Chapter 35

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"Are you almost done with that?" He asks for the millionth time.

''I'm almost done just give me a minute." I warn him for the last time. Its hard to focus with Harry bugging me every two seconds, and the thought of what we just did keeps poping back in my head.

I finally finish up, I set my books on my desk.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask sitting back in bed. Its nice hanging out with Harry.

"Uh, yeah." He says on his phone, what does he keep doing on it.

I pull out my laptop and log into Netflix. Harry doesn't bother to help me pick one out.

"What do you wanna watch?" I ask, he finally puts his phone down.

"I actually don't want to want to watch a movie." He says, I turn my laptop off aggravated.

"What do you want to do?'' I ask, and walk over to my desk to set the laptop down. He stands up to walk over by me.

"Wanna just talk, or-" He cuts himself off to start making out with me. He grabs the cups of my cheeks, my hands go to his hair and I pull on the ends.

I have that fire in the pitt of my stomach, I have only felt it with him.

We back up onto my bed and he sits down on the edge, while I wrap my legs around him. I start grinding on him, and here him moan.

Thank god, Ashley isn't coming back. I love being like this with Harry. He places his hands on my butt, I tug at his hair some more and moan in his mouth. I taste that sweet vinila, that I love.

I feel his phone to start vibrating. We ignore it for the first few seconds. Who keeps calling? He groans, in frustration. I slide off of him so he can awnser it.

He slides open his phone and walks out the room aggravated. Why couldn't he just ignore it, we were in the middle of so thing. Why couldn't he just call who ever it is back later.

He finally returns a few minutes later, he seems mad, must be from the call.

"Sorry." he says an sits down.

"Why couldn't you just take that later we were in the middle of making out. You literally stop to awnser that." I groan.

"They call you like all day anyway." I say.

"Sorry, I had to take it.'' He defends, I wouldn't be mad if its the first time he got a call but its like a regular thing now.

"Who even is it?" I ask.

"No one!" He says and stands up.

"If it was no one than why did you take it?" I ask.

"It's nothing, god mind your own damn business." He groans and storms out. I can't believe him.

I grab my laptop and lay back into my bed. I re-login in Netflix. I pick out a movie and watch it, I get tired half way through. I turn it off and try to sleep, my thoughts lead to Harry and why He has been getting all these calls. I'm starting to get worried, I wonder why be wont tell me.

I wake up easily in the morning. I look to see Ashley's bed all empty, she told me she will be staying at Nialls' more, they are really cute together.

I slide on dark jeans with holes in them with a red tank top. I straiten my hair and slide on black flip flops, I grab my books and my phone and walk to the coffee shop.

I order a coffee and an apple. I walk to class and sit down, I am not excited to see Harry at all I hope he is in a good mood.

By the time I know it Harry isn't here and Mrs. Coleman is starting class. Maybe he's just late.

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