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The sun rose above the ocean, casting a warm glow over the houses and buildings. The grass was green and flowers were blooming as they breathed the fresh smell of spring. Guards patrolled the wall surrounding the inland parts of the city, some of them taking time to watch the sun and others yawning and waiting to go back to bed.

I was in my room, curled up on the bed with several books scattered around across the comforter. Celestia and Thorgina lay at the foot of the bed, waking up with the sun. I knew the house would be quiet for another ten minutes before the girls woke up and Zoey started making breakfast. Better enjoy the quiet.

The book in my hand was devoted to portals. Books around me covered subjects like Lady Irene, artifacts important to her, and how to open and close portals. My eyes flickered and I yawned, pressing the back of my hand to my mouth.

Someone knocked on the door, and I jumped, causing a book to slip off the bed and hit the ground with a thud. I sighed, leaning down to pick it up. "Come in Zoey." My voice was dripping weariness and I knew she would see the bags under my eyes. But there was nothing I could do about it.

She opened the door and stepped in slightly, taking in the scene with a single glance. Then she rocked back on her heels and folded her arms across her chest, giving me a look she normally reserved for the girls. "I thought I told you to stop doing this." I opened my mouth, ready to defend myself. But the look in her eyes said it all.

"It's almost been two years Zoey. I can't just keep sitting here and worrying about an Alliance when he's out there waiting." Zoey walked to the windows and pulled the curtains close, listening to me the whole time. "I know for him it's been about two minutes, but every minute is another year for Lilith to forget about him, another minute Alina doesn't know her daddy. I have to figure out how to open this damn portal!" Zoey stopped her my side, smiling at me calmly. She took my hands in hers and squeezed.

"You can't help him, you won't help anyone, if you work yourself to death Aphmau. I want him back too- he was amazing with Lilith, he was a good man, and more than anything he loved you as you." I blinked, looking down at our hands. She was right. I wouldn't be helping anyone if I worked myself to an early grave. "Listen. I'm going to take these books, and you won't get them back for a couple of days. You need real relaxation. For Irene's-" She blushed as the word rolled off her tongue. I smiled, squeezing her hand back. "You know what I mean! But please take it easy. The Council gave you the next few weeks off because they know you need it. Don't worry, I'll read them myself." Zoey assured me as she gathered the books strewn across my bedspread.

I yawned, covering my mouth and sliding down my bed. I pulled the covers up around my chest and reached over to blow out the candle. Zoey smiled at me, clicking her tongue to get the dogs to follow her. I blew out the small flame and plunged my small room into semi-darkness. I let my eyes shut and almost immediately I fell asleep before the worries of life could catch up to me.


It felt like I was floating. I was watching a scene unfold before me, something that almost didn't look real. Phoenix Drop was on fire, crumbling and disintegrating before my very eyes. The village I had worked so hard to protect was falling apart at my feet. I tried to scream, tried to help, but I couldn't move, and my voice wouldn't work. Down below, people were gathered in the plaza.They were bloodstained and tearstained and wounded, trying hard just to stay standing. I noticed several bodies laying in the center of the square, bloody beyond recognition.

"This war isn't over yet!" I saw myself, standing on top of a stand. My hair was wild, and blood was dripping down my side from a gash in my arm. My sword hung at my waist, but it wasn't the sword I used now- it wasn't Aaron's. "We have friends still suffering! We have family dead! We have a village burning! We won't stop until we have gotten vengeance!" Some people cheered, and I noticed a blonde hair man standing next to a brunette man. They were leaning on each other for support, but the grim looks in their faces proved that they wouldn't stop until the end.

"Hello?!" I heard a voice call through the village, the voice of a young man. Other Me turned towards the voice, and a man who looked like Dante stumbled across the square.

"Thank the Six I found everyone." His voice was breaking, and I noticed tears clouding his vision. "Please, has Thalia left yet?! Evelyn, she's... and Neko..." He started crying, leaning against a building. Kawaii~Chan, for no one else looks like her, gasped and sank to the ground, holding her head in her hands.

"When will this stop?!" I cried out, balling my hands into fists. "They've taken too much from us! I swear to you, people of Phoenix Drop, they will not go unpunished!"

I jolted awake, breathing heavily and feeling tears burning the corners of my eyes. Already the dream was starting to fade from my memory, but the row of dead would always haunt me. If that was my future, I swear I will do everything I can to change it.

Love Can Save {An Aphmau Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now