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“When you get lost in a really strange place, 
nothing is more comforting than found your 
friend whom you trust and can show the way.” 
― Toba Beta, My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut

When they reached the mines...

Gimli: The Wall... of Moria. Dwarf doors are invisible when closed.

Gandalf: Yes, Gimli, their own masters cannot find them, if their secrets are forgotten.

Legolas: Why doesn't that surprise me?

Raenaslee: Why does that uninterested me?

Gimli: (grumbled but said nothing)

"Now...let’s see. Ithildin” Gandalf said. Beneath his hand ran spidery silver lines, it was faint beneath the dirt of ages.

"It mirrors only starlight and moonlight." He added. It outlined a door formed of two columns beneath an arch with a star in the center. Writing in a strange tongue appeared in the arch. Gimli stared in awe at the gate of his forefathers.

Gandalf: It reads “The Doors of Durin - Lord of Moria. Speak, friend, and enter”.

Merry: What do you suppose that means?

Gandalf: Oh, it’s quite simple. If you are a friend, you speak the password, and the doors will open. Annon Edhellen, edro hi ammen!

Pippin: Nothing’s happening.

Gandalf: I once knew every spell in all the tongues of Elves...Men...and Orcs.

Pippin: What are you going to do, then?

Gandalf: Knock your head against these doors, Peregrin Took! And if that does not shatter them, and I am allowed a little peace from foolish questions, I will try to find the opening words!

Raenaslee: (placing a hand on Pippin’s shoulder) it’s alright Pippin, he’s just confused why the walls didn’t open, just let him think something.

The words from the voice of the most beautiful love made the heart of Pippin thankful. Raenaslee sat next to Legolas as she was watching the surroundings, Gimli and Boromir sat on a rock, Sam and Aragorn unsaddling Bill and Pippin and Merry throwing rocks at the water. She was getting tired and she rested her head on Legolas’ shoulder that caused his heart beat faster, then he wrapped his arms around her shoulder and kissed her forehead and that caused the she-elf flushed.

Legolas: You look tired, Raenaslee. Why can’t you sleep?

Raenaslee: Don’t you mind?

Legolas: No, just rest and I will wake you up.

TALE OF LEGOLAS AND RAENASLEE (LOTR STORY)Where stories live. Discover now