Twenty One.

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Love You Goodbye" - One Direction
"Ride" - SoMo
"One Last Time" - Ariana Grande

"Of course," I answer.

Harry flicks off the lights, leaving my room illuminated only by the pomegranate and vanilla candles that line my window sill. He scoops me into his arms, picking me up easily and placing me on the bed. With one hand, he guides my face to his, and his mouth comes down on mine for the most gentle kiss I've received from him.

"You're not the only one who fell hard." He tells me. Leaning in for another kiss, he moves his mouth on mine slow, instead of fast and hard like usual.

I melt into him, moving his perfectly tousled hair out of his face. Wondering if doing this will make it even harder to get over him, I'm hesitant when his hands grip the bottom of my nightie. He coaxes me into it wordlessly with his mouth on mine and his eyes sending unspoken messages.

Harry and I are naked beneath my blankets in minutes but he's in no hurry to take things further. With a condom already on, his hands caress my body, leaving nowhere untouched, his fingers grazing my skin like I'm the most delicate flower. The scent of his cologne and minty breath mix with the scent of my candles, making everything seem calm and relaxing.

"I don't want to get interrupted." I say.

"No ones home except us, Hun."

Hun? I find Harry's eyes with mine but he quickly avoids my gaze.

He finds his way between my legs with one hand, caressing me there as he continues his string of soft kisses down my neck. I have one hand on his shoulder and the other running down his back from the nape to the end of his spine. My heartbeat can be heard in my ears and felt throughout my whole body.

How can one person, the wrong person, effect me so deeply? It's not fair.

I try to savor the feeling of Harry's silky skin and lean muscles under my palms. The scent of his cologne, and the taste of his lips. I memorize what it's like to have his body weight on mine, pressing me down into the bed, and having his long curls act as a curtain around us when we kiss.

I'm already breathing heavily when Harry uses his thigh to push mine apart. My lower stomach is tight, and I'm pulsing between my legs, ready for him one last time. I feel him nudge against my opening, and I abruptly freeze up. Maybe because I know it will be the last time and I don't want it to be over yet, or maybe because something between us has changed and it feels somehow different, deeper.

"Hey," Harry says, "what's wrong? You good?" He kisses my lips, then my jaw. His finger comes up to wipe away a tear that has escaped down my cheek, a tear that I didn't realize had fallen. "I'll be gentle."

"I'm good, yeah." I whisper.

I pull Harry's mouth down to mine to kiss him as he slips inside, gasping against his lips as he fills me. My chest tightens, my heart tingles, and my eyes squeeze shut. I grasp onto him, clutching him tight as his strong body starts to rock into mine. Low, guttural moans roll off his tongue as he moves. His skin is warm under my hands, his eyes smoldering when they meet with mine.

He shifts above me, making his torturously slow thrusts rub against the place inside that drives me wild. We're both making small, quiet noises now. I hold him against me tight, not wanting to ever let go, and kiss him until I can't breathe. My hips move to meet with his instinctively, causing a breathtaking friction, a sensual rhythm that I can't get enough of.

Our kisses grow deeper, slower, and yet somehow more desperate. It's like neither of us can stop, or have the will to do so. He's thick and heavy inside me, and I'm enjoying it shamelessly, giving in to the pleasure he's causing. Three words are clawing at my chest, resting right on the tip of my tongue but I don't let them free. The longer we go on, the harder it is to reign them in.



"You mean a lot to me. You'll always mean a lot to me." He looks me in my eyes, and he's about to say something else, but changes his mind and kisses me again.

"You mean a lot to me, too."

It's like our words intensified everything even more. I hold onto Harry's shoulders and he grasps my hips as his thrusts get harder. He's losing control, losing himself in me. He grounds out my name between clenched teeth with each movement of his powerful hips.

"I'm right here, I'll always be here." I tell him breathless.

Harry's gaze locks with mine, and I know we're both thinking the same thing but not saying it. My insides are pulsing so fast around him now that it's almost too much. His deep moans blend with my whimpers as his mouth ravishes mine. What I feel for him is more than lust, it's love.

With a few more thrusts, he pushes me into a state of euphoria. I moan his name against his lips that are still moving on mine and writhe beneath his body, nails digging into his shoulders. Seconds later, he lets out a strangled, broken moan, throwing his head back, and his entire body stiffens then jerks atop of mine. We lay unmoving for several minutes, and I shudder when he pulls out.

My body is satisfied, but my mind is a wreck. I want to tell him how I feel, need to let it out, but afraid of the consequences. Harry leaves into the connected bathroom and returns a couple of minutes later. He pulls on his clothes in silence while I get back into my nightie. Once clothed, I walk across the room to his opening arms. The tears are about to come back full force.

"I love you." I murmur and try to pull away from him, my heart skyrocketing.

Harry doesn't let me go, but pulls me closer. "I know," he whispers, "and I love you."

My tears flow freely now as I hug him. "And I don't want you to go. I just wish we could work out and wish things could be different, somehow."

"Me too, but some things can't be changed. This isn't the end for us, just for a while. We'll find each other again, don't you worry."

His words make me cry even harder, but I nod anyways. We hug for a long, long time, maybe minutes, maybe hours. He unclasps my arms from around him and backs away, eyes still locked with mine.

"Until we meet again, little sister."

((Thanks for reading/voting/commenting. It makes me so happy that people are enjoying a story I just wrote for fun. Anyways, if you're ready for the next chapter, please vote❣️❣️❣️))

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