Chapter 23

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I am left standing their, realizing what I just did. I look to the side and see Harry turning the corner to enter the frat house.

I walk away looking back at what I just did.

When I enter, I walk back to were I sat only minutes ago.

"Where were you?" Louis asks while I sit down.

"Oh uhh, to the bathroom." I lie, I look ahead of me and I see Harry there. We don't look at each other he just sits there looking at a new red cup in his hand. He must have been handed one.

I don't know what i'm going to do about Louis. I wouldn't technically count us 'dating' we have only been on one date. I don't think I even have feelings for him. Who knows if I even have feelings for anyone. I still love Dylan it will take awhile to get over him. I only have sexual feelings to Harry unlike Dylan were it was the opposite. I have never felt the urge to make out with Dylan like the way I do with Harry.

Dylan never had attraction needs to me as the way I do to Harry. Me and Dylan never did. I also have never wanted to sit down and have a nice conversation with Harry as I did with Dylan, but Dylan has never made me feel the same that Harry has. Dylan doesn't give me butterfly's like Harry does. Why am I comparing the two? They are nothing alike. Dylan was my first love, and well Harry is Harry and me and him will be nothing more.

"Wanna go, i'm bored." I am brought out of my thoughts by Louis tapping me.

"Um, sure." We get up and say goodbye.

Harry gives me a look, I ignore it and walk over to Ashley.

"Bye." I say giving her a smile.

"I'l see you later right?" She says.

"Yeah, I don't know what were doing." I reply.

Me and Louis walk away. He opens his car door for me like a gentle man.

"What are we gunna do?" I ask.

"We can sit here in quite and talk." He says shutting his door. Why would he want to sit and talk. That sounds like something Dylan would want to do.

"What do you want to talk about?" I ask.

"I don't know anything about you really." He speaks the truth. What really is there to know though?

"What do you want to know?" I ask. There's not much to tell.

"Tell me about your family." He says. He leans in close. It feels weird with him so close, it doesn't feel right.

"If you really want to know," I laugh. And he nods. "Well I'm an only child my moms name is Dianne and my dads is Joe. My dad proposed to my mom in a church Christmas eve. They had there wedding in February the next year, they wanted it fast. Then a few years later I was born. I have the same birthday as my grandma. Were both on October 6. She says I am her favorite birthday gift, I am the oldest out of all

My cousins so I am the reason she became a grandma." I explain a lot of information.

"Wow, you have the same birthday as your grandma!" He seems stunned, with a bit of sarcasm.

"Yeah isn't it cool. We have the same birthday." I say.

"Tell me abo-" I am cut off by his lips on mine. His kiss is fast and eager. I kiss him back and wrap my arms gently around him, his hand are on my face. Just like how Harry's were not to long ago.

His lips are dry, and it taste like strait alcohol. He pulls away gentle and opens his eyes.

"S-orry." He stumbles to speak, his cheeks are blushing a little and he has a smile on his face.

"Oh no is okay." I remind him.

The next thing I realize is Ashley knocking on the car window. I open the door to talk to her. I notice Niall and Harry next to her.

"Hi." I say with a smile, Harry gives me a dirty look then stares off into space.

"So,what are you doing in his car?" She asks laughing.

"We were just talking." I try not to blush. Its hard not to look at Harrys' eyes there like a trap and his lips, well his lips make me want him to do dirty things to me.

"Oh, well were heading back, we are dropping him off" She points to Harry. He looks drunk.

"Okay, well Louis might drive me back or something." I say, even though I don't want to stay I want to be with Harry.

"No he lives here that would be stupid." Harry blurts.

I see him blush a bit,it makes me have butterfly's in my stomach. "Okay sure, give me a sec." I say without notice. I sit in Louis car for a secound.

"Hey, there going to take me home I don't want you to go out if your way." I explain.

"Okay, If that's what you want." He says and we both get out if the car.

"To nite, was fun." I say. 'yeah it was fun making out with Harry while Louis really like me.' My subconscious reminds me.

"Yeah." He agrees

I smile at him and walk to the car where Ashely, Niall and Harry are waiting.

I open the door to see Harry there, Niall and Ashley are in front as always.

He has his head up against his window and is looking out.

"Thanks for waiting!" I say buckling my seatbelt. It smells like pure alcohol in here like it did at the party today. Niall starts driving.

"So you and Louis." Harry whispers while Niall and Ashley are in a conversation.

"I don't know what we are." I say truthfully.

"He really likes you." He get serious.

Why is he trying to have a conversations about this topic?

"You really don't deserve him." He rudely says. His fingers are rubbing at the side of his head he probably has a head ache.

"That was rude." I say before thinking.

"Who ever said I had to be nice." He spits on accident.

We hit a bump and we fly in the air a little. Harry and I grab into the seats in front of us.

I roll my eyes at Harry trying not to be hurt from what he just said.

"Why don't I deserve him?" I ask Harry, Ashley and Niall are still talking.

He takes a minute to speak. "because, first he took you on a date and when he told me about it he couldn't stop smiling and he wouldn't stop talking about you, and you don't even like him. The way he looks at you is so different from the way you look at him. Second is after you guys go on a date you walk away from him and we make out. Lastly, your just going to break his heart because he likes you a lot and your just going to lead him on, he doesn't deserve that." He says. Why would he really explain all of that. Does he try to make me feel bad about myself. We pull up to Harry's dorm and he gets out, he doesn't say goodbye he just walks away without a single word.

We arrive back at my dorm a little later. Niall leaves and we walk inside.

"So, that was fun." She says sitting down on her bed. Should I tell her about me and Harry? I decide against it, I don't want her to think of me differently.

"Yeah." I agree with her.

"So Ally was suppose to get married?" I try to see her perspective of this.

"Yeah with a guy named Patrick. They were the cutest, when they broke up she went all crazy she got a bunch of tattoos she even had a lip ring for a little. She dosn't really date anymore shes only un-exclusive." She explains.

"Yeah that's what Louis told me."I tell her.

Me and her talk for a little bit. I go take a shower and fall asleep.

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