyes went to me, because I haven’t said anything yet.

“Are you okay?” She asked concerned. I wasn’t an hour with my mom and she already has everything done. I looked at her in surprise and nodded.

“Sure, I'm feeling great.” I assured her and sat beside her at the table. She stroked me on my cheek and studied my face.

“Did you cry?” She asked in a whisper and frowned. I looked at her and nodded ashamed. I forgot that one always recognizes when I cried because of my red eyes.

“My mom is always so sentimental and well, I can’t stand it when she cries.” I whispered back. Around her lips played an understanding smile. Her face came closer to my hesitant, she closed her eyes and placed her lips on mine.

“I love you so much.” She whispered against my lips. To hear these words from her was balm for my soul. I stroked her face and hair, admired her beauty and gave her another kiss. We are perfect together, I want her to be my wife. Is it too early to ask her?


“Good morning, Grandma. Where is (Y/N)?” I asked as I walked into the kitchen. She smiled at me as she just made ​​coffee. Last night, there was a big dinner with the whole family and closest friends. (Y/N) has finally met all of them who are important to me. And I can’t wait to finally meet her family.

“She was awake very early. I think she went with your mother into town.” My grandma told me when my grandpa just came into the kitchen and greeted me. I looked questioningly at the two.

“Alone?” I asked and immediately reached for my phone.

“No, with your mother.” She said again.

“Yes, I understand but are the two alone?” I asked anxiously, looking for (Y/N)’s caller ID. Now, the two looked at me confused.

“I think one of those huge guys who is always running around you is with them.” Said my grandfather and came to me at the counter. Immediately, I was calmer, and saw also that (Y/N) has already sent me a picture of herself and my mother in a mall follow by Mike and Hugo. Even though I've said that we are safe here in Canada, I don’t want that (Y/N) runs through the city alone.

“Didn’t you wanted to go to the ice hockey training today?” Asked my grandpa and sat down next to me as I was eating my waffles. I looked frantically at my watch, right, shit, I'll be late. I jumped down from the chair and ran up the stairs to the bedroom. I heard my grandparents laugh.

“Khalil we have to go.” I cried in his room. He wanted to come, but I doubt that he is awake. I cautiously opened the door, to my surprise, Khalil was already dressed in his room and put on his chain.

“As to me it shouldn’t fail.” He said, laughing, as he saw me, wearing only boxer shorts. I rolled my eyes laughed and made my way to the bathroom.

“Okay, I'm done in 5 minutes.” I screamed and closed the door.

“Don’t you have your own bathroom?” Khalil asked and laughed.

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