Chapter 19

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"Hey." Harry says with a thick raspy voice. He breaks out coughing.

"Your sick!" I say shocked.

"Yeah, it must be from the rain yesterday." He try's speaking.

We just sit in silence, I don't want to make him speak from his voice.

"Why didn't you take a sick day because you are sick?" I asks

"I think i'm gunna after this class, I really don't feel good." He explains. Why didn't he skip this class?

Mrs. Coleman starts talking and we sit in silence, like we normally do.

Me and Harry walk out together, and part out ways.
. . .

"I have so much make-up work!" I groan to Ashley.

I attempt to work on my homework then start giving up.

"Just finish it later and go to soccer or else you will be late." She warns me.

"I think it's cancels from flooding I'l text Julia." I take out my phone to text her. Minutes later se responds.

*yeah I heard its cancels and we din't have practice this weekend but if it gets re-scueduald I'l tell you.* She sends. I reply with a thanks you and finish my homework.

. . .

I sleep in late. I didn't fall asleep last night until around four. I watched at least three movies. Ashley went out with all of her friends. She wanted me to come but I declined her offer. She didn't come back until I was already seeping.

I adjust my eyes to the light and and wash up. I slide on shorts, and a tank top.

I go to the coffee shop, grab two coffees one for me and one for Ashley.

When I enter the room Ashley is just waking up.

"Good morning!" I say with a smile.

"What time is it" She groans.

"Around 11:00." She slams her face on her pillow for a few minutes then gets back up.

I hand her The coffee I got her and she finally wakes up.

. . .

"Oh come on please come!" Ashley gets down on her knees and begs for me to go to another party.

I stay in my bed and not move. I give her a simple no for what it seems like one-hundred times in the last five minutes.

"You're going to regret not going. Emily this is college you are suppose to party!" She explains.

"Ashley i'm sorry i'm not going to another party okay? The last one turned out being a disaster." My voice begins to raise.

"Well it wasn't a complete disaster you made out with Harry." She says digging through her closet looking for her white crop top.

She finally finds it and squeals.

She finishes getting ready. "I really wish you were coming but I can't do anything about it." She sighes in defeat.

She walks out the dorm and goes to the party. Leaving me alone in this dorm.

. . .

My phone vibrates when I'm in the middle of watching my new favorite show. One Tree Hill. I just started it last night and instantly fell in love. Its more if an addiction now.

I grab my phone to see who it is.

*I wish you were here this party is pretty lame.* Louis sends me.

*well if it's really that lame just come to my dorm we can watch a movie.* I send him back.

*okay sure, I will be there soon.*

A little later a theres a knock on the door. I pause my show and grab the door. I see Louis standing there with a smile on his face.

"I haven't seem you in a while." He says entering my room.

"Yeah the last time was a week ago!" I say looking back.

We sit on my bed and talk for a little

. . .

We end up watching 21 and over. We make it half way through the movie and we both pass out.

"What time is it?" Louis asks waking up.

I grab my phone and look at the time.

"Five in the morning." I explain.

"I should get going." He says and gets out of bed.

"No you can stay, you don't have to leave its late." I say half awake.

"Okay sure, i'm gunna sleep on Ashley's bed more room." He says and we fall back asleep.

. . .

"How was the party?" I ask Ashley.

"It was good, the same party as last week." She says.

We sit down at the coffee shop, and drink out coffees and eat breakfast.

"Well it couldn't be the same I wasn't there! I was the life of the party." I say cocking my head to the side.

"Don't flatter yourself!" We both laugh.

. . .
*coach re-scheduled practice to tognite at six* Julia text me I have to be there in thirty minutes.

I rush to get ready, I slide me shin guards and sock on and run out the door.

I see Julia at the normal field.

"Hey!" I say with a smile.

She finished pulling her hair in a pony tail the finally speaks.

"Hey! What did you do today" She asks starting conversation.

"Um I hung out with Louis. Then me and Ashley went to the coffee shop." I explain my day.

Coach interrupts us and we begin practice.

. . .

When I enter my dorm to find Ashley group of friends, well except Ally. Thank god Ally wasn't here that would just be awkward. I wonder if her and Zayn are still together from everything that happen.

"Hey!" Everyone says with a smile.

I say hello with a smile back.

"I'm going to shower." I set my bag down and grab my toiletries.

When I return everyone is still there. They don't seem to mind that I keep barging in on them.

I get into pajamas, and on my bed. Everyone is in a deep conversation and I can feel Louis eyes on me.

I look up to see him staring at me.

"What are you looking at?" I say to Louis wile everyone continues in there conversation.

"Just you." He says blushing.

"Just. Me?" I say sarcastically.

"Yep just you." He says with a wide grin.

I look down smiling and read my magazine.

Louis gets up and sits down next to me.

"What are you reading?" He says laughing.

"Stupid celebrity stuff." I say with a laugh back.

We end up talking for an hour and a half about random things.

Everyone leaves and me and Ashley go to bed.

/// Thanks everyone that's reading my fan fiction it really means alot!\\\\

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