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Watching the reunion of Aaron and Aphmau brought me joy such as I hadn't known since Alice had been at my side. The guilt that had been eating away at my insides since Aaron had given his life for me was finally gone, letting me stand as tall as I once had, those days before the Irene Dimension. I knew how Aphmau felt, and yet I couldn't begin to comprehend the mix of emotions pouring through her. So I hung back, shifting my feet as a smile danced over my lips.

Aaron had pulled Aphmau into his lap, letting her sob into his chest as he buried his face in her neck. I know that Aph has lived the past three years without him, but he did go against Zane fully expecting to die. I can't imagine the feeling of coming back after dying just to find your love still holding out for you... Irene, I hope I never have to know what he's feeling.

I started to edge my way past them, getting the feeling that I was intruded on the most private and intimate of moments. I was level with them when Aaron looked up and over at me. I was taken aback at first, having never truly seen him without the bandana he had worn for so long. Of course, I had barely ever talked to or even seen him before the Irene Dimension, and then I had seen him only for a minute as he sacrificed himself. Part of why his death had taken such a heavy toll on me was, well, I barely knew him. I couldn't have told you one thing about him, not even his name, and yet he gave up his life for me. Granted, it was mostly for Aphmau, but still. And he learned a lot about me during the months I was trapped, and vice versa. Still... here we were, truly looking at each other for the first time.

"Garroth," he started, looking like he wasn't quite sure where he wanted to go.

I smiled down at him, letting every ounce of gratitude that I had shine through. "Thank you." That was all that needed to be said, the only words that could express the admiration and respect I felt for the man before me. He blinked in response, pulling Aphmau tighter against him. It must be odd to go from a relationship hidden to all in one moment to holding her in a lover's embrace like the world didn't exist.

Then his eyes twinkled as something came to mind, a smile breaking through. "There's someone you should see. Last I saw, she was with her sister..." His voice trailed off, or maybe I stopped hearing him altogether. My field of vision narrowed, a roaring filling my ears. I knew exactly who he referred to. Who else could it possibly be? But... I can't hope. I can't hope and then have it all dashed.

Aphmau and Aaron were pushed far from my mind as my feet began to move, taking me out of the old plaza and out into the village. He had said she was with her sister... last I saw, Dante had been in the main square, so Nana must have found her way there. Well, that was the only lead I had.

My leather boots thudded on the cobblestones as I picked up the pace, and soon enough I was running through the deserted streets. There was evidence all over of the war that had only barely just ended, and I couldn't help but glance over every body on the ground, praying I wouldn't recognize anyone. Of course I did. Besides Dale, I saw young men and women I had helped to train lying with dead eyes and pale skin, guards I had never expected to bury so soon. I pushed the horror and revulsion down, trying to focus on the infernal burning in my chest, the wicked creature known as Hope that had led greater men than I astray.

Within a few minutes, I was skidding to a halt in the square, marveling at the dozens of people gathered. For all the dead I had seen in the streets, there were still so many living. So many of my friends, hugging each other and rejoicing at the victory we had so narrowly managed to grab. Fiery-haired Cadenza was across the square, Richard and Zach by her side as she tried her best to organize the hectic crowd. Kacey was nearby, Katelyn hanging from his neck as they laughed, the tiredness in their eyes matching the appearance of their grimy armor. Travis stood next to them, Laurance just to his left, Thalia and Evelyn across from him. Evelyn seemed to be talking very animatedly, but my weary and hopeful mind didn't comprehend the wrongness of that statement.

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