Chapter 77

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I wake up from my alarm blasting in my ear, I roll out of my confy bed and turn on the light next to the mirror. It's a dim light that only lights up the area by the sink. I twist the nozzle to turn the sink on I brush my teeth and here Ashley groan.

"Get back to bed." She attempting to throw one of her pillows next to her, she misses and it lands on the floor at the foot of my feet.

"We have classes, you can sleep for a little more though." I say before spiting the tooth paste into the sink.

I walk into my cold closet and wrap my hands around my arms, cold from not starting the heat. I slide up a light washed pair of jeans up my legs, I pick out a cute base ball tee thats maroon and grey to go along. I braid my hair off too the side and pull out my black north face, if I don't wear some type of coat I will freeze. I put on a pair of purple sockes and slide a pair of uggs on. I zip up my coat , grab my books and head off to the coffee shop.

I wait in line then order a late to go.
I walk off to class, nervous to see Harry. It will be hard seeing him, I miss him. I know I'm terrible for saying that but it's true I miss someone I just saw the day before. Someone I shouldn't miss, someone I should be mad at and not even talking too. But at this second all I want is to be happy with Harry. Just to forget about all this drama that has been happening for the past few days. It's weird to think, Harry said all those cruel things to me four days ago. So many things has happen in that time period, it's crazy.

I sit down in my usual seat and watch the class fill up, as I wait for Harry to walk in. It's diffrent this time, it's usually I'm angry with him and he is showing up to my dorm and drawing me back in. But this time it's diffrent, he is angry at me for something he shouldn't. I also am angry with him. Neither of us are not angry at eachother, so it's diffrent. Neither of us will be showing up at eachothers dorms asking for forgiveness this time around.

As I watch the class fill up, Harry never shows. Does he really hate me this much to skip his class? Mrs. Coleman starts the class and I sit alone, trying to focus on my studies and not about where Harry can be.

Class ends and Harry never showed up late, not that I was waiting for him or anything. I go to the rest of my classes, and sit through all the lecturers and assignments the teachers say.

I walk off back to the coffee house barley able to function from being so tired. I didn't do a lot today and yet I seem to be so exhausted. I order a large coffee with extra whip cream on top.
I stalk up the stairs up the my dorm, with my legs giving out from all the sprints and runs coach made us do. I am still feeling terrible about making the team do so many runs like that.

They all hate me now, for the first time my team and I aren't on good terms. Before collage it use to be easy, me and my teams were all close, but for collage soccer its so diffrent, no one really talks, were all in our little cliques and groups most the girls have no clue what other girls names are. They all just think that their better than anyone else, most of them are stuck up and think they shouldn't be here.

I enter the dorm to find Ashley still sprawled out on her bed. I laugh to myself, thinking how comfy she probably was here all day. While I was out doing things I had no energy to do. I have no idea what any of my professors said today at all, I was still hung up on Harry. Wondering what he did after he stormed out of that hotel room. Or where he was this morning?

"You skipped classes?" I ask Ashley as she sits up.

"Well, I went to my first two then just gave up and went back here.'' She says as rubs her eyes.

"Let me see that." She commands pulling my coffee out of my hand and bringing it to her lips.

"So good." She comments and I take it back before she drinks it all.

I pull my boots off my sore feet and unzip my coat. I open my books and start to do the homework that I will not understand. I missed classes yesterday, and tried my hardest to focus today but it wasn't easy. I got about a few things that each class said but not enough to understand any of this.

I hurry up and finish all of my assignments, happy to be finished. I lay on my bed tired still after the amount of coffee I had, this doesn't make sense. Why am I still tired?

"I'm going to Niall's call me if you need anything." Ashley says to me and I look up at her.

"Okay, have fun." I tell her with a warm smile. She leaves the room and I am left here all alone with nothing to do. I pull out my phone and call up my mother. I'm seeing her soon but I still miss her, and haven't talked to her in a while. She picks the phone up on the second ring just how I thought she would.

"Emily? Is everything okay?" My mother asks into the phone.

"Yeah, I just wanted to talk." I say and lay on my bed knowing it will be a long conversation.

I stay on the phone with my mom for what it seems forever. I ask her how home is doing and she explains to my how our neighbor throughs all of his leaves into our backyard and it killed her rotting tomato plants even more. I tell her that their already were dieing anyway but she still blamed it on him. She tells me how my dad is very excited to see me next weekend. I tell her how I have been having lots of fun in soccer and how I am making some friends on the team. I don't tell her about Harry, not wanting her to know about him because I know she will flip out.

I end the call with her and manage to pull on soccer pants and a hoodie, I through my hair up and slide my shin guards on and tie my spikes. I walk off to the fields and we begin practice.
. . .
"Emily, don't forget you boarding pass." Ashley reminds me for the fiftieth time, I pack some extra things in my bag again. I always over pack were ever I'm going I pack way to much.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me to Cali, you would have fun!" I say asking her again for the hundreth time. I still can't belive Ashley said no to going with me to California for this game. I would have thought she would have wanted to go.

I would have invited Harry, we still haven't talked since. Just a few 'Hi's' and 'How are you's' here and their. It's been hard not talking to him, I missed Harry so much. He was about apologize to me it sounded until I rushed out of the room, silly me. Giving up an opertunity to be on stable ground with Harry. I should have taken that chance of hearing what he had to say, now I don't. I will be gone for two days now. Two days of not seeing Harry, even though all we have been doing is sitting quietly, it's been relaxing. It's been perfect. We don't talk but it's like I can feel what he's thinking. That we feel the same way. It's hard though not to have his lips against mine. I miss Harry, I miss him so much. If only I wasn't skiping classes on this Friday and heading to a state across the map. I wanted to say something to Harry yesterday, to say how sorry I really am for messing everything up when it was going perfect for less then twenty-four hours. I just couldn't find the words to say no matter how much I wanted to.

"Earth to Emily!" Ashley says waving her hands in front of my face brining me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, what?" I ask her.

"Don't forget your tooth brush." She tells me in an odd voice wondering what I was thinking about.

"Oh, thank you wow wonder what I would have done without this." I say shoving it in the front ziper of my suit case. I check the time and realize I have to leave before I'm late.

"I need to leave, I love you, have fun at the party, and classes." I say giving her a big hug.

"Have fun at california! Take lots of pictures for me!" She says and I pull my suit case behind me before walking out side and heading on to the shuttle bus which will take us to the airport.

///Sorry for the boring chapter, big stuff coming soon!///

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