Thirty Two.

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"Human" - Christina Perri

Four months later

It's the day of Kate's wedding, and I'm in L.A. Stella and I flew here separately, and I hadn't even talked to her in at least a month. It was killing me on the inside but I would never admit it.

I see her in a floor length red dress when I park my Range Rover. She's standing outside the front doors of the venue looking as beautiful as ever. The sight of her long hair gives me flashbacks of our time in Key West, when I had her bent over with my hands tangled in the long strands. I wonder how she's doing, if she's happy, if she's missing me. I start to climb out of my Rover, but then I see him. I'm not sure who he is, but he's a blonde and pulls Stella into a tight hug. My heart falls into my gut as I watch her melt into him, and I grit my teeth as he tips her chin up for a kiss.

I push the images away and look at the ground as I walk toward the venue. I can't let this bother me, can't let my unwelcome feelings ruin Kate's special day. Mom exits the huge building and spots me the second she looks up, almost sprinting over to meet me. I hug her tight and act as if I'm fine, but she catches on.

"Harry, she's happy with Asher. He's good for her. Please don't do anything to mess that up. You two are finally going in the right direction. Don't tempt her, okay?" Mom pleads.

'Asher' can't compare to me. He can't make Stella feel the way I used to. He can't love her like I did, like I do. He doesn't know her like I do. Maybe he's good for her like Mom said, though. She doesn't have to hide her relationship with him, or be secretive about everything. It still hurts, but Stella and I always find our way back to each other. Harry and Stella against the world.

"I'm not going to ruin Kate's special day." I tell Mom before walking away.

I keep my head down as I pass her. I can't bare to see her in someone else's arms. The venue is crowded already with family members and friends filling the tables as I scour the room for my assigned seat. After a minute or two, I find mine and groan internally. My table consists of Mom, Stella, and Asher. It should be Dad with us, or no one at all. Asher isn't a part of the family.

Kate, wearing a hoodie and yoga shorts, comes barreling through the crowd towards me. Where the hell is her dress at? The wedding starts soon. Her hair is in an updo but she only has makeup on one eye.

"Harry, I missed you so much and I have a question. Can you be a fill in groom's man? Levi's brother is too sick to be apart of the wedding today. Well actually he was the best man, but anyways." Kate says in all one breath.

"Sure, but I don't have a matching tux. I only have this one with me." I answer, pointing to my midsection.

"Oh, God. Today is not going how it's supposed to." She rubs her temples and turns in a circle. "Just wear that one, it's close enough."

Kate runs off toward the back of the venue where the dressing rooms are at, and a few feet in front of me, Stella walks by holding hands with the blonde who must be Asher. I already can't stand him.

"Stella," I say without thinking. My eyes selfishly drink in her appearance, etching it into my memory for later.

She looks over at me from under her long lashes, her tongue slipping out to wet her full lips. Her mouth starts to move a few different times like she doesn't know what to say to me. It's okay though, because I don't know what to say to her either.

"Harry, nice to see you." She says in a rush and walks the few feet away before rounding the table. She shows Asher his seat and dismisses herself to the back.

I'm left standing alone in a crowded room with Stella's boyfriend's eyes lingering on me.

"So you and Stella know each other?" Asher asks.

She hadn't even spoke a word about me to him. My gut clenches. What would she say, though? " Asher, this is Harry. I'm in love with him, but he's my adopted brother? " No. Maybe she didn't dare speak of me because she no longer feels the same way about me. Maybe she's done with me for good.

Soon after, I'm wrangled into the back with the rest of the people who are in the wedding. We get lined up on either side while Stella, the maid of honor of course, gives instructions on when to start walking and where we're supposed to stand. She looks over at me every other word, trying to be inconspicuous about it.

When the music starts, Stella and I, as maid of honor and best man, walk down the isle with our arms linked together. We both act appropriately for the occasion and give smiles at the crowd. We part ways once we near the altar and stand on our separate sides. Once the other brides maids and groom's men are standing beside us, grandpa Edward brings Kate down the isle. Stella steals a glance at me, tears glistening in her eyes. I know she's thinking the same thing as me: Dad should be the one giving Kate away.

Stella and I keep stealing quick glances at each other throughout the whole ceremony. It's like neither of us can control our attraction towards each other. It's been too long. We walk arm and arm the opposite way down the isle after Kate and Levi are officially married, parting ways as soon as we're allowed to.

Later on when everyone is at the reception, I decide that I can't stand it anymore. I need to talk to her. I need to hear and see for myself that she's happy. Then, maybe I can move on for good. The reception hall venue is crowded, more so than the actual wedding, as I make my way through the massive room in search of her. I don't see her anywhere, it's like she disappeared.

As I pass the wide arch that gives way to the restrooms, I hear whispered shouts coming from around the corner. My eyes dart toward the argument and catch a glimpse of a beautiful red dress. Stella. I lean against the wall as to not be seen and eavesdrop. It's Asher who's with her. Of course.

"You said you would stay. What's so important in New York that you can't stay for just one night?"

"Stella, I told you, I have work and other important things to take care of."

"We never see each other anymore. That's all you do, work, work, work. . . And whatever those other important things you just have to do."

She stomps away around the corner, sees me, and throws her arms up in the air. I make an impulse decision and follow her once she's a good few feet in front of me. She leads the way down the perimeter of the room and out a back emergency exit door. When I catch up to her, she's sitting on a wooden bench near the outside wall with her face hiding in her hands.

"Stella, can we talk?" I ask, slowly getting closer. "You know we can always talk about anything." She doesn't respond so I set down next to her, a good few inches apart. "Tell me what's going on."

She raises up, revealing a tear streaked face. "Everything is wrong. No one can get along with each other on the movie set anymore. It's always fighting and drama. I think Asher is cheating on me." She pauses and wipes at her face. "I don't love him. I try to, but it's all wrong."

I nod but don't speak, waiting to see if she has more to say.

"And you know what's more wrong than everything else?" She asks.

"What's that?"

"I can't stop thinking about you."

((Thanks for all the reads, votes and comments! If you like this book so far... please let me know by voting. ❣️❣️❣️))

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