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"Adore" -Ariana Grande
"Ride" - SoMo
"I'm yours" - Jason Mraz

I wake up on the couch where I fell asleep last night, but now there's a pillow under my head and a blanket spread over my body. A smile stretches over my face at Harry's kind gesture, and because I feel much better than I did last night. It must have been the sea food.

When Harry and I have both showered and eaten breakfast, we head out to spend the day on the beach. I feel renewed today after the many hours of sleep I got, and later I hope that Harry wants to do a repeat of our first day of vacation. He gave it to me so good that it's hard to think of anything else when I feel his hands on my body. That's the reason we decided on this vacation, anyways.

The day passes by so wonderfully that I have to check every so often that I'm not dreaming. We take walks down the beach, attempt to build a sand castle, feed the sea gulls, and eat lunch at a small café that's in walking distance. Harry uses his phone to take pictures of me as I run across the hot sand, like a mini photoshoot. He steals kisses every so often, and I don't push him away. His lips feel so soft and gentle against mine, but I miss the roughness from the day before yesterday. He's probably saving it for tonight.

When night is approaching, Harry informs me that he got us seats for something called a sunset cruise. Apparently it's a two hour cruise with appetizers, drinks, and a perfect view of the sunset right over the ocean. It sounds fun, and we waste no time getting into the rental car and heading to the dock where we're supposed to board the cruise.

It's not as far as the ship we went on yesterday and it looks entirely different. While the other was a sail boat, this one resembles one the Disney cruises I went on, but much smaller and more sophisticated. Harry holds my hand as we board, and this time I don't shy away from him. I actually have grown to like the feel of my hand covered by his.

We are led to our table that's on the upper deck by a waiter. Harry orders himself a cherry vodka sour and a glass of wine for me. I widen my eyes at Harry and smile at the fact that the waiter didn't ask for I.D. Nice. Soft music starts to flow from the various speakers placed around the deck as the cruise moves away from the dock, and the waiter returns with our drinks.

After ordering the chicken lime quesadilla appetizer and finishing off our drinks, I'm starting to feel the tension leave my body. I love the way wine makes me feel worry free and happy. The cruise stills, probably because we're in the perfect spot to watch the sunset. The sky to the west is already starting to show stripes of oranges, yellows, and pinks.

Harry pulls me out to the small dance floor where couples are dancing to the music. He wraps me in his arms and holds me close, and I rest my hands on his shoulders. I glance at our surroundings out of habit, just to check to see if I spot anyone we might know. Obviously I don't, and I start to sway to the music.

This is sweet of Harry and fun, and the sunset will be beautiful, but I am getting desperate for his body. Desperately wanting to feel him rocking in and out of me again, and to hear his deep moans in my ear. I get wet just thinking about it, and can't wait until we're back at the hotel. We dance for a few more songs before an announcer lets everyone know that the sun will set in one and a half minutes.

People crowd around the edge of the deck, holding onto the metal bars for support. Harry and I stay near the back and wait. The sky is painted with beautiful pastel colors as the blindingly bright sun gets lower and lower. He stands behind me with both hands on my hips, his fingers inching ever closer to where I really want them. The crowd in front of us counts down from ten to one as the sun disappears, snapping pictures, and kissing their loved ones. Harry pushes my hair aside and kisses my neck, making me shiver.

Forty five minutes later, Harry and I are kissing as we enter our suite at the Marriott. As soon as we're inside with the door locked behind us, he lifts me up and carries me into the bedroom. From behind, he unzips my dress and let's it fall to the floor. He gets undressed in record time as I slip my panties and bra off. Instead of pushing me against the wall or bending me over the dresser, he guides me to sit on the edge of the bed with him. His mouth comes down on mine softly as he coaxes my lips apart with his tongue.

Tingles spread down my spine and throughout my body from the kiss. I gasp when he entwines his fingers with mine and starts to guide me down onto my back. The lights are off this time, no beaming sun, no blinding floor lamp. Once I'm on my back, Harry climbs on top of me, but doesn't push inside me. Instead he presses a string of soft kisses down my body, starting at my mouth. He spends extra time on the spot just below ear, making me whimper as I tangle my hands in his shoulder length hair.

The air between us this time is somehow different from before. Where as the night before last was all built up tension and lust from teasing each other, tonight seems slower and more sensual. We're not in a hurry, and he seems to be taking his time. It feels good, great even, but it's making me want to build up my walls. Our "relationship" is only supposed to be physical, but nights like this could make it easy to get feelings involved.

"Are you okay?" Harry asks.

I nod and wrap my legs around his waist, pushing up against him.

"Not yet," He pushes my legs back down on the bed and continues his trail of kisses.

We kiss and touch and tease until I'm almost dripping wet and tempted to beg him to get on with it. My lips are swollen and sensitive from moving on his so much, but it's still not enough. When he has the condom on, he eases into me, kissing me as he does. All the other times we've hooked up, he's never kissed me this much. His movements are slow this time, and I find myself clinging to him with my arms wrapped around him tight. I pull his face to mine for endless deep kisses as he moves inside me.

Harry kisses me in a way that makes my heart hammer and my chest tighten. I can't think of anything ever feeling better than this. His heart is hammering too; I can tell by the feel of his chest heaving against mine. He runs his hands through my hair, pushing the long strands away from my face. I know he's trying hard to keep his slow rhythm by his facial expression. When he's not kissing me, he's biting his bottom lip and tipping his head to the side. It's fascinating to watch.

"Does this feel good?" His voice sounds low and husky.


He speeds up. "How about this?"


Harry changes his angle minutely, and I start moaning and whimpering his name as he hits just the right place. I push away my oncoming climax, wanting the moment to last longer. His mouth moves down to suck on my hardened nipples, switching between the two. I need his mouth back on mine. As I fight to pull his face back up, my climax hits me hard and I cling to his body, clawing at his back with my nails. It sets his own release off moments later, and he buries his face in the crook of my neck.

He stays inside me longer than he needs to, but I don't complain. I lay underneath him, trying to catch my breath as I wind tendrils of his hair around my fingers and listen to his erratic heart beat. Soon, he gets up but returns minutes later with his boxer breifs back on. He hands me a shirt, which I realize is one of his T-shirt's and I pull it on.

I find myself going in for a kiss as he tugs one of the bed sheets over us. He kisses me back gently and snakes an arm around me. It's dangerous territory, but I snuggle into his chest. Harry places soft kisses over and over again to my mouth, neck, and collarbone until I'm so relaxed that I start to doze off. I'll deal with the consequences of what happened when I wake in the morning.

((Thanks for all the reads so far! If you liked this chapter, please leave some comments and VOTE. ❣️❣️))

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