Chapter 17

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*beeb* *beeb* *beeb*

My alarm goes off. I struggle to move and turn it off. Tuesdays are always the worst days for me to wake up. Most people hate Mondays, but for me the worst are Tuesdays. Waking up on Mondays are easy because your not use to it, but Tuesdays is when it hits you and you think I have to do this for like three more day.

I struggle to move but I end up getting up. I open the blinds and turn on the lights hoping I will wake up faster.

I get ready, grab all my books and walk to the coffee shop. I order a coffee and a donut. I walk into class and sit down. Harry hasn't arrived yet but I normally get here before him.

He finally arrived right as he sits down Mrs. Coleman walks in.

"Hey you come later and later each day." I say too him.

"Well you get here so early and it makes absolutely no sense." He says with a harsh tone and I can't tell of he's joking.

I laugh and try to take it cool. Mrs. Coleman organizes her stuff and starts to teach class.

"Today, is that test I told you about. I want you to right an essay, I don't care how long it is. You will be writing about what scares you the most in life. By that I don't mean spiders and ghost, I mean real stuff.If you like to know I actually wont be reading these, these are your deepest thoughts these are the only things this semester I wont be reading. " She announces to the class.

"You all should have lose leave and if you don't find some, you have until the end of class."

I take out a sheet of lose leaf and Harry asks for some too and I give him some he is so unprepared he brings like no books with him to class anyway.

I start to think about what scares me in life the most. I look at Harry and he is writing already. He has written a lot too.

I decide on writing about, losing everything. Like my family my friends, my house.

I start writing, the words roll off my finger quickly. By the time I know it i'm on the back side of my sheet of paper. I write about how scary it would be to have nothing be nothing.

Harry asks me for another sheet of paper, I gave him two in the beginning too. I wonder what scares Harry, I try to take a peek at his paper but he gives me a glare and I back off.

"I want you to keep your papers, I don't care what you do with them just keep them. You needed to get that out and really think about it, its good for your brain. Tomorrow you really do have a test though and you will figure that out then." She explains.

Me and Harry walk out of class and split our ways.

The rest of the day goes by quickly. I get ready for soccer. Coach made us run a bunch and Julia finally stopped talking about Dylan.

I get back to an empty dorm and shower.

I come back to the dorm to find Ashley, we talk about our day. I do my homework and end up falling asleep.

My alarm clock goes off ten minutes late. I hurry to get ready. I grab my books and run out the door, well I don't really run it's more of a speed walk. My legs are way to sore to run.

I head to the coffee shop, grab a coffee and a bagel.

I eat my bagel and walk to class when I arrive Harry isn't their yet, like normal.

I sit down and take my kindle, I read a little and harry sits down I tell him I'm reading and I will talk in a second. He makes a funny but rude comment and waits.

I finish the part I am on on my book and I finally start talking.

"Hi" I say. I don't know what to talk about.

"So your not going to read your book and actually talk to me?" He rudely asks

I give him a pity smile.

"I can go read my book if you really want?" I Rudely remark back.

He makes a funny face and I laugh.

"So are you coming to the party this weekend?" He actually is asking this question.

I laugh at him.

"No are you serious remember the last party and how that turned out. I'm never going to that frat house again!" I say to him.

"Well it's not like you have Dylan anymore so why does it matter?" He does make a good point but I don't want to go back there.

"I don't want to go to a party. I just got out of a rough break up so why would I want to go to a party?" I ask him.

"Well I don't know? This is why I don't date it will never end well ever." He firmly states.

Mrs. Coleman walks in and sets her books down.

"Okay class, yesterday I told you about a test today. Well I want you to write a paper about your dream vacation. It can be anywhere or anything. You can start when i'm done. Put them on my desk when your finished, you can leave when your done." She sad then sits in her chair.

I start to write about my dream vacation. When I was little me and my family would always go to National Parks. My dad would always say that their the Beauty of the world and that he would like to show me, as much as he can.

My favorite place tht he took me was Glacier National Park. I loved the Ice berg lake trail so for my essay I think I will decide on that again. It has always been my favorite place especially staying at Many Glacier.

I write away, when I look at Harry he doesn't have a lot on his paper. He writes a little bit more and gets up to turns it in. He grabs his books and says good-bye.

I finish up writing mine and turn it in. I leave. I head to the rest of my classes. The day goes be fast, I come back to an empty dorm and get ready for practice.

. . .

"Hey Em, how was practice?" Ashley asks while I sit down.

"It was rough we ran a lot and I can't feel my legs their like jello." I laugh.

"Well I should go shower." I say to my first friend at college.

"I wont be back for a little me and Cait are going out." She says to me.

I smile, grab my toiletries and leave.

. . .

I lay down in my bed and take out my laptop. I go on the Netflix app and look at movies.

I decide on watching White Chicks. I'm in a mood for a good laugh. I end up not finishing the movie, I get to tired.

Ashley comes through the door just as I'm about to fall asleep. She apologizes and we go to bed.

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