Chapter 29

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"Hello?" I ask confuesed of why he is calling me so late.

"Hey, um I now it's late but can I ask you something?" He asks, I hope this isnt him asking me out.

"yeah sure." I say and walk out of the dorm so I don't wake Ashley.

He takes a minute to ask. "Wanna go on another date with me Friday?" He asks nervously.

I have no idea what to say, I don't want to say no and have him not date for a while. I also don't want to lead him on. I have never been in this situation, I always knew I wanted to go on dates with Dylan but I don't want to with Louis, I only like him as a friend.

"Uh, sure." I regreat it right after I say it.

Harry will even push me telling him way more know.

"So ya Friday?'' He asks.

"Yeah sure, um I gotta go to bed. I'll text you." I say and we say our goodbyes. I wonder what Harry will think of me that I said yes, he will probably get mad.

I wake up from my alarm after what it feels likes million snoozes. I take my time and get ready, I am always really early I will still make it on time. I attempt to slide on jeans then give up and wear sweats and a V-neck. I apply concealer under my terrible bags. I regret last night even though I don't remember most of it. My head is pounding, I am taking a guess Ashley is skipping her classes. I write her a note saying I will be back after my classes.

I walk to the coffee shop and order a large coffee, knowing this will be the only thing keeping me awake. I walk slowly to the class. I sit in my regular seat and try my best not to fall asleep.

"Hey." Harry says rubbing his forehead. I hope he doesnt know about Louis asking me out again.

"Last night was, something." I say slowly.

"Yeah you were wasted." Harry laughs. I have no idea what happen last night all I remember was me leaving Louis as Julia and talking to Ashley.

I hope me and Harry didn't do anything stupid.

"Can you fill me in on what I did?" I ask and take a big sip from my coffee.

"Well Ashley got you super drunk, and she talked you into having someone take a belly shot off you" He laughs and I join him, my memory starts to come more clear. I remember yelling at Harry I don't remember what for.

"I yelled at you, why?" I ask.

''Cause, I took the shot off you." He admitts, I'm suprided he admitted it that fast.

"You did." I say trying not to show excitement.

He nods and Mrs. Coleman starts class, once class is over me and Harry walk out together as we normally do and split our ways. I am tempted just to go back to the dorm and sleep. I mainly just wanted to go to class just to see Harry but that's over. I decide on going to my classes, I will just have to buy another coffee.

My classes go by slow, the same thing each teacher just talking and talking it gets boring after a while. I walk back to the dorm were Ashley will probably still be sleeping.

Just as I thought she is sprawled across her bed, I do the same and lay down. My head ache didn't go away. I shut my eyes and fall asleep.

By them time I know it Ashley is waking me up telling me i'm going to be late to soccer.

''Oh I can't be late! I rush to put my practice uniform on. I totally forgot I had practice yesterday, I skipped it for the party. If my parents ever figure out about that they will be didsipointed.

"I skipped practice yesterday!" I announce and mentally slap myself for doing that.

"Well you had fun at the party." She says and I laugh. I finish getting ready and run out the door. I wont be late but I will make it right on time.

I rush over to the field and walk over to Julia.

"I didn't think you were going to show." She says while I tie my spikes, everyone else is here I must be the only one running late.

"Yeah, I took a nap and didn't set an alarm and woke up late." I explain, we start practice it goes by quickly at least.

I start walking back to the dorms and Coach, calls me over. I hope she doesn't ask why I didn't show up yesterday. I actrally forgot and went to the party.

"Yes?" I asks nervously.

"I'm starting you in the game this weekend, forward." She says and I can't help but have a smile on my face.

"Thank you so much! I'm excited." She say and she waves me off to go back to the dorms.

"Oh did you miss practice yesterday?" She asks and I stop walking. Things like these can get you not to start in a game.

"Um yeah, I didn't feel good." I lie, that sounds way more better than I went to a party and got drunk.

"Okay, I'll let that one slide." She laughs. "But you can't miss a lot." She warns and I agree and walk back to my dorm.

"How was practice?" Ashley asks while watching tv.

"It was good, I'm starting at the game this weekend!" I say full of excitement.

"Really that's great, i'm so happy for you!" She says and gives me a hug. I should call my parents and tell them, the news they will probably go to my game they have been supporting me in this sport my while life.

"Thanks." I say to Ashley and call up the house phone, it feels weird dialing it.

"Hello" My mom awnsers the phone.

"Hi mom, get dad I got news." I say and she calls my dad into the room.

"Tell me the news." My dad says, it feels good to hear a familiar voice I miss my parents.

"I'm starting in the game on Friday!" I say. My parents start cheering. They have always been here for me, they drove me to all my practices, games far away tournaments and now they will drive alone without me to see me play.

"I'm so proud!" My dad says and my mom agrees.

"Wow I am so happy for you!" My mom says.

"Oh um, I have some bad news to." I say, I should tell them about Dylan it completely slipped my mind to tell them.

"What is it honey?" My mom asks concernd.

"Me and Dylan, we broke up." I say.

"Aw, honey are you okay?" My mom asks.

"Yeah it was like a couple of weeks ago, I just totally forgot to tell you. I'm so sorry."

"Oh don't apologize it's okay do you want to talk about it?" She asks, there's nothing to talk about anymore. It is jut over.

"No, I have nothing to say I walked in on him with some girl and tht was that." I explain.

"What you saw him with another girl!" My mom shouts thank god my dad left the room, he would get really mad.

"Yeah then the next day we went to lunch so he could explain and I went on his phone and saw all the girls he was texting." I explain my mom, she really liked Dylan too.

"Oh, honey that's terrible." She said.

Me as my mom talk on the phone for an hour, once we hang up I do all my home work. It took forever but I finally got it done.

I finally finish all my homework and head to the showers, I wait in line for fifteen minutes than get in. I take a fast one and get out.

I set my alarm and fall asleep listening to music.

///Thanks for reading it means so much!\\\

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