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A day had never before felt so long. Sitting down at the kitchen table in Aphmau's house on the Island, I let my head fall into my arms. A cup of jasmine tea sat brewing by my right elbow, and I shifted to the left to keep from bumping into the extremely hot liquid. It would likely be too strong by the time I found the effort to sit up again, but I pushed the thought to the background of my mind.

After being reassured by Garroth that Aphmau was fine, I had hurried back to the Island to check on the girls. I wanted to stop on our way to Phoenix Drop, but I knew Aaron and Alice were too anxious to see everyone again. That's not to say that Aaron didn't want to see his daughters, but I believed that he wanted to be with Aphmau when he met Alina for the first time. Irene, that had been quite a shock to see not one but two figures tumble out of the portal in an almost empty clearing. Thalia had been sprawled unconscious in the dirt, Lucinda already kneeling by her side. I had begun looking around in confusion, searching for Aphmau and Laurance and Katelyn and Travis. I had stopped when I heard Nana scream and had found her stumbling across the clearing, arms outstretched towards the young woman I hadn't expected to see. Aaron had offered me a small smile when he caught my eye, washing away the stress of the past three years.

When we had walked through the streets of the Capital Island, we had seen dozens of Phoenix Drop residents, huddled in tight groups. The news about Tu'la's invasion had set us in motion, had made us start running through the streets toward the portal. We had heard whispers that Lady Irene had been near the old plaza, and Aaron had taken off, leaving the five of us alone. Thalia had been leaning heavily on me, and Lucinda had been smiling at Nana and Alice, the two sisters still crying and laughing.

I had left after watching Garroth and Alice reunite, giving them a few minutes with each other before asking my pressing question. He had told me that Aphmau was perfectly okay, just exhausted, and that she was with Aaron now. After making him promise to send the pair back home to the Capital, I had taken my leave, trying to keep my gaze diverted from the bloody streets. I didn't want to leave Alexis and Molly, or Corey and Emma, but they had each other now and I was much too tired to function properly. So here I was, half-asleep in Aphmau's kitchen as Alina and Lilith played upstairs in their room. The girls had been fine, as I thought they would be, just as Kiki assured me as she left the house after watching the girls while Aphmau and I had been away.

The door swung open and I lifted my head, blinking blearily at the two figures in the doorway. The two young men smiled, and I lifted a hand in a tired wave. "Hello boys. I'm glad you're okay."

"We're good Zoey, but are you? And how's Mom? Is she here?" Malachi's voice forced me to wake up, and I grabbed the cup of steaming tea as I formulated words. Malachi and Levin let themselves in, closing the door behind and seating themselves in front of me.

"Tea?" I asked, setting my still very hot cup down again as the two shook their heads. "I'm just exhausted. It's been a very long day. I don't quite understand it all myself." I yawned, covering my mouth with a hand. "And yes, your mother is okay too. At least that's what Garroth told me. And I believe she's still in Phoenix Drop with Aaron."

"So it worked!" Levin was grinning even as he stood and began to rummage through the cabinets in search of some snack or another. "That's wonderful. I'm so happy for Mom. And for the girls. Are they upstairs?"

I nodded, biting my lip to hide a smile. All these many years later, the endless pit of a young man's stomach never failed to amaze me. "Yes, the girls are playing. I haven't told them about Aaron yet; I thought they'd enjoy the surprise." Malachi smiled at me, green eyes vivid in contrast to the green scarf he wore around his neck.

"That'll be nice. Then our family will all be together. Mom, Aaron, Levin and I, the girls, and you." I reached out and squeezed his hand, the tightness in my throat blocking any words. "You raised us Zoey," he murmured, squeezing my hand back. "You're as much our mother as Mom is."

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