Thirty Six.

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"If Our Love Is Wrong" - Calum Scott

Six months later:

A young news reporter with a cameraman behind her follows me down the crowded New York sidewalk, and a crew of sleazy TMZ paparazzi men trail me on the other side.

"Stella? Stella! Why did you split with Asher? Did he cheat!?"
"Stella! Stella Edward! Over here for a picture!"
"Stella! Are the rumors true? Are you hooking up with Harry Styles? Isn't he your step brother?"

I ignore all of them. They only want to make money off my story and from my pictures. Our movie turned out to be a bigger hit than anyone thought. It's good for my career as new movie offers are coming in from everywhere, but terrible for my personal life. It's hard to be with Harry and having to be so discreet about it, but we both knew it would be.

A TMZ reporter throws a paper at me, and I catch it so it won't hit me in the face. He gives a nasty grin and walks away. I stuff the paper in my purse, just so I can get away faster. It's in the middle of the day, and I'm supposed to be meeting Kate for lunch. . . Five minutes ago.

The restaurant is surrounded by paparazzi, but they're not allowed inside with their cameras. I push through them and slip inside the front door, finding Kate immediately. Once seated at the table, and after ordering my salad, I pull out the crumpled up paper from my purse.

"Stella Edward and Harry Styles! Adopted siblings? Are they together? Find out in episode 1 of our feature documentary series 'TABOO'!" It reads. A picture of the two of us kissing outside a movie theater is printed below.

My heart drops into my stomach and my mouth goes dry. We'd slipped up, and apparently big time. We had been kissing in public places, the thrill of getting caught turning us on even more. I had thought we were being careful, that no one had actually caught us.

"You look like you've seen a ghost, Stella. You alright?" Kate asks after our food arrives at our table. She grabs for the paper in my hand. "What's that?"

"I'm fine," I say, quickly tucking the paper back into my purse. "It's nothing, just a flyer for a charity event."

Kate starts to reply but I speak first before she can even get one word out.

"Harry and I are together. We've been together since the day after the movie premiere six months ago." I say all in one breath.

My sister's eyes go wide but only for a few seconds. It feels good to say it out loud, get it off my chest after months of silence and secrecy. The pressure of our little secret was getting harder to deal with day by day. Harry knew it too, but neither of us brought it up.

"Kate, don't be mad at me. Don't hate me, please. You don't understand how—"

She cuts me off. "I knew there were things happening between the two of you ever since our family vacation to the Caribbean. You and him were screwing around in your bedroom that night when you woke me up. Harry said there was a bug, and I pretended that I believed his story. It was none of my business."

"You knew? This entire time?"

Harry and I could never keep our hands or bodies off each other, no matter how big the chances were of getting caught. No matter the consequences. Sooner or later, it would all come out in the open, and that documentary series could expose us to the world.

"Not specifics, and don't you dare tell me. I don't want to know." She says. "But if you're happy together, that's that."

I pull out the paper from my purse and slide it across the table to Kate. She reads it and shrugs.

"It airs on Hollywood Insight tonight. By tomorrow morning, everyone is going to know. Are you ready for that, little sister?"

"Please don't call me that." I say first. "I can handle it. I've learned a lot over the past months and I've grown stronger. Harry and I have grown stronger together. We can handle anything."

The words leave my mouth and I want to believe them, but the truth is that I'm scared down to the bone. What if the pressure becomes too much?

((So this is the second to last chapter. But I'm really, really thinking about rewriting the 'last' chapter so I can continue the story on. Or making a sequel to this, but starting in a future chapter here instead of creating an entire new book.
** tell me what y'all think ! I need opinions. ❣️❣️❣️

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