Chapter 84

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"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" He ask me as I button my shirt.

"No, but you don't need to tell me Harry. I know every time you look at me." I say and watch the smile appear on his face.

''I love you more than I have loved anything, more than myself. I am okay with that, because you are such an amazing person. The feeling I have for you it's not going away anytime soon. You drive me to do better things, you drive me and change me into a better person, you have no idea how many things you have done to me since you walked into my life. You changed me for the good." He says before planting a kiss on my nose. I watch as his eyes dialate, I see his face become calm. Not stressed as when we walked into the room.

"Harry, I didn't change you. This is all you, I just gave you that push. Two months ago you would have yelled at me if I told you we would be at your fathers right now. I didn't have any say in coming here this was all you, you changed by yourself Harry. I'm proud of you, if only you can see yourself through my eyes, and see how much I am happy you are here and giving him a chance." I say to him and he smiles, and then brings me in for a hug having his chin on the top of my head.

"We should get down there before they think were fucking or something." He says and I laugh at his words. His fingers draw through his hair pushing it out of his face. I watch the delicate movement, as he lets out a breath. I love watching the way he moves, the way he acts. It all makes me just fall harder an harder for him. The way he talks about things, the way he defends and would do anything for the ones he loves.

I open the double doors leading out to the long hallway, containing many doors. He grabs my hand and leads me down the staircase, into the kitchen.

"Something smells good." I say as Harry's pulls my seat out and I thank him.

"Thank you I cooked chicken with a side if green bean casserole with bread." She says while setting all the great foods down. Mr. Styles is lighting candles in the center.

They sit across of me and Harry, and set the napkin in my lap. "Dig in." She says with a smile, Harry hands me the plate with chicken with some sort of mesmerizing sauce that looks just delicious.

I take one and set on my plate along with some of the casserole. The dishes get passed around. Sophia kindly pours all four of us glasses of wine. I thank her before cutting into my food.

"So Emily, you tell me your on the soccer team. What is that like?" Mr. Styles asks me. I see Sophia's eyes light up when she hears I play.

"You are a soccer player! I didn't know, I love soccer I use to play as a child. I want to get little Josh into it when he gets older." She says with full excitement behind her voice.

"Did you really, that's so neat. You should really get Joshua into the sport, he would love it growing up." I say with a smile.

"Yes I will have to sign him up for little league, so tell me how is it playing so professional now. Being on television for it, it must be exciting." She says full of questions. I haven't had someone so entreated in my soccer career in a while its nice.

"It's great I always forget I'm being televised when I'm playing, its just so strange to think about. I love the organization and the way its set up. I have games on Sundays or Saturdays. We just started having away games more now. I actually was just in California for a game. In a few weeks I go away again." I explain to her and she listens to me. Harry grabs my hand under the table and my heart begins to race, just from his touch.

"That seems so exciting, when do you guys have practices?" She asks me.

"Everyday, out on the fields. This weeks were starting indoor." I tell her.

"Well that seems very active, you have it almost everyday." She says and I agree with her.

"Ya it gets pretty hectic its non-stop." I say and watch her agree.

"Yes, well I would love to make it to one of your games." She says as I take a sip of wine.

"Yes I would love if you would come to one." I said with a smile as she smiles back. I love how shes so interested and caring about all of this.

"So, how has been the wedding planing so far, seeing its so close?" I ask her looking at the rock on her finger.

"It has been stressful, but exciting. I just can't wait to be a Styles." She says leaning into her fiancé.

"Its not like you were his first or anything." Harry rudely says and I nudge him at his side.

Her face becomes broken and Harry doesn't apologize. "Harry,that was very rude of you." His father warns him and I can feel Harry get tensed up beside me.

"What its not like its you first time being married, let's just hope you don't ditch her and the kid when one thing goes wrong." Harry says letting his emotions out, Sophia sets her hand on Davids chest, so he doesn't yell at him.

"David, stop you pushed him to far. Give the kid a break." She whispers to David barley letting me hear.

Harry stands up in a split second, making my head turn faster than ever. The next thing I see he is grabing his coat and walking to the back door, needing air.

"I'll be back." I say and follow him out their, zipping up my coat. The snow goes all in my hair and face, I don't care. All I'm focused on is Harry.

"What do you want, to agree with them again. Are you going to tell me to go back in their, that I crossed the line. You do just want me to give them another chance." He spits with his hands up on the air, telling at me. When I shouldn't be the one he is angry with. He just needs someone to be his punching bag, and I will be that for him.

"Harry, calm down. No ones telling you to do anything." I say resting my hands on his fore arms pushing them down to his waist. I keep my eyes locked on his, watching his face expression turn from angry to hurt. I see all the pain his father has caused Harry all in his tired eyes. He's tired, tired of caring all these emotions around for the past years.

"You need a moment, a moment to calm down. We don't have to go back in there. This is asking too much from you. One step at a time." I say grabing his cold hands, I shake from the freezing cold. He leans in slow his lips come onto mine, his hands come to my two cheeks cupping my face in his cold hands. His fore head is pressed against mine in the most peaceful way.

"God, I love you." He says letting out a deep breath, my eyes start to water from the wind and Harry frowns.

"I love you m-more." I studder from my shaking body.

"I'll go in their, there just so perfect and rich now. I hate it, I really want to go in just so you don't look so cold. Even though you look cute when your cold. " He complains, and I agree.

"Yes, thank you." I say and he smiles and holds my hand as we walk back into the warm home.

///Thanks for reading hope you having a great day!///

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