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"Broken" - Seether Ft. Amy Lee
"Stay" - Rihanna

I'm exhausted, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

"I guess I should grab my clothes and head for my room. I'm so tired that I can barely walk."

"We only have tonight left. Just stay in here with me."

Something about the sincerity in his deep voice draws me in. Harry's right. We have tonight left until we have to figure out what to do about our situation. In his arms is where I want to be, so what would be the point of leaving when our time is ticking down? I pull the cover back and climb underneath it, moving so that my back is against Harry's front. He repositions the blanket over us and wraps his arm around me tight, holding me close.

"Good night," he murmurs against my neck as he plants a soft kiss.

"Night," I say back.

The next morning, I wake up in panic mode. I'm still wrapped in Harry's arms, still wearing his T-shirt, but events of what have to happen today hang heavy in the air around me. Harry and I have a lot to talk about, and a lot to figure out. I lay awake chewing at my bottom lip until he stirs almost an hour later.

"Morning," he grumbles. His voice sounds much deeper than normal, and its something I like.

I twist around in his arms and nuzzle into his chest, not wanting to face the day. Forty five minutes later, were both showered and dressed, sitting cross legged on his bed. Neither of say anything, but the tension in the air is palpable.

"This is your fault, you know?" Harry says. "You gave us away last night when I was covering for you."

"She knew about us, anyways."

"Yeah, but if you wouldn't have done that, we might of had a few more times to be together."

I sniffle and cross my arms over my chest. "If you would have let me go back to my own room, she wouldn't have came knocking in the first place. So, it's kind of your fault too. Anyways, we're above legal age. She can't force us into or out of anything."

"Right, but the fact that she knows is a little much to deal with, don't you think? Our mother knows we fücked, her biological daughter and her adopted son."

"So, what are we going to do?" I ask.

"I'm most likely moving into my new house starting tomorrow. I don't know what your plan is."

A nauseous feeling settles in my stomach at the fact that last night was probably Harry and I's last night together. It's just occurred to me how much I don't want whatever we have going on to end so abruptly, so soon. I crawl across the bed and straddle his lap, my arms wrapping around him as I bury my face in the crook of his neck. His soft curls tickle the side of my face.

"I've screwed up, Harry." I say. "I've messed around and fell for you hard, and I don't want you to go."


I lean back so I can look him in the face, and his eyes are a wild green, almost burning into mine. He feels it, too. The longing. The lust. The love. His fingers make trails through my long hair as we set in the silence. I trace the shape of his lips with my finger and watch as he lets his eyes flutter shut.

"Stella, don't make this harder than it has to be. We should go."

Tears prick at the backs of my eyes but I hold my breath, trying to keep them in. I will not cry over Harry. I'm not going to be weak.

"Yeah, I guess we should." I untangle myself from him and head toward the door. I already miss his warmth. Harry follows a few feet behind me, and my heart shatters with each step I take down the stairs.

I don't pay attention to what Harry does after that. I grab a granola bar from the cabinet, and sprint back to my room before anyone can see me. I tend to wear my emotions on my face, plain and clear for everyone to read. The day passes slowly as I mope around, not even able to focus on my college work.

Mom checks on me around eight, just because she hasn't seen me all day. I act like everything is fine, like my heart isn't broken in a million different pieces, like I'm not yearning for someone I can't have. She seems to believe me and leaves after that.

At ten thirty there's another knock on my door. Maybe Mom didn't believe my story after all, and she's here to get the real story. I open the door, plastering a huge smile on my face that takes more effort than lifting weights. When I look up, it's Harry who is standing in front of me. The fake smile falls from my face, replaced by a blank stare, and this time I'm not strong enough to push the tears away.

"Harry," I say with tears falling down my cheeks.

He walks inside and locks the door behind him, not saying a word. He wraps me in his arms and I cry against his chest. Why is he here, anyways? To tell me I'm crazy for falling so hard for him? To make my wounds even deeper? He rubs soothing circles into my back with one hand and runs his other through my hair.

"Don't cry." He whispers.

"Why are you here?"

"To say goodbye. I just got the call today from Warner Brothers Studios. I got the co-director gig for one of their upcoming movies. It's going to be filmed partly in New York and partly in Canada. I'm going to be gone for a long time." His voice is soft, but shaky. "Maybe it's for the best."

I still don't know why he's here, though, and look up at him with glistening eyes.

"I thought we could have one last night together before things really have to end between us. If you'll have me?"

((Thanks so much for reading and voting, as always!! Just seen that this story is number 2 in the #hariana tag, so thanks for that too! Who's excited for the next chapter??..))

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