Chapter 26

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"What are you guys talking about?" Louis asks while ordering a drink.

"Nothing." I clear my throught.

"Oh cool, I really like this band." Louis yells a over the music.

"Same." Harry says sarcastically, me and Harry both laugh.

"So?" Harry says trying to get me to admit it to Louis. I give Harry a dirty look and he laughs.

"So?" Louis said not knowing what is going on.

I sit here awkwardly wondering what to say. "So this party on Wensday." I attempt to make conversation.

"Yeah, why is it on a Wensday?" Louis questions.

"Yeah your not gunna get any sleep." I say, I feel bad for him people wont leave probably till the next day. The music will be so loud you cant sleep.

"Yeah, I don't know what i'll do. I'll just stay at someone's dorm if I have to do that." Louis sighs. I do feel bad for him though.

The night goes by slow. I realize that its a Sunday and that we have class tommarrow. I run up to Ashley and see if we can leave.

"No, its only nine I can get you back at eleven." She turns me down as she dances to a slow song. All they have been playing is fast music and finally they play a slow one.

"Do you think Niall or Louis can drive me?" I ask hoping she says yes.

"We brought two cars me and Harry." She says and I sigh.

"Then have Louis, take your car and you drive with Harry." I think of an idea.

"No one but my drives my car, just have Harry take you home if you want he looks bored." She says, I don't want to go home with Harry though. Louis wont be that glad to see me doing that too.

I walk away from Ashley and head to the bar were Harry is talking to some girl.

I tap on his shoulder not trying to be rude and interrupt something.

"Hi." I clear my throught. Hary waves me a finger to tell me to wait a minute. I stand quietly waiting for him to stop talking.

The girl leaves and Harry looks at me as if he is annoyed.

"What?" He says, I didn't do anything wrong. He is so bipolar.

"It's nine and we have class tomorrow I was wondering of you want to drive me back to my dorm?" I ask politely so he wont freak out.

"Why do you need to get back so early?" His voice grows firm.

"Because, I have homework and I need to shower." I lie I already did all my homework.

"Okay, fine only cause this band sucks." He say and drinks his beer.

"Are you over the league limit?" I ask. I don't want to get into a car with him if he's drunk. He looks over the limit but he isn't drunk, I don't really are any more I just wanna get home.

"Barley, we will be fine." He says paying. I give the bar tender some money for my drinks. I tell Ashley i'm going with Harry.

We walk out if the building and head over to his car. I sit down in the passenger seat while Harry starts the car, its dark out and hard to see.

"Want me to put in the directions for the way back?" I ask while he pulls out.

"No I remember the way." I hope he does I don't want to get lost.

"Where are we?" I ask, we are completely lost. We have been driving for half an hour and we are lost, he said he renembers the way.

"I know were we are." He says calm with no panic while my voice is all panic its nine forty five.

"No! you do not know where we are cause where in the middle of know were in this little town. There's no one here!" I shout.

"Okay, yes were lost." He says and takes the keys out of the ignition.

Harry gets out of the car and starts walking. "What are you doing?" I open my door and shout.

"I'm getting directions." He shouts back and countinues walking to a gas station. I decide on getting out of the car and following him. I jog up to him as he opens the door. We see and old man behind the counter and eating some discusting hot dog. He has a beard an is bald. The three of us are the only ones in here.

"Are you lost?" The man asks. "Yeah, how did you know." Harry aks while walking up to the counter.

"People only stop here when there lost. This is a dead town." The man explains.

"Okay, I don't need you life story." Harry groans.

"Okay where are you guys heading?" He ask and takes a bite from his hot dog.

"University of Chicago." Harry says shortly while looking around.

"Go, strait that way, Until you reach 5-80 then go right until get to Wolf Road then take another right and then you should know where you are." The man explains.

"Thanks." Harry says and we walk away.

"You guys are cute together." The man shouts. I try not to blush.

"Were no-" "Thanks." Harry interrupts, why did he say we were dating? I like the idea of me and him together, that would never happen though Harry doesn't date. I am with Louis I think.

We leave the gas station and walk to the car. "what was that?" I ask him.

"Was what?" He plays dumb.

"Why did you say 'thanks' to that." I argue, I did like it though.

"Its not like we will ever see him again it was a joke, harmless fun." He laughs, and starts the car and we drive away.

It really is a dead town their is like no one here. There are a couple shops down the road. Also some small houses. We drive for another thirty minutes and I realize where we are.

"See I knew the way." Harry laughs.

"Ya, but you had to get us lost." I groan and look out the window.

"That was funny, getting lost." He says. How is that ever fun.

I don't respond, I just stare out the window. I'm hungry, my stomach starts to growl.

"You hungry." Harry says hearing my stomach.

"Yeah I haven't ate since breakfast." I explain.

"Here." Harry pulls into a mexican food place.

"Your getting me food?" I ask while he gets out.

"Yeah, i'm hungry too." He says, I get out and follow him too.

"Grab me two tacos." I say grabbing us a table.

A few minutes later Harry takes a seat across of me with a tray of food. "Here's you tacos." He says setting them down infront of me.

I give him a smile and we start eating.

"These are good." I say, he nods in agreement.

We eat for a little later. We throw out the rest and he drives me back.

"To nite was fun." I say with a smile.

"Yeah." He pulls up to my dorm.

I get out of his car and walk up the steps to my dorm house. I walk up all of the steap stairs and enter my dorm. when I enter Ashley isnt back yet. Not that I expected her to be. she said she wasnt leaving for a while. I lay down on my bed, I decide on taking a shower.

I get undressed and cover myself up with my robe, I grab my toiletries and walk to the shower.When I enter their is a long line I wait for twenty minutes' wich seemed forever, I get into the shower take my robe off and twist the nobe. The hot water feels good on my back and relives my tense mucsels. I wash my hair and my body and get out. I dry off and walk back to my dorm.

When I enter I am suprised and concernd to see Harry sitting on my bed. he stands up right away once he sees its me. What is he doing here?

//Hey guys! Thanks for reading it really does mean so much. I wonder what he is gunna say?\\

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