Chapter 71

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///Sorry if you clicked on the last chapter and it didn't show up, I got it up and if you haven't read that yet read it before this! Thank you!///

"She was a was a normal mom, loved her kids and did love her husband at one point." He emphisis the did.

He looks over at me and send me a strange glare and I don't know how to think about it.

"She was that stay at home mom that let you stay home from school when you begged not to go cause you just don't feel like going that bad. She would blast music and jump around until I would finnaly wake up, My mom would always make pancakes and bacon on a Saturday Morning." He says mini things his mom would to. He raises the microphone a little higher making him louder.

"She would always go out of the way just to make you smile, just make your day a little better. When she first got diagnosed, I remember she whispers to me, 'Don't worry Harry everything will be alright, we will make it through this.' When she said that, it gave me hope, hope that we both would survive this. She actually said that the night my dad left." He says staring at the podium, clamping his hands on the him of the black wood.

"You know five years is a long time. We only recognize the years that she has been gone and not the three that she was fighting. When she gone for five years in peace, not in anymore pain, it makes more sense to appreciate the times that she was fighting. She fought so hard, her body couldn't take it anymore. People don't appreciate the struggles people do for others, if is jut to have them smile, or maybe even live a little longer." He explains, bringing tears to some people eyes. I see a tear fall on Harry's calm face. Some tears start to build up in my eyes too, and I try to fight them.

"She didn't get lots if support, we had a few people. But she mainly had to rely on me and her nurse." He explains to the crowed.

"Anyone that would talk to my mom, even just for a few minutes. Or even hours they would always leave so happy. She had to share rooms at the hospital and she would always become friends with who she was sharing the room with, she would always try helping them as much as possible. She didn't leave here angry, from all the people that wern't here, weren't here to help. She moved past it and let the ones who really cared in. She knew a long time before me that she didn't have much time left. She didn't want to spend the last months of her life being bitter, like most of us would. Anne past at a younge age her early fourties, people even think fifty is young but fourty? I just hate how this all happen, it was like a bomb, that exploded and hurt everyone. It wasn't my mom that was the bomb, it was this whole series of events that just had to happen. Our whole life fell apart in just a year. We lost everyone, I had a whole family, a mom, dad. We were happy at the time, but then it all disappeared, then everything changed. Than she passed, and I was alone, I didn't talk to family, my shit of a father, I couldn't stay friends with my friends cause I spent my free time at the hospital. I was a lone soul, then I went to college and made friends. Than a few years later, I met Emily." He says and looks over at me and a smile grows across his face.

People turn and look over at me and I begin to blush. "You guys might have seen her, but shes here. She actually is the reason I'm up here, I was going to back out plenty of times, but she got me to change my mind. Just with her looking at me in the eyes just that can make me do anything. She sat next to me, as I was writing this, terrible speech, that isn't even about my mother any more. Cause, it's not like I enjoy talking about my mom to her family that doesn't care about her. I do it cause I know its what she would have wanted, so never feel happy about yourselves that I'm giving a speech to you. Cause you should never feel good about yourself about this topic" He warns in almost a yelling type of way and I hear Harry grandma burst into tears, and I know Harry steeped over the line.

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