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The rain still hadn't stopped, just like it hadn't the past several days. The herb garden out back probably drowned yesterday, I absently thought as I organized the kitchen cabinets. There was literally nothing better to do. At. All.

The pounding on the door was the best sound I heard all day. Placing the stack of bowls back on the counter, I hurried through the shop, thoughts flying through all the people I know and why they might need me on such a bleak day.

In the end, I was surprised to see Madeline, one of the younger guards of Phoenix Drop, hair plastered to her face and rain dripping into her eyes. She grinned at me, stepping close to try and get under the eaves of the roof and out of the rain. "Good afternoon Thalia! You're wanted at Lord Levin's house." I frowned, leaning against the door frame.

"Do you know why?" She shrugged, blinking hard against the water.

"I believe the scouting party is back and Lord Levin wants you to check them over for any injuries or help them with the pain that comes from being on the road so long." My heart skipped a beat, and I immediately turned around, practically sprinting back to where my medicine bag sat.

I threw a smile at Madeline on my way out, slipping the strap of the bag over my shoulder as I closed the door behind me. "Thank you, Madeline. Have a wonderful day." And then I was off, running through the storm and dodging puddles in the streets. I mentally cursed myself for forgetting a cloak or jacket or anything to keep the rain away, but I hadn't the time to go back. Two and a half months since they had departed, and now L- now they were all back, and I couldn't be happier.

There was no one else out, so I reached Levin's house in only a few minutes, with one quick stop that had occurred when I took a corner too quickly and found myself on my side, hip completely drenched in a puddle. But besides that quick mishap, I made it to the Lord's house in record time. Out of breath, I knocked on the door, faintly hearing voices inside.

After a minute, the door swung open again, revealing the familiar Travis Valkrum. He grinned at me, his hair damp and still in his eyes. "Thalia! You certainly got here fast." I rolled my eyes at his wink, pushing him aside to enter the house. "What, no coat?"

"I hadn't the time," I replied, flushing as I realized just how soaked through my dress was. He chuckled, and I glared at him, brushing my dripping hair behind my ear. "Why are you here?"

He shrugged, grabbing a nearby towel and draping it over my shoulders. "Levin asked if Katelyn could come since he doesn't want to bother Lady Aphmau in this storm. So, naturally, I came along too." I nodded, pulling the towel tight as I walked into the main room, following the voices.

Arrayed across the variety of couches and chairs was a great deal of people. Katelyn and Levin sat by the fire, Malachi hovering beside them. Dante looked half-asleep on one of the couches, smiling at Nana fussing over him. Garroth and Lucinda were in the kitchen, eating what looked like large bowls of stew, and sitting on the other couch was a young woman who looked very familiar, talking quietly to Laurance, his chestnut hair glowing in the firelight.

Laurance looked up as I entered the room, a warm smile breaking over his face. I smiled back, noticing the tightness in his shoulders and eyes. I'll talk to him later. I turned my gaze to Lord Levin, dipping my head to him.

"Lord Levin?" He scoffed, waving his hand around. I laughed, fixing my prior statement. "Levin?" He grinned up at me, reminding me in an instant of the woman who, well, she didn't raise him, but she was his mother in all ways but one.

"Thank you for coming, Thalia. Do you need dry clothes or anything?" He seemed to realize that I was dripping water on his floor, and I flushed.

"No, thank you. I apologize, I forgot a jacket in my haste to see my friends again. Now, Madeline said something about aches and pains?" Levin nodded, gesturing to the four members of the scouting party.

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