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The sun was barely over the horizon when we packed up our little camp, continuing on towards the massive forest a few hours ahead of us. Lucinda strode in the front, staff ever present as she led the way for our little group. Dante trailed a little behind, obviously still half-asleep, and Laurance walked next to me, the two of us bringing up the rear. We had only been traveling for a week, and yet it felt like we had walked across the entire region and back.

"All this walking reminds me of all the adventures we went on with Aphmau." I looked over at Laurance and found him smiling, looking at the fading stars in the sky above. I nodded, too tired to form a fitting response. But that was exactly what it reminded me of. Our trips through the Sacred Forest, up to Scaleswind, to the Southeastern wolf tribe, and everywhere in between. Even if it had only been a few years since we had all settled down on the Capital Island, it still felt like ages ago. I think part of that was because of how much had happened. All I knew was that I was glad that my brother was finally home again, even if it had taken more than a year for him to find his way back.

Laurance glanced over at me, and I knew that he could see the words I just couldn't say so early in the morning. He offered a smile, one that I returned immediately. "There were times when I thought I would never see Phoenix Drop again," he continued, speaking in a low voice that I knew was meant for my ears only. I sensed Dante and Lucinda pulling even farther ahead, leaving the two of us alone. "I thought that Zane would win, and even when I did come back... well, I didn't want to see Zane and his cronies walking through the village that meant so much to me." Words slowly began forming in my mind, combining until they made a coherent sentence.

"Aphmau never really said it, but... I know that she was worried for you the entire time you were gone. We all were. And when I saw you in the village square that day, I knew I wouldn't let you leave with my... Zane again." Laurance hit my back, giving me yet another smile.

"Irene, that was a year for the pair of us, wasn't it?" I shook my head, my smile slipping a little farther away as I remembered exactly who I had lost a year ago. Laurance moved forward, joining Dante as the latter teased him about something that caused them both to laugh.

I knew I should probably stop thinking about the events of a year ago, but my mind was already whirling, bringing up everything that happened, all the things I should have been able to prevent from occurring. Her hair was being whipped around by the wind, and the smile on her face made her look beautiful... he just stood there in silence, letting the fear build up... Lilith screamed, the sound rising up through the dead air... Leona, brave little Leona, was lying in a pool of ever-growing blood... I wasn't going to win this fight. I was about to die... The sky above, once a beautiful blue, was now covered in dreary black clouds and cracking lightning... The white light exploded, and taking with it, my very soul...

"Garroth!" I jolted out of my thoughts, now wide-awake as my hammering heart began to slow. Dante was looking back, motioning for me to join them. His eyes told me that he knew exactly what I had been thinking about and was trying to offer a hand to help me out of the sea I was about to drown in. My head dipped ever so slightly in thanks before my feet picked up the pace, bringing me level with the others.

Lucinda was observing the land before us before she turned back with a grim smile, straightening that hat she was never without. "We have a couple miles to cover before we make it to the edge of the Forest. Sorry boys, it's another long day." Laurance snorted, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"It's always a long day when we walk all day." I shook my head at my friend before glancing at Dante, unable to resist making a joke at his expense.

"Are you sure that you aren't the old one here, Laurance, not Dante?" Laurance rolled his eyes again, sticking his tongue out. Lucinda snorted, adjusting her hat once more.

"Dante and I are the same age, and you don't hear either of us complaining." Dante laughed hard at that, and we continued on in that friendly manner for a few more hours until our exhaustion caught up once more.

We may joke around and complain about all the walking, but I knew that deep down we were all glad that it was taking so long. If it had taken the four of us a week to travel from Phoenix Drop to the edge of the Forest, it would take a full army twice as long at the least. So the longer it took us to find Tula's army, all the better for the villages on this side of the Forest. Especially since we had Lucinda and Hyria on our side. They wouldn't be able to make it very far in the Forest before getting lost, and hopefully that would deter them from going any farther into Ru'aun.

The only thing we really could do anymore was hope for the best and prepare for the absolute worst. And it was normally the worst that we typically faced.

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