Chapter 18

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My alarm goes off on time. I get ready and head to the coffee shop. I order my coffee and an apple and walk to class.

As usual Harry isn't there, I sit down and read some of my book.

Harry sits down next to me and I set my book down we exchange the 'Hey' and the 'what's up'. We mostly just sit in silence we make some small talk but nothing to big. Our relation ship mostly consists of sitting in silence. I guess that's sort of our thing when he's not being so mean to me.

Class goes by extremely slow today. When it ends me and Harry walk out together.

When we walk outside its raining, Not like pouring rain but it's more then a drizzling.

We walk in he rain together not minding if we get wet.

"Wanna just skip all of classes today?" He asks me.

"No we have to go to are classes are you crazy!" Does he really want to skip classes with me? "your insane!" I say to him.

"Just say that you're sick, soccer will probably be canceled if it keeps raining." He does sound convincing. "Sides who wants to sit in boring classes all day?" He adds. As we stand outside in the rain and I try to decide wether or not to stay with Harry all day. I finally decide after five minutes on staying with him.

"Yeah sure, but you better not be boring. Okay?"

"Okay, I will try my best not to be boring. As long as you don't annoy me the whole day because you annoy me, a lot." Harry laughs.

"Well I'm sorry I annoy you with my attitude! If you haven't noticed lately you can get pretty annoying to." I playfully hit him. He try's to act like I actually hurt him by rubbing where I hit him.

"So what are we doing today?" I ask while we still stand in the rain. We are both soaked, but we don't seem to mind.

"I don't know it wasn't my idea to skip school today!" Harry sarcastically says.

"Let's stop at my dorm so I can change I'm soaked!" I laugh.

We head over to the dorms.

. . .

"Don't look!" I warn Harry for the last time. If he try's to turn around and watch me change one more time I will have to blindfold him.

I turn around and face the opposite direction from him. I can feel his eyes on me as I'm rushing to put my top on.

Harry send me a lot of mixed symbols one day he says 'Its not like I actrally wanted to kiss you.' Then the next day I have to warn him not to look at me change even though a little of me wanted him to look at me, but I would never admit that.

I finish getting dressed and I grab an umbrella, we leave the dorms.

Me and Harry argue over going to his dorm so he can change but he is perfectly fine staying wet.

We stand outside under an umbrella and we decide on going to the mall. There was nothing better to do that's near unless we went to a bar and I said I wont.

"Im driving." I say to him.

"Well it's not like we would walk all the way over to my dorm just so I can drive." Harry sarcastically Rudely says.

We get into my car, and I turn on the radio. Harry cringes from the music I listen too. He reaches toward the button to change it but I slap his hand.

"My car my music." I warn.

"Im the guest." Harry laughs.

"Im the driver." I give him a glare then laugh.

The road to the mall was shut down because of flooding. I didn't realize how much it was raining.

There at loads of cars behind us so it looks like we are stuck in traffic for a while.

Harry curses between his teeth.

"It looks like were gunna be here for a while." I let out a big huff of air.

"This fucking sucks." Harry angrily says. "We skipped school to get stuck in traffic!" Harry adds.

"Im going to see what the people in front are going to do." Harry says then gets out.

'It would be best if I stay in the car.' I say to myself.

I see Harry run in the rain, not caring if he gets wet.

Five minutes later Harry comes back, he's soaking wet from the rain. He rushes into the car. I see drops of water fall from his long curly hair. He notices me staring and I rush too look away.

He clears his throught out to start talking. "The people are starting to go through the water one-by-one, we probably have five minutes until we go through." Harry explains to me.

. . .

"Okay try to drive through it fast we do to want the water to get into the gas part." Harry has been explaining to me that I better get this right or we can be stuck down there for hours.

I drive past it fast and looking out the windows looked cool, you can see the water getting sprayed on the sides.

We successfully drive through the water and we drive to the mall.

. . .

"Why did we even come to the mall anyway?" Harry complains.

"Remember there was nothing better to do." I laugh.

We walk around the mall, why did we want to come here?

"At least its not crowded." I say to him.

"Yeah who would come to a mall on a Thursday at 12:00." Harry laughs.

"We would!" I laugh.

. . .

"What kind of ice cream do you want?" Harry asks while we enter the Coffee shop where I go to every morning.

I hear my phone go off and I rush to look.

"Um, grab me a mint." I say trying to grab my phone out of my bag.

I finally get my phone out.

*Hows the soccer going?* My dad sent. I open my phone to reply.

*Its great so far, coach makes us run a lot though.* I send back.

I sit down while harry buys us Ice cream. I try not to mention anything to him how me and Dylan would always go get ice cream. If I did he would probably say something like 'well it doesn't matter because were only friends.'

A few minutes later Harry sits down and hands me my ice cream.

We spend the next twenty minutes talking and fighting over stupid little things.

I hear my phone go off again an I wonder who it would be.

*I heard that practice is canceled from the rain! So we get a day off!* Julia sent. Me and her exchanged numbers on the way back from practice one day. We thought that's how we can make it official were friends.

*Yay my legs are so sore. I was scared, I didn't think I can take another day of running.* I reply.

When I set my phone down I notice Harry is starting.

"Who were you texting?" Harry questions.

"Just a girl from my team." I send him a strange look.

. . .

I lay down on my bed. Ashley comes in the dorm and I explain everything to her about how I ditched with Harry today. She finds it odd that, me and him talk so much.

I take out my laptop and finish the rest of my movie.

I fall asleep early hoping that I don't have a lot of make-up work from my ditch day.

/// Authors note!!! Thank you everyone that's reading my book it really means a lot more then you think. I recently got 1k reads and i'm extremely grateful so thank you!\\\\

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