Twenty Eight.

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"My Everything" - Ariana Grande
"Say You Won't Let Go" - James Arther

Two days later, we're all dressed in black as we stand in the grave yard, watching with sad expressions as Dad's casket is lowered into the ground. I don't cry because I can't anymore. I've cried enough in the last couple of days to last me for a lifetime.

Mom stands in between Harry, Kate, and I as she tries to keep herself composed. I give her hand a squeeze and lean my head on her shoulder. I hate seeing her this way, and it breaks my heart all over again. The rest of the family and some close friends are gathered around us, some just staring straight ahead and others dabbing at their eyes.

When it's time to leave, I can't seem to get my legs to move. Leaving will make it final, and mean that Dad is really gone forever.

"Stella, come on. We need to go." Harry says, pulling at my hand.

I nod but still can't seem to move from where I stand or stop staring the the rectangular hole that Dad's casket is now in.

"Come on," Harry repeats, and this time I listen.

I turn on the heal of my boot and follow him toward his Range Rover that we all rode here in. He drives while Kate is in the passenger's seat, and I set in the back with Mom, hugging her all the way home.

When were all in the front room at home, I hurriedly flick the tv off. The L.A news anchors are talking about Dad. With his prominence in Hollywood as a great movie director, his death is kind of a big deal to the public. Mom doesn't need to be reminded of what's going on, it will only make things worse.

My phone rings as I'm walking toward the stairs. Stefan's name flashes across my screen, and I don't know if I'm ready to hear more bad news. Maybe he'll let me down easy, or maybe not, but I answer anyways, because I'll have to talk to him eventually. Why not get all the bad news at once and get it done and over with?

"Stella, how are you doing? I called you to set up a call back. We're seriously considering you for the movie. We need you to read lines with our male lead."
"What? Really? I thought I bombed my audition. I'll be there. When is it?"
"You do need a little work, but your innocence is perfect for the part."

Fifteen minutes later, I'm downstairs telling Harry, Kate, and Mom about my good news. My callback audition is this weekend, and surprisingly Mom is happy for me. Maybe she's finally realized that I'm trying to follow my dreams.

"You can just come back to NYC with me tomorrow when I leave and stay at my place." Harry says. "I mean, if you want to."

Mom gives us a tight lipped look like she knows that there's still something going on between Harry and I. It makes me uncomfortable, and I start to fidget in my chair at the kitchen table.

"Will you be okay here? Alone?" I ask her.

"I'll be alright, honey. Kate and Levi are going to be staying here with me until their wedding. They insisted on it."

"Okay," I tell Harry. "I'll stay with you for a while, but eventually I'll have to get my own place."

He gives a silent agreement, and I flee from the room to go back upstairs as I can't handle anymore of Mom's knowing looks. Once in my room, I start packing my bags, using three huge suitcases because I don't know how long I'll be in New York for.

Around eleven Harry pushes my bedroom door open and creeps inside to set on the edge of my bed. I'm still wide awake, not able to sleep because there's too much going on.

"What's on your mind?" He asks softly.

"Oh you know, Dad, my call backs, Cruz almost seeing us kiss in that photobooth at my party, Mom knowing that something was/is going on between us, NYC. . . you." I set up now, and he leans in to kiss me. I melt into him, feeling as if it's been forever since I felt his lips on mine.

"Everything is going to work out, things will get better soon. They have to." He encourages, and I hope he's right.

"I don't see how, though. What we said when we were mad and jealous is still right. We can never be together out in the open where people know were adopted siblings. It's always going to be secrets and hiding." I say. The stress of all this gives me a headache.

Harry pulls me against his bare Chest and kisses me again. His tongue skims my bottom lip and pushes inside my mouth as he guides me down onto my back. He's on top of me in seconds, parting my thighs with one of his. This isn't going to fix anything but it feels damn good and gets my mind off of our problems.

"I don't know what the future holds for us, but we have right now to do what we want." He says between kisses. "We'll have every night together in NYC and we can live like that until we figure out what's next. Neither of us will be with anyone else. My body will be totally yours. How does that sound?"

"It sounds amazing." I murmur against his lips as I feel the pressure from him between my thighs. "But let's wait until we get there where no one can catch us in the act." I push at his chest and he whines.

"Fine," he says as he climbs off of me and off the bed. "But the minute we get to my house, I'm going to give you the best orgasm of your life, little sister."

"Is that a threat?" I ask, already throbbing between my legs, already imagining all the things he's going to do to me.

"A promise."

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