Chapter 9

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The rest of the day goes by fast. My classes were all good. I walk back to the dorms and run into Julia.

"Hey Julia!" I say with a smile

"Hi Emily ready for soccer to nite." She laughs

"Yep I hope she doesn't make us run a lot." I say

"Yea she probably will wanna be partners again tonite?" She asks

"Yeah sure that would be cool." I smile.

"Good well I gotta run." She said

"Okay bye!" I smile and walk away.

Im happy I have a friend on the team. Julia is really nice and shes good at soccer too!

I walk up into the room and i find Ashley reading a magazine.

"Hey Emily!" Ashley looks really happy.

"Why are you so happy?" I ask

"Niall was being so cute today he said he got a surprise for my birthday."

Its her birthday!

"Wait its you'r birthday!" I almost scream.

"Yeah!" she seems happy.

"Well I'm sorry I didn't know I would have gotten you something."

I pull her up to give her a birthday hug.

"No its okay I'm not that big on gifts anyway." She says.

"Well do you feel any older?" I laugh.

"Well not really! But at least I can drink legally now" We both laugh.

"Well I'm going to shower then get ready for whatever Niall has planned for me to nite."

Ashley grabs her toiletries then head toward the showers.

I undress and put my clothes in my hamper. I lay out my practice uniform, then put it on.

Once I put my uniform on I look at my phone.

*Hey Emily, Its Niall I got your number from Ashley. Just wanted to let you know its her birthday and she will be out late she dosn't know what I got her or what we will be doing. So don't get worried if shes not back until later!* Niall texted me.

That is so cute he is really going to go all out for her and that's the cutest thing ever. Ashley is a lucky girl.

I open my phone to respond.

*Okay thanks for letting me know! I hope you guys have fun tonite! She seems excited!* I respond.

I Set phone down and get ready for soccer.

Ashley walks in the room and does her make up.

I say goodbye and too have fun to nite then walk to soccer.

I walk to soccer a little bit earlier then yesterday. I see a group of boys walking ahead of me and their in soccer uniforms. I try to look and see if Louis is over their.

I spot Louis and run up to him.

"Louis!" I scream running over to him.

"Hey! Emily." He smiles at me.

"So do you like the soccer team so far?" He asks me.

"Yeah I do, I really like the players and the coach hasn't made us run a lot."

"Well that's not bad."

"Well I have to go see you later." He says and we both part ways.

I walk over to the team and I see Julia standing there.

"Hey Julia!" I say wilt a smile.

"Hi Emily." Julia says with a smile too.

I set my bag down and tie my spikes.

The coach walk up to us all and sets her bag down and her cones.

"Okay everyone gather around." She yells at us to gather.

We all gather around.

"Okay everyone this will be a longer practice. We will be hear for around four hours because we are going on a run!" Coach says with a smile.

"Everyone gather up over their." She points to the sidewalk

We all walk over to the side walk. Coach steps to the side of us with a stopwatch.

"Okay I want you guys to run to the art building and back okay."

We all say yea and gather in a group, I go next to Julia.


We all run in a group. The run was long It was at least three miles long.

After the run we all go to the soccer field. We do a bunch of drills and practice lasts at least four and a half hours.

Me and Julia were partners for all the drills shes a good player.

Once practice is over the sun set is out and almost down.

I walk into the dorm and Ashley isn't back yet I wasn't expecting her to be back, Niall did say she would be late.

I set my bag down and grab my toiletries and head toward the showers.

No one is their when I enter, I go strait to a shower.

I undress and put my clothes on the hook with my towel.

I twist the nob and turn it to the hot mode. I squeeze some shampoo in my hair and wash my hair. I turn away from the shower head and all my back muscles untwined. All my muscles were all tighten from the long run. They all relax from the hot water.

I wash out the shampoo and apply some conditioner. After a few minutes I take my conditioner out and wash my face the little beads from the face wash cools my face down. I wash my body then dry off and wrap my towel around me and walk to the dorm.

Ashley still hasn't return'd when I get back I get dressed into my pajamas and grab my home work.

I do all my homework then grab my phone.

*I will be at your dorm at 2:30 so excited to see you* Dylan sent me.

He's Coming so early I will still be at my classes.

I open up my phone to respond.

*okay cool but i will still be in my classes but your coming at a time I have a break so I will be able to see you!" I send him.

I set my phone down and climb in bed and fall asleep.

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