Chapter 3

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I feel bad that louis payed for the dinner. He didn't have to pay for mine I would have bought it. Should i give him money for my dinner?

"Okay so do you guys wanna go up to the bar?"Ally asks


"Sure" basically everyone but me replies

I really don't want to go up to the bar. I'm not going to drink. I have drank before I just don't do it that often. I just don't really have a purpose or a reason to, so I don't.

Everyone ordered beer and I decide to call a cab, I don't want to be here if all they are going to do is drink. I go walk up to Ashley, louis and Caitlin are next to her

"Hey, I think I'm gunna call a cab and go back to the dorm." I tell Ashley

"Come on, please stay." She begs

"No I think I'm going to go back, I just got in today and I'm tired."

"Okay if your sure."

"Hey, if you want me to drive you back I can." Louis offers

"No, I don't want to cause you any trouble." I tell him

"No its fine, I wouldn't want you to spend so much money on a cab when its not that far away." Louis said

He is so nice, he actually offered to drive me home.

"Okay sure if it doesn't cause you any problems."

"No problems at all, I was going to leave soon anyway." Louis explains

As he pays his bill for his drinks I walk up to Ashley

"Im going with louis he's gunna drop me off at the dorm." I tell her

"Okay sure if theirs any problems just text me."

Louis walks behind me while I finish my conversation.

"Okay thanks have fun, text me if any things wrong too!"

Then I turn around to louis and he looks kinda tired, he's smiling at me though.

"Ready to go?" louis asks

"Yeah!" I say with a smile

We head toward the door and he speeds up to grab the door what a gentlemen. Then we walk to his car, he has a nice grey car I think its a Ford Fusion.

He walked to my side of the car and opened my door. I wonder if he treats everyone like this or just me?

I hear my phone go off but I choice to ignore it, I don't want to be rude or anything

"You live in Ashley's dorm right?" he asks

"Yeah you know were that is right?" I ask hoping he knows where.

He pulls out if the restaurant.

"Yeah I've been to her dorm before, and its pretty close to the soccer fields."

"Really I haven't been their yet." I say

"Wanna go their no one will see us."

"Its ten at night were going to get in trouble."

"By who, and if someone does catch us what will they do expel us?" He said

He makes a good point.

"Okay fine but were going to see it for a little then go, okay?"

"Ya sure as long as you see it."

Seeing all of the buildings for the first time is cool. I've seen some of them from going to my dorm for the first time, and going to Red Robin but we are taking a different rout.

I look around a little more then I look at his wrist he has a lot of tattoos. He has like a tattoo bracelet that has like a pretzel in the middle. Then he has some type of bird, and a pack man tattoo. Their all really random.

In about two minutes we pull into a parking lot, all I see is a huge soccer field.

"Wow!" is all I can say

"That was my reaction at first too." Louis said knowing how I felt.

"Wow um okay wanna go down there?"

He took the keys out of the car and we both walked down the stairs and onto the field. We sat were the players would normally sit.

"Wow this is going to be me playing on this feild. It never felt real until now. I still haven't met any of the players yet, I hope they like me." I explain

"For me it was different, I have an older brother that went here He's 27 now. He was on the soccer team and me and my family would always go to his games so I just always grew up knowing I would end up here." He explained

"How did you know you would make it?" I ask

"I didn't I just hoped for the best and I got it." He says

"That's nice I don't have any brothers and sisters so I just applied for colleges and I ended up coming here!" I explain to him

"That's cool, um wanna start heading back now, before it gets too dark."

"Ya sure lets go."

We both stand up and head to the stairs. I still cant believe that will be me on that field.

We walk up the stairs and I keep looking back at it, Its so different then how I imagined it.

Then we go to his car and pull away. The drive is short to the dorms. Im probably going to walk to the field for practices and games. I love how close it is.

"Here, we are!" louis says

Then he gets out of the car, why is he getting out? I open my door too and he walks me up the stairs.

"You know I can walk by myself, you don't have to do this." I tell him

"I know but I want too."

He is a really nice guy!

I open my dorm and he says Goodnight, and walks away. I go inside, then I hear I knock on my door. I get up to go check.

"Hey, um I never got your number." He awkwardly says

"Oh here."

Then I give him my number, and he gives me his.

"Goodnight." He tells me

"You too."

I smile and shut the door.

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