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I wasn't completely sure of what had happened in the last hour or so, but I don't think anyone really knew. My confusion really started when Travis and Katelyn showed up out of nowhere when I thought they were far away on the Capital Island, helping Aphmau open the portal to the Irene Dimension. And then the next thirty minutes had been full of unimaginable pain and fatalistic thoughts of what would happen to Neko and Dmitri and Nana after I was gone.

And then there was a person hovering in the sky. Even at such a great distance, Katelyn had recognized her immediately. "Aphmau!" Katelyn gasped, causing me to turn, the sudden movement sending jolts of fierce pain down my left side. I followed her gaze in confusion and stopped when I saw our lady high in the sky, wings arching from her back and beautiful white light emanating from her body. Raven hair floated around her face, but the distance and the light hid her features from view. She truly looked like Lady Irene herself.

"What the hell?" I coughed, wincing as my back stung even more. "What is she doing? Trying to scare them away?" My question was answered, just not in the form I expected. Even as I watched, the light expanded and covered the sky, hiding Aphmau from view and blocking out the rest of the world in pure brilliance. I fell to my knees, all around me the sounds of weapons clattering to the ground and soldiers and guards alike crying out as the light intensified.

Several long moments later, the light was dissipating. I gasped in shock and relief as the pain in my body flooded out even as color began to return to the world. I know this feeling. I remember it. But that's impossible... Yet somehow it was possible. For as I opened my eyes, no longer blind, I wasn't hunched over in pain anymore. Instead, I found myself with a straight back and the ability to breathe properly as I had not for many hours. My hand scrabbled against my back and found smooth skin instead of the jagged end of an arrow I expected. Blood and gore and grime still coated my armor and skin, and the area was still bruised pretty badly, but I was safe. I was whole. I would make it home and see my family again.

"Soldiers of Tu'la, hear me." I knew who was speaking and yet it was unfamiliar. The warmth was gone from her voice, replaced by cool and unmoving steel. It was ethereal and almost as if she spoke directly to me, straight into my mind. I raised my eyes to the heavens, setting my sight on the angel high above us all. "I am Lady Irene, sworn protector of this region. This village and all of its people are under my protection, and I will not see them slaughtered. So drop your weapons and leave before I grow tired of your presence and force you to flee through less pleasant manners."

"Lady Irene has been gone for centuries! You're not really her! You can't scare us!" Tulian voices rose up, and my hands slipped around the hilts of my swords, preparing for another fight.

"Turn your attention to my warriors beside you. The terrible wounds you inflicted are gone. I have healed them. I gave them the strength to rise again. You do not stand a chance against my might, or the wrath of the Phoenix Alliance. So once again, flee."

The soldiers had left our home in droves. Many minutes had been filled with only the sounds of steel and iron weapons dropping to the soaked cobblestones and the retreating footsteps of the men who would have become our killers. Then the mourning and celebrations had begun.

Even with all of her power, Lady Irene (she didn't seem like Aphmau to me. She was something different altogether) was unable to save everyone. The bodies of our friends still lay in the streets, crumpled under or over the bodies of their enemies, never to stand or draw breath again. Alexis had come running into the square but a few minutes ago, tears beginning to course down her face in familiar tracts as she looked for comfort in a familiar face. She had found it in Corey, the old man beginning the slow and arduous task of mourning his poor son. Laurance had found me a few minutes before that, and from the little we were able to talk, I got the feeling that Garroth had been on the verge of leaving us forever as well, almost joining Dale in the great beyond.

Now Laurance was far across the square, and I saw him talking to Richard and Evelyn, both of whom looked whole and healthy, which was something to be grateful for. I scanned the ground for other friends, trying to mentally tally who was still missing from this group. There were still so many I didn't see, so many people who's fate I was still oblivious to.

"Dante!" The sound of my name drew my attention, and from behind me I saw Thalia and Zoey approaching, the former looking as if she were about to keel over any moment. But both were smiling and waving, even as confusion and exhaustion threatened to overwhelm the pair. I raised my hand, not feeling the strength to shout. "Oh Dante, you look awful!"

I laughed, rubbing the back of my neck and coming away with a palm covered in grime and gore. "Well while you ladies were off opening portals, I was fighting tooth and claw here. In all honesty, I'm lucky Lady Aphmau appeared when she did."

"That's what we don't understand," Thalia murmured, and Zoey hurried to support her friend. "What exactly happened?"

"If I tell you, will you tell me?" The women laughed quietly, and I began the task of recounting all I knew of the last few hours. I spared them the bloodshed, but I mentioned the names of all I knew who had fallen. Zoey's hand had flown to her mouth when I spoke of the fates that had befallen Kyle and Dale, and her eyes started moving.

"Dante, please help Thalia. I... I have to go to Alexis. The poor girl... And Corey..." Thalia disentangled herself, offering me a wan smile as Zoey hurried away.

"It all makes sense, of course. We opened the portal, Lady Aphmau and I, but as soon as it was done, half of the people in the clearing were gone. That was certainly a shock." I sent the same smile back at her, and when I was about to question her about why she had helped to open the portal when someone came up behind me. Thalia's eyes softened, and her smile grew genuine. "Laurance." My gaze flickered to the side, finding my brother at my shoulder now as he approached the exhausted young woman. "I'm glad you're okay. You had us all worried when you disappeared like that."

Laurance was now past me, standing directly in front of Thalia. Shaking my head, I began to turn away, leaving the two to their conversation. "You were the one worrying me. Last I saw, you were collapsing to the ground like you had..."

I heard no more of their conversation, for I was stumbling backwards as familiar arms held me in a tight embrace, even through the firm iron of my armor. I leaned my head back and tilted it to the side, seeing the love of my life holding me close. "Nana," I murmured, resting my weary hands over hers.

"Oh Dante," she whispered back, and a flash of worry crossed my mind. Why did she sound like she had been crying? "Oh, I was so worried about you. I still am." I peeled her arms off and pulled her around to face me, smiling at my beautiful wife. "I know something must have gone right since you're not bleeding anymore, no one is, but seeing you with so many tears and holes in your armor..." She sniffed, leaving me with no doubt in my mind that she was about to cry, if she hadn't already begun.

"I'm sorry, love." I wrapped her in a hug, pulling her tight against my ruined chestplate. "I'm okay now, I promise. I'm right here in your arms."

"But I almost lost you."

"You'll have to try harder than that to get rid of me."

"Dante." Her sobs were evident now, and I pulled her even tighter. "Dante, you big idiot. Don't you ever scare me like this again, you hear? I won't forgive you next time."

"Yes, dear." I laughed gently, resting my chin on the top of her head and closing my eyes. Never before had I wanted a nap so badly. I could probably sleep for a week. And then eat an entire feast right afterward.

"Oh!" Nana gasped, pulling away and looking up with shining eyes. My forehead creased slightly, trying to figure out this change in attitude. She wasn't upset anymore; instead she seemed... exhilarated. "I'm such a idiot! Rushing off to find you and leaving her with Lucinda!"


She winked at me, catching sight of something behind me. I began to turn my head, stopping when she caught my gaze again with a happy smile. "Dante, there's someone who you should see. She's very happy to see you again."

Love Can Save {An Aphmau Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now