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"Jealous" - Nick Jonas

Another boring week has passed, filled with nothing but college work and texts with Cruz. He seems like a nice guy and just what I need, but I can't get Harry out of my mind. He'll be back tomorrow for Mom and Dad's annual Fourth Of July Celebration. I had thought he would be gone longer. His text message from last week floats through my memory over and over again.

"Your body is mine when I get back to L.A 😏"

I spend the rest of the day trying to focus on my work, unsuccessfully. Around eleven when I'm laying in bed, I give in to what I've been thinking about all day and text Harry back.

"Is that a threat or a promise?"

I wait impatiently for a reply. Two minutes pass, then fifteen, then a half an hour. Maybe he already went to bed, or maybe he's busy. I drift off to sleep, dreaming about what we done in the Caribbean.

Harry had gotten home sometime in the wee hours of the morning while I was still asleep. I knew it when I came down for breakfast and saw his luggage sitting near the bottom of the stairs. It's now around two in the afternoon, and I haven't seen him all day.

"Harry came home, right?" I ask Mom as she passes me, heading to the kitchen.

"Yeah, four this morning. He's out doing something now. He said he would be here for the party, though."

I shower, and pull on my red bustier mini party dress and white flats. I make sure my hair and makeup look as flawless as possible with the fact in mind that Harry will be here. His sexy threat he sent via text still hangs in my mind, and I can't wait for him to follow through with it.

Five thirty rolls around, and when I make my entrance out into the backyard, the party is already going strong. I don't know a lot of the people here, as they are friends of my dad's from work. With him being a movie director, he knows quite a big amount of people. Mom also invited some of her work friends and clients who I don't know. A group of my friends hover on the patio in their bathing suits.

Where is Harry?

I walk further into the party, heading through the crowd to the tables of food that set under the vendor tent. When I still don't see him, I decide to head over to where my friends are. Maybe he's not even here yet.

Just as I turn in that direction, I spot Harry standing with a group of people with his arm around a girl. My chest falls into my stomach, and I bite down on my bottom lip hard. I thought my body was his when he got back to L.A? I know Harry is in no way mine, but the sight of him touching someone else still effects me. I decide to approach him and his group, just so I can see what's really up. Maybe she's just his friend.

"You're back from New York? I haven't seen you all day." I say as I near Harry. He, along with the other seven or eight around him, twist to look at me.

"Yeah, got home this morning." Harry says, acting uninterested.

"Is this your annoying sister you always talked about?" A tan guy with pretty brown eyes asks.

"Yes, this is Stella."

Everyone nods and says their hello's, even the girl who is cuddled against Harry with his arm around her.

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