Chapter 24

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"What would you like to order? The nice waitress at I hop asks. I scramble to open the menu and decide on what to eat.

"Uh...chocolate chip pancakes." I say, choosing a random one. Ashley and I were hungry so we decided to come here for breakfast.

The nice lady writes my order down, once she's done with Ashley she leaves.

"So, now that you have been going to University of Chicago for awhile how do you like it?" She asks while sipping her orange juice.

"So far it's good, way different then I expected it to be." I laugh, its true though I never expected me and Dylan to break up or me and Harry to hookup.

"Yeah, I never expected any of that for you." She says and smiles.

Ashley's phone starts buzzing. She looks at her screen and smiles. I guess its Niall her face always lights up when she hears his name.

"Hi!" She says to her phone. I try to hear what he is saying but I can't make out the words.

"Oh, me and Emily are at I hop." She says sadly. Maybe Niall wanted to see her.

"You can meet us here if you want?" She suggest.

The next thing I see is a smile on her face. "Okay see you soon." She says then hangs up.

"Niall, and Louis are coming here." She says with excitement.

"Really?" I ask.

"Ya." She beams.

"Okay cool." A few minutes later Niall and Louis show up. Me and Ashley scoot over for them to sit. Ashley gives Niall a kiss and they sit next to each other. Louis sits next to me, we exchange the 'hi' and the 'how are you'

A little later, the waitress hands me and Ashley our food and Louis as Niall order some pancakes.

Me and Ashley dig in.

"So Emily when do games start?" Niall asks.

"Next weekend." I awnser.

"I love watching soccer, I've been watching it since I was a boy." He says with a smile.

"You guys are more than welcome to come!" I say and Louis smiles.

''I know I will be there." Louis smiles.

"I'm going too, the rest of the group will probably go too." Niall says.

"Yeah I'm going for sure, I will be the loudest one there screaming your name." Ashley laughs and we join her.

"I will be calling your name pretty loud." Louis say and he smiles.

"Well when I go to your games I will be Screaming your name!" I playfully tease him. I look at Ashley and Niall and there looking past Louis.

I turn my head to see Harry standing there.

"Hi guys." He says, he pulls up a chair from a table and sits at the end of our booth. I can feel the tension.

"Oh, sorry Ashley I forgot to tell you I invited Harry." Niall apologizes to Ashley.

"Oh, its okay." She says and gives me a 'i'm sorry' kind of look. If only she knew about last night.

I eat my pancakes and keep quiet while they talk about soccer games.

"Yeah, I didn't go up a lot of Louis they aren't a lot of fun." Harry explains. I can feel Louis eyes on me.

"Were all gunna go to Emily's games." Louis say patting me back and Harry shoots me a rude look, like he did last night in Nialls' car.

"That's cute look at you guys couple of the year." Harry rudely jokes. Ashley gives him a mean look and he shuts up.

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