chapter seventeen

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Jinx shifted the bag on her right shoulder to her other shoulder as she walked down the hard shoulder of the

Jinx shifted the bag on her right shoulder to her other shoulder as she walked down the hard shoulder of the motorway, she cautiously stepped slightly closer to the edge as a car roared by her. Jinx shivered as the cold air displaced by the car rushed by her, her ears distantly picked up the sound of a motorbike heading her way, it sounded like it was going fast, too fast. She looked over her shoulder and narrowed her eyes at the black motorcycle heading her way, he was speeding but it wasn't her problem. A crackle of pink energy up her spine compelled her to look back just in time to see the driver heading straight for her and leaving her just enough time to jump and roll out of the way and over the grass verge.

"Jesus!" Jinx yelped as her heart beat so fast it felt as if it would burst out of her ribcage and run away from fright.

"Nope." The motorcyclist shouted over the roar of his engine as a gunned the throttle. Jinx back flipped out of the way in time, she'd been taught how to deal with heroes on motorbikes during her time in HIVE but it was usually when she was trying to flee the scene of a crime, not defend her life.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Jinx demanded as she crouched low to lower her centre of gravity. The motorcyclist remained silent and attempted to run her over again Jinx waved a hand causing the bike's tyres to explode, she'd really wanted to get further away from Jump city before she was forced to commit any crimes but this was self defence, but instead of being flung wildly from his bike the rider leapt for her, the very shock of the action caused her to be too slow in her escape. Her neck snapped as feet and knees connected with her chest and a fist connected with her cheek.

"Unf!" Jinx gasped as she hit the floor and the air forced its way out of her lungs. Her eyes widened as the guy in black leather and motorcycle helmet raised his fist to hit her again, she flicked her wrist up in an attempt to hex him senseless when something cold and metallic was snapped around her upheld wrist. She gawped at it for a second, it was a steel bracelet with a stripe of red crystal running through it; she'd know it anywhere, that was a power inhibitor. Who would be so sure of who she was and so meticulously prepared to attack her and know just how she would react?

"Robin?" Jinx said hesitantly. The masked figure paused before punching her in the face and then sliding up the visor on the black motorcycle helmet, it was indeed Robin and if looks could have killed the one Robin was giving her would have vaporised her on the spot.

"What's with the covert get up?" Jinx asked quietly, trying to sound calmer than she was.

"It's bad press for me to be seen beating criminal scum to a pulp outside city limits." Robin growled and punched her again for good measure.

"Okay! Not cool! Stop that!" Jinx yelled angrily.

"I can keep on punching you all day after what you did to Kid Flash!" Robin shouted in Jinx's face, Jinx's eyes widened.

"Wh-what happened?" Jinx breathed shakily.

"You mean what did you do?" Robin snapped.

"Yes, what did I do?" Jinx demanded urgently.

"What has stealing all that stuff and breaking his heart made you loose your memory?" Robin shouted in an accusing manner, on impulse he leant forward over Jinx and grabbed her bag and emptied it out, he narrowed his eyes, it contained none of the items stolen earlier.

"That proves nothing, so the rest of the HIVE five ripped you off and you ran." Robin affirmed as he turned his gaze back to a very uncomfortable looking Jinx.

"What happened?" Jinx asked quietly.

"You kicked him in the head and taunted him, saying that for someone so fast he sure was slow." He quoted, he eyed jinx suspiciously, it seemed like she was trying to keep him talking but she wasn't doing anything at all, she hadn't even tried to defend herself when he hit her, she groaned in despair and raised her hands to her face and shook her head.

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