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"Toxic" - Britney Spears

Harry had been teasing me ever since I agreed to have some 'fun' with him this week on vacation. The very thought of it turned me on like no other. We hadn't done anything since my agreement, only soft brushes of his hands against my thighs when we'd pass each other in the house, and the occasional threat of the massive orgasms he planned to give me.

After a long flight, we are finally in the Caribbean. The beach is beautiful and sparsely lined with huge vacation houses. I've been a mess since we boarded the plane hours ago, not able to stop thinking about what Harry and I might do. We make a few trips each, carrying in our suit cases, and the other belongings we brought with us.

Harry sneaks up behind me while I'm unloading my suitcases in my temporary bedroom on the second floor. I jump back, dropping a few shirts on the floor.

"Jumpy much, little sister?" He teases, walking closer to me.

I back up, and Harry closes the space between us. Against the wall, his body is flush against mine, and I squeeze my eyes shut as he leans in for a kiss. He moves his lips on mine roughly, pushing his tongue into my mouth, lapping, exploring, teasing. He steps back, staring at me with a smug grin. The kiss lasted less than thirty seconds but I am left gasping.

"Just a sneak peak for later." Harry promises and leaves me with my suitcases.

The guilt, shame, and disgust are pinching at the edge of my conscience, and I don't know whether I should push it away or welcome it. Ever since Harry kissed me in the guest house kitchen, my mind has been chaos. So many emotions, so many highs and lows.

After an eventful day of exploring the island attractions and eating at a few of the beach cafés, were all sat around a fire. It reminds me of what people do when they go camping in movies, except were on a tropical island, not in the middle of the woods. I've never been camping before.

It's pitch black outside, except for our fire and tiki torches. The warm breeze blows my hair into my face as I stare blankly at the orange flames. Soft music flows from the speakers that set on the back deck of the beach house, setting the relaxing mood. I'm not relaxed, though. Harry keeps giving me these looks from across the circle we've formed around the fire, teasing me with his eyes and expressions.

"I'm kind of tired from all the walking today, not to mention the flight. I think I'll just go to bed early tonight so I'll be ready for tomorrow." I say, already standing up.

"You sure, hun?" Mom asks.

"Yeah, yeah, we have the rest of the week. Turning in early one night won't hurt. I am so tired." I explain. What I really mean is that Harry is driving me wild, and I need to get away from him so I can calm down.

Once inside, I shower, change into the pink silk nightie I brought with me, and crawl into the huge bed in the center of my room. The shadows from the fire flicker across the window in mesmerizing patterns. I watch them until they eventually die out. I don't turn on the tv or any music, but listen to the sounds of the family downstairs, but soon they all quiet down too. It's just me and the soothing noise of the ocean lapping onto the beach.

The bedroom door creaks open, and my heart leaps in anticipation, but sinks when I see it's Mom. She says she's just checking on me to see if I'm okay, and leaves. The whole house falls silent as everyone must have gone to bed. Everyone except for me. I get tingles at every little sound over the next hour, thinking its Harry but it never is. Maybe he had decided against our plans, and I can't choose if I should be relieved or disappointed. After a couple more minutes I start to fall asleep, coming to the conclusion that he must not want to do anything tonight.

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