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"Thought Of You" - Justin Bieber

My head is pounding when I wake up the next morning. I know it's from all the shots of fire ball I downed last night after my encounter with Harry. Wine just wasn't cutting it after that.

I take a long enough shower for the water to turn cold, then spend almost an hour in the sauna. The entire time I am trying to erase the memories of what happened between Harry and I in the guest house kitchen. I had hoped that a nice, long shower would wash away the feel of Harry's lips on my neck and mouth, and the essence of his hands on my body.

It doesn't.

I spend most of the day online doing college courses so I won't have so many when it starts back up in September. The time goes far too fast, and it's five p.m before I know it. Mom had informed me this morning that we were going to have a family dinner in honor of Harry being home. Hadn't the party been enough?

I pull on my little black dress that Dad bought me last week when he was in Paris and a pair of flats before I head down to the dining room. I don't bother doing anything with my hair or makeup. Everyone, including Harry and Kate, are already sitting at the table when I arrive. The only open seat is between Mom and Harry. No, please no. I do not want to be anywhere near Harry.

Mom has lemon Parmesan baked chicken, Alfredo and broccoli stuffed shells, and garlic bread ready on the table. Once I sit down, everyone starts to fill their plates and easy conversation starts up. My parents discuss Dad's new movie that he'll be starting production on in a couple of weeks. Kate has her attention on her phone as she eats, and Harry thanks Mom for making his favorite dinner, going on to tell her how much he's missed it.

I stay focused on my food and try to ignore Harry's presence next to me. Everyone's attention goes to Dad as he explains what his new movie is about, but Harry turns his face to me, smirking. I roll my eyes at him and refocus on listening to dad and eating my dinner. A minute later, I almost jump out of my chair as Harry's hand brushes against my thigh underneath the table. I can't tell him to stop because everyone will hear me, so I attempt to stomp on his foot. It doesn't phase him, and he winks at me when no ones paying attention.

I start eating faster, trying to finish off my plate so I can be excused from the table. A soft laugh that's so low that I am the only one able to hear it falls from Harry's parted lips. He grazes his hand an inch farther, his thumb rubbing circles on my skin. He continues on until his fingers toy at the edge of my panties. My heart hammers in my chest, and I want to scream. I hate myself for reacting the way I do to him.

"I'm super full. It was a great dinner, Mom." I excuse myself and take my plate to the kitchen. Harry's eyes are burning a hole through me as I walk away.

A half hour later, Harry joins me in the second floor den. When he starts to speak, his voice to soft and low so no one else will hear him other than me. I doubt they would, though, with the house being as large as it is.

"You're turned on." Harry says, walking closer to where I set on the couch. "I make you so wet."

How the hell does he know that?

"No I'm not, and No you don't. Leave me alone, Harry." I keep my gaze on the tv.

"Yes you are, I can tell. Your cheeks are flushed, your pupils are dilated, and you were practically panting at the dinner table. No matter how much to try to push it away or ignore it, you know deep down that you're attracted to me physically." Harry sits down next to me, his thigh against mine. "You don't want it to be true that your adopted brother gets you all hot and bothered."

I swat at Harry's chest and stand up. Everything that he's saying is true and I need to get myself away from him.

"I was thinking about Wyatt at dinner, don't flatter yourself." I lie.

Wyatt and I exit the Dodgers stadium hand in hand when the game ends. He's walking so fast that I can barely keep up with him. He pushes me up against his car in the parking lot and kisses me before we get inside. The drive back to his place is short and it feels like I'm suffocating from the tension in the car.

Wyatt's hands and mouth are all over me before we even get the front door to his house shut. I kiss him hard and wrap my legs around his hips as he hoists me up against the wall, trying to erase the image of Harry and I from my mind.

"You're feisty tonight, babe." Wyatt says against my lips. He grasps my thighs and carries me through the house until we're in his bedroom.

Our clothes are off in minutes, and he's on top of me with a condom already on. My heart is beating so rapidly, but not for the reason Wyatt thinks. Not for the reason that it should be. He pushes my legs apart and positions himself in between them, ready to get things done. I gulp down a few breaths of air, trying to prepare for what's about to happen. I have too many things on my mind, too much stress pulling me down, and realize I do not want sex with Wyatt tonight.

"Wyatt, stop."

"Okay, okay, I'll stop teasing and get on with it." He says against my neck.

"No, I mean stop, I don't want this tonight."

"You're serious? You got me all hyped up and now you're going to bail? Get the hell out of my house. You can find your own way home." Wyatt shouts. He groans and climbs off me, pulling off the condom and slamming the door to his en suite bathroom.

I pull my clothes back on as fast as I can, wishing more than anything that I had driven myself instead of riding with Wyatt. I text Kate on the way out the door, but get no reply. Maybe she's already heading back home. Mom and dad had left to go see a movie right before I left with Wyatt, so they won't be able to pick me up. I call Jade and get her voicemail. There's only one person left to call, and it's either that or walk the seven miles back home.

Fifteen minutes later I am climbing into the front of Harry's Range Rover. He wears a smug look on his face, but doesn't say a word, and he's surprisingly quiet the whole way home. I'm starting to think that we can both forget about what happened the night before until he locks the door of his Range Rover just as we pull into the drive way.

"Just please let me out. I'm not in the mood to deal with you today."

"Admit it."

"I don't have anything to admit." I say.

"Admit that you liked our kiss. I know you did, but I just want to hear you say it."

Since when was Harry so cocky?

"I have a boyfriend, Harry, and besides, you're my BROTHER."

"ADOPTED brother. We're not blood related. I bet Wyatt can't kiss half as good as me. I bet he doesn't make you as wet as I do, either. Just admit it, Stella."

I am never going to admit it to Harry or anyone else how much I liked the kiss. Never going to let him know how fast my heart was racing when his lips pressed against my neck, or how wet I got when he kissed me with his tongue pushing into my mouth. Never going to let him in on what I couldn't stop myself from doing last night in bed while thinking about his hard body pressed up against mine.

"You're imagining it." I lie.

Harry's hand snakes out and rubs up my thigh, and I stiffen under his touch. Despite it being dark, I see him move in toward me, my breath hitching in my throat. I lean in, wrapping my arm around his torso and press the unlock doors button. Before he can get a chance to do whatever he had planned, and before I give in to my urges again, I am out of his vehicle and sprinting inside.

((What would you do you if you were Stella? Tell me in the comments.))

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