Chapter 74

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/// I got a new cover, also on the last chapter I put up the characters and who I picture them too look like. I have no idea if they will show up for this one so I just wanted to let you know!//

Me and Harry both sit and watch Friends for awhile, we decicide on turning it off after a diffrent show came on. We both didn't realy like the show, it was about some Nanny or something. He sprawls over to to turn the lamp off that was next to him. I can't help but stare at the way his mucsels move under his skin and the way his tatoos look on him.

He chatches me staring and I look away immiteatly.

"I am so exsausted." I say yawning with my hands in the air.

I dip down further into the bed, as Harry does the same. I turn my back to him as he scoops me into his arms, is head dips next to my neck and my body goes on fire. How can my body just light up just by a touch from Harry?

"I missed you." He tells me slow and meaningfull."I missed you too." I tell him slow.

He plants a kiss on my cheek and scoots away, and gets comfortable to sleep.

I wake up from the sun shining through the windows. I look around as my eyes adjust from the light. I see Harry sitting up reading something.

"What is that?" I ask him.

His face moves to me fast, almost angry. Why would he be mad last night was so great.

"What is this?" He asks me holding the envolope his grandma gave me last night. How did he find that? Did he search through my bag?

"Where did you get that?" I ask him taking it out of his hands.

"It fell out of your bag, and it's mine. Why did she give you this?" He asks me again.

"She gave me it last night and told me to give you it, later not when she was around." I tell him honestly.

"Do you no what it is?" He asks me before he opens it.

"No." I tell him.

He doesn't open it, why. He just throws it on the night stand, almost like he doesn't care about it.

"Aren't you going to read it?'" I ask him.

"Why should I?'' He ask almost in a mad way.

"Because she's your grandma and no matter how much you dislike her she still loves you." I tell him keeping my hand on his tattoos arm.

"I don't give a shit about her caring about me, I'm not reading it." He says firm and not breaking eye contact with me.

"Okay, if you don't want to, I'm not going to make you" I say in almost a laugh, giving up on Harry reading the card. I know if I keep trying to talk him into it, he will just get angry with me. And knowing him and how bipolar he his this will end in a fight.

"I need to shower, uh wanna go grab some food after and maybe walk around while were here.'' I says making plans. I get out of the bed and walk over to the sink.

"Yeah, that would be fun." I say and I see his eyes rake my body looking at how his long black worn out shirt flows off the curves of my body.

I splash some water in my face and I hear Harry sit on the bed. I dry my face off with one of their fluffy soft towels and I see Harry through the mirror.

I walk over my him and he takes my hands in his. "I'm happy I have you again." He says and I lean in feeling his soft lips on mine. How can he just so fast, one minute about to yell at me for not wanting to read the card. The next minute he's telling me how happy he is to have me. He makes me so confused sometimes.

I taste that sweet vanilla scent I love. He cups my face with the plum of his hand, keeping my lips on him. My hands go to his neck were I wrap my arms around him. My body is on fire, and my stomach swells with pure bliss.

I pull my lips off his and stand up strait, needing to move on with the day, no matter how much I want to stay here with Harry.

"You need to shower." I laugh at him as he shakes his hair out of his face, he still needs to get it cut. It gets longer and longer, I do enjoy having it long. I just don't want it to get way to long.

He walks into the bathroom and turns on the shower. I walk over to my clothes on the floor and manage to put on my dress, I struggle with the zipper but finally get it. I set my shoes standing up strait against the wall. I throw my side bag on the bed and take my phone out checking my messages.

*Hey honey, Me and you father were thinking about visiting you soon.* My mother sends me, they wouldn't be able to come in next weekend, I'll be going out of town for soccer. Maybe two weeks?

I slide open my phone to respond.

*Yeah, I would love to see you guys. I have to go out of state next weekend for soccer. Were going to California! You guys can come in two weeks though?* I send my mother and set my phone on the nightstand.

I hear my phone start to vibrate, as Harry's shower turns off. Ashley's name flashes across the scream and I determine wether or not to answer.

I slide my phone and put it against my ear, choosing to awnser.

"Where are you, You didn't come home!" She half screams into the phone half questions. I wouldn't think she would be this worried were I was.

"Oh, uh some of the girls and me went out after and I ran into Harry. We kinda spent the night together?" I half lie. I was going to tell her anyway me and Harry are back together but this is easier without another lie of how I saw Harry.

"Your with Harry?" She questions me like she doesn't believe me.

"Uh, ya were all good." I tell her and I can hear the smile on her face.

"Wait did you tell him about Rob?" She ask as I see a shadow about to walk out.

"No, I didn't tell him. I gotta go bye." I say and end call as soon as Harry walks out. He rubs a small towel across his head to dry his hair as a larger one is rapped around his waist showing his torso.

"Tell me what?" He asks me and my heart eats faster, knowing Harry will get it out if me.

"What?" I ask hoping he is saying something else.

"You were on the phone with someone and you said you didn't tell him. I can tell from you face expression, and how your pulse is rising that I'm Him." He says sliding his briefed up his naked body and I can't help but stare at him. I watch the way his body moves as he slides on a pair of black skinny jeans and the shirt I slept in last night. His eyes stay glued onto mine as he waits for my response.

I give in hoping he will forgive me for this. He shouldn't even get mad, He honestly doesn't have the right too. This happen after he said all those crule, disgusting things to me. "If you, get mad at me for this Harry." I warn before I speak, I see his body tense up and he shifts on the balls of his feel nervous for what I'l say. My eyes look at his tattoos, on his arm as he throws the white towel in the bathroom. I can't belive I am thinking about his body, when I'm about to tell Harry about Rob.

"Tell me." He blurts out with a harsh tone, his eyes narrow down at me. Eager for what I have to say.

"That night at the party, after you said all those harsh, cruel words to me. After I cried in the bathroom, I went out to grab a drink. I was not in a good place, I just had my heart crushed and I was tottaly out of my mind. I needed a distraction." I explain and take a deep breath. Harrys face tenses up and he swallows salvia, nervous for what have to say.

"Your kidding me!" He puts two and two together in his head.

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