Chapter 20

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"What did you get?" I ask Harry while I look at my test that Mrs. Coleman handed back.

"I got a D, I don't really care." He says waving his test in my face.

"What did you get?" He asks while I stare off.

"An A." I say not trying to rub it in his face.

I try too look at his paper and all I see is a couple of lines having words.

"Well you got a D cause you barely wrote anything." I say trying to grab his paper. He pulls it away without letting me see. He gives me a glare and we don't speak. I wonder why I couldn't look at his paper.

. . .

On my way back from soccer I grab an ice cream. I head to the dorms, when I enter I see Louis and Ashley talking.

"Oh, hey guys!" I say with a smile.

Louis stands up and walks over too me.

"Hey um, can we talk?" He asks nervously.

"Um, sure." He seems really nervous, what does he want to talk about? I set my bag on the floor and he leads me out the door.

"Here let's go on a walk." He says while I eat my ice cream. I have never seem him so nervous.

We walk out of the building and walk around.

"So I've been meaning to talk to you." His voice sounds shaky.

"Really, about what?" I say nervous. I wonder what he want to talk about.

"Um, so were good friends and you and Dylan aren't dating anymore. I was wondering if I can take you out on a date?" He finally says. He seems so scared for my awnser.

I thought me and him would just be friends. I will go on a 'date' with him as a friend.

"Um sure." I reply. I look at him and I see a huge smile on his face.

"Really?" He says not believing me.

"Yea!" He keeps smiling.

"I was thinking we can go this weekend." He said. I've never seen him so jumpy.

"Sure." I really don't care when we go.

"We should get back I need to shower." I change the subject, I feel like it will be awkward when were on this 'date' thing. I have only been on a date with Dylan, we already knew so much about each other. We were good friends before we started dating.

He walks me back to my dorm and walks away. Ashley asks me what he wanted to talk about and I explain what he said.

. . .

" So you and Louis now?" Harry asks while sitting down.

"What?" I say while remembering the 'date' were going on.

"Oh the 'date'. He told you?" I say.

"Yeah he stopped over yesterday he seemed really happy you said yes." He laughs.

"Yeah he was nervous. I don't know though I liked it when it wasn't like this. Like when were friends, I don't want to be more than friends with Louis." I try explaining to Harry.

"Then don't go on the date." Guys are the worst at this advice.

''I don't want him to get sad or mad." I say.

He laughs. " Who cares about other peoples feelings. Dammit fuck feelings." He shouts in my face. What was that? That was kinda rude, he didn't have to say that. It sounds like he doesn't want me to go on this 'date'.

Mrs. Coleman comes in and starts teaching.

. . .

"Hey, your probably going to say no but, theirs another party this weekend and I really hope you come." Ashley says hoping I go.

Why would I go to more party's there? It didn't go well last time. I don't even know how I feel about walking into that frat house and have it not remind me of that night. That night revealed who he truly is.

"Ashley I'm sorry, I don't think so." I see a frown on her face appear.

She sits down on my bed next to me. "Emily, you can't just not go have fun when you won't let your self. You wont go to this party because of Dylan. Well guess what you and Dylan are done you and Louis might be together soon."

Man, she really wants me to go to this. Maybe I should my dad always said I should expand my options of friends and adventure to new things.

"Okay sure I will go." I admit, and a huge smile on her face appears. She gives me a huge hug.

"Yes! Thank you, I'm so happy." She squeals.

"Okay, okay I get it. I need to get ready for soccer." I say and jump off my bed to get ready.

. . .

"Hey, are you going to the party this weekend?" I ask Julia while tying my spikes.

"Yeah every weekend I do." She laughs and I join her.

"Well i'm going to be there this time we should hangout there." I say.

"Yeah we should!" She agrees with me and we start practice.

. . .

"So I hear you going to the party." Harry laughs.

"Man do you like stalk me." I laugh.

"Word gets around, were a small group." He says.

"Well yeah i'm going to the party. I will see you there."

"Yeah but don't get your hopes up cause were not making out again." He says and we laugh.

"I wasn't hoping we were." I say giving him a friendly punch.

"I know, you totally want to make out with me but i'm sorry its just not going to happen. Even though you just can't resist me." Harry sarcastically says and we both laugh.

"Oh i'm the one that can't resist you? No you can't resist me, it makes the most sense. Sides you kissed me." I laugh in his face.

"Well remember you kissed me back!" He starts getting serious now.

"Well that was because I didn't know what we were doing." My voice goes deeper and were not laughing anymore.

"You just can't resist me." I laugh at him to lighten up the mood.

He takes a step closer. He leans in really close. He leans his forehead on mine. I can hear him breathing. He puckers his lips so there about to touch mine. I want to kiss him. I want to kiss him badly.

"I can resist you." He say a centimeter away from face. I look him dead in the eye. I never noticed how green they are. He looks me in the eyes and backs up.

"If I couldn't resist you then I would have kissed you but I can resist you." He says sitting back down. I stand there still stunned of what we just did.

I finally move and sit down. I am actually surprised that I didn't kiss him. his lips almost touched mine. The way that he was so close to me was so attractive. He is so attractive "you can't resist me." I hear him cuss under his breath.

"What did you say?" I say laughing.

"You heard me." He laughs.

"Well I can resist you, I didn't kiss you either."

"Well you were thinking about it." He says.

Mrs. Coleman finally walks in and starts teaching

///Thanks everyone reading it really does mean so much! Some of my friends really want me to get a fan twitter and I said I night when I reach 2k reads so ya comment what you think I should do!\\\

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