Chapter 11

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My classes last long. I walk to the coffee shop and but two ice creams.

His favorite was always moose tracks. When we were in High school their was always a mini Ice cream shop by my house. We always would order out favorites. Moose tracks and, vinnila.

I grab the ice cream and head toward the dorms. When I get to my dorm I found Ashley and Dylan talking.

"Hey you met dylan!" I say with a smile to Ashley.

"Yeah he's nice."

"We were just talking about my base ball team." Dylan says

"Oh cool, Dylan I got your favorite." I hand him his ice cream.

"Thanks!" He smiles as starts eating his Ice cream.

"Well I'm going out with Niall so bye!" Ashely says and grabs her purse and leaves.

"So what do you want to do while you're here?" I asks him.

"Wanna go walk around campus and talk?" He asks.

"yeah sure let's go!" I grab my phone and my half eaten ice cream and we leave.

We walk and eat our Ice cream. We end up talking about our memories in High school.

We end up walking for an hour and a half. Me and Dylan start walking back to the dorms when it gets dark out.

"We should go out to dinner." Dylan suggest.

"Yeah do you want to." I say.

"Yeah let's go to that Red Robin you were talking about." He said.

"Okay let's do it."

We walk back to the dorm and I fix up my make up.

We leave the dorm thirty minutes later, Me and him had a silly argument over who's driving, I won and I get to drive.

We walk to my car and drive to the restaurant. The drive was short, we had small conversation. Me and Dylan arrive at the resturant and a lady shows us a table.

We order our food. The night goes by quickly. We talk about me coming out to Michigan too see him next weekend.

A little later our food comes, my food tasted great I got the same thing I got last time I was here.

We eat pretty quickly, Dylan pays for dinner and we leave the restaurant. I drive back to the dorms.

I park the car and we walk up to my dorm. When we walk in we see Ashley and Niall.

"Hey Niall this is Dylan!" I say with a smile to Niall.

"Hey Dylan." Niall says to my boyfriend.

"Hi Niall." Dylan says back.

Me and Dylan sit on my bed and the four of us talk. The night goes by slow, it was kinda awkward with the four of us.

Dylan end up leaving around nine. Niall and Ashley ask were he's going and I explain to them that so were not tempted into sex he's staying in a hotel.

They both laughed at it but I told them that we take sex very seriously. Me and Dylan both agreed that we would wait until we got married.

Niall ends up leaving around eleven. I pass out on my bed texting Dylan.

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