Twenty Three.

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"Love In This Club" - Usher

I'm wearing a strapless red dress that hangs to my mid thigh paired with black ankle length leggings, black heels, and a matching leather jacket. I bought it at a mall that's close to the hotel because September in New York is colder than I thought.

Kate and I are in Harry's Range Rover, and this time I'm riding in the front. He's still wearing the same outfit as earlier except for the tie. Him and Kate are discussing her wedding plans while I stay silent, trying not to think about all the things I wish would happen again between us.

Soon enough, were walking into The Red Rose and it's already getting crowded. Harry shows his I.D, and the bouncer let's all three of us in after looking over the guest list. It's dark inside, with a huge dance floor in the center of the room, a bar, a seating area with tables, and a V.I.P section on the upper balcony.

"Shall we get drinks?" Harry asks over the pounding music.

Kate and I both agree, and I head towards the bar. Harry's hand lands on my lower back, making me hold my breath.

"It's this way." He says close to my ear and guides me to the wide staircase. "We have V.I.P access."

We set at a table in the very back of the upper balcony that already has a chilled bottle of wine in the center. Somehow, I don't know how to act around Harry, or what to say. What if we get talking and Kate picks up on the vibes between us?

"Wine?" Kate asks me.

"I'm going to need something stronger, it's been a stressful week."

We all order shots of Crown Royal Apple when a bartender approaches our table, and he's back with them within minutes. Harry and I's gazes meet from across the table, and his lips part just slightly. I can't stop staring at him, except to steal a glance at Kate who sits between us. I need to make sure she's not watching us.

"Kate, let's go dance." I suggest, tugging on her arm.

She's too preoccupied with her phone, yet again. When she looks up, she looks clueless, and obviously didn't hear what I said. I repeat myself and she agrees, looking to Harry first. Just as we're about to get up, a man, maybe a little older than us, walks up to our table.

"Styles, my dude, you made it. Who are these fine ladies?"

Styles? Since when did Harry go by his birth last name? Since my parents adopted him, legally his last name is Edward like the rest of the family.

"This is Stella and Kate. They were just heading down to dance." Harry looks to us. "This is Stefan Wilde, he's my co director, and a movie producer."

"Nice to meet both of you." Stefan says. "Let's join them on the dance floor, Styles?"

Two minutes later, the four of us are on the crowded dance floor, and I can't hear anything over the pounding of the music. Some random girl is grinding on Harry, and he's staring at me as it happens. I dance with Kate but I can tell that she's not really into it, and she's constantly checking her phone.

Before the next song starts, she whisper yells to me. "Going outside for some air. I'll be back."

The minute Kate clears the dance floor, Harry parts from the girl he was dancing with and has his hands on my hips. His mouth teases near my neck, and I could do him right now. My heart beat in my ears drowns out the loud music as he grinds against me, and Stefan is no where to be seen.

"Harry, stop." I moan.

"You don't want that." He comes close to my mouth with his and I'm already parting my lips and leaning forward when he breaks contact.

Stefan is suddenly right next to me, probably the reason Harry stepped away from me. He pulls me aside, and I cross my arms over my chest, looking up at him.

"Can we talk? Somewhere that it's not so loud?" He asks.

I'm about to tell him no when he cuts me off.

"It's not what you think. I'm not hitting on you. I just heard you're into acting, and I'm interested."

My eyes widen, and I follow him back to the upper balcony. Harry is trailing us a few feet away. We stand at the edge where we can look down at the dance area and the bar. Stefan explains that he's producing a new movie where the lead role has to be a beautiful girl, and that he thinks I would be perfect for it.

"You're so young and innocent looking." He says. "And that's the look we need for the character I have in mind for you. Are you free next week? That's when the auditions are."

"Of course. Yes. I'll be there." I answer, trying not to act too excited.

"Good. I'll text the address and details to Mr. Styles, and he can relay them to you. What's the name again?"

"Stella Edward. Thanks again, Stefan."

"The pleasure is all mine." He says and winks at me before excusing himself to the bathrooms.

I don't know how in the world I'm going to tell Mom and Dad about this when they're so dead set on my college degree getting finished first, but I'll find a way. This is a huge opportunity for me that I can't pass up.

Harry is behind me the second Stefan leaves with two shots in his hands, one for the both of us. I down it just as fast as Harry gives me it. We reclaim our table in the back, and he informs me that Kate is calling an Uber to take her back to the hotel because her fiancé Levi isn't okay with her being here. I roll my eyes because that's ridiculous; Kate is the loyal type and would never do anything to betray him.

Harry and I keep ordering more shots as the minutes tick by. We stay mostly quiet because I'm not sure what to say around him anymore. Does he still love me like I love him? Or did that ship sail when he left a month and a half ago?

"Let's go dance again." He suggests.

When we're back on the crowded dance floor, Harry is all over me, starting where we left off before. His hands set low on my hips, and his mouth is at my neck. His hot breath fans across my skin, making me shiver as we move to the beat of the music.
Somehow, I keep almost tripping over my own feet, and then his. It must be all the shots catching up to me. I pull his face to mine, and go in for a kiss but he avoids it. I look up to him, heart pounding, face colored in confusion.

"Not yet." He says. "Listen, we're both too drunk to drive back. Let's call an Über and you can stay at my place tonight. I'll call and let Dad know that you're safe."

((Thanks soooo much for all the reads, votes, and comments. ❣️❣️❣️ if you liked this chapter, please vote!))

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