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Trudging up the mountain of the Capital Island was not my ideal start to the morning, but looking backward to see Aphmau's hopeful expression made it all worthwhile. Nana was by my side, glancing back at the city down below every few minutes, obviously thinking of the husband she had left on guard-duty in Phoenix Drop. I bumped into her gently, throwing a smile her way when she looked over. She smiled briefly back before shooting a look behind, probably looking at Aphmau as I had just done.

"I hope everything works out," she murmured, leaning close to keep her words from drifting back to our lady. "I don't know what Aphmau will do if this doesn't work."

I sighed, letting my gaze drift upwards to the horizon and the treetops. "It will work out. I don't see any other option." My eyes wandered down, and I focused on the two pairs walking up the path before us. Farthest ahead were Katelyn and Travis, heads pressed together in conversation and hands intertwined. Seeing the two of them together always made me smile, and I hoped that this upcoming war with Tu'la wouldn't interfere with this beautiful thing they had found.

Slightly behind the two of them were Thalia and Laurance, walking close enough to each other that it was quite clear to me what was beginning to blossom between the couple. Ever since we had returned from the weeks-long mission, Laurance had seen more and more of Thalia. She seemed to truly be one of the only people who fully understood him, and I knew that after so long after being looked down on by society, they were happiest in the company of the other. Of course, they still thought of each other as friends, but I'd seen this happen enough times in my life to know that it wouldn't be long until they were even closer than Katelyn and Travis. Well, closer in their own way.

"The clearing is right up ahead on the left," Zoey called out, glancing at Aphmau to double-check. Aphmau nodded, glancing down at the flower she cupped in her palms, her tan skin awash with a silver glow. Zoey and Aphmau had both agreed that this clearing on the mountain would be the best place to try and open this portal; the old site in Phoenix Drop was practically destroyed, and if something went awry, we would be far enough from the city that no one would come to harm. Besides, they had both said that this clearing had the most magick power they had ever felt before. And Aphmau was going to need every ounce of power she could muster.

My staff dug into the ground, acting as a walking stick in the damp ground. My lips formed a hard line when I spotted the splatters of mud on the hem of my white dress, as well as all over the bare leg my dress exposed. Nana laughed, and one quick glance at her proved that I was the source of her laughter. I stuck my tongue out, feeling like the young girl I had been when we first met.

Travis stepped off the path, obviously having found the clearing. Katelyn followed, as did Laurance, but Thalia hung back. She was biting her lip, eyes flicking between a point behind me and the ground. I pulled away from Nana, crossing the soggy path to stand by her side. "Is there something bothering you, dear?" She crossed her arms, resorting to the mode I knew as serious-Shadow-Knight-don't-try-to-read-me.

"If you had the... ability... to help someone, help several people, but... well, what if that help came at the loss of something important to you?" She was gazing into the distance now, eyes unfocused as she did her best to avoid looking at anyone.

I frowned, fully turning towards her to try and discern any information I could from her body language. "How important is this thing you would be losing? Would it just be sentimental or..."

"It would be very dear to you," she murmured, biting her lip again. She wasn't showing anything, but her eyes betrayed the vicious storm brewing inside. "Would you do it? Would you give that up if it meant your friends could be happy again?"

I took her hand in mine. "Your friends wouldn't want you to give up anything. But... unless this thing would forever change your life? Well, what could there possibly be that would stop us from helping our friends?" Thalia blinked, pulling her hand away with a sharp and shallow nod. As she walked away towards Laurance, I couldn't help but get the vague sense that the answer I gave only made her predicament worse.

With that thought now weighing me down, I came to stand by Zoey. Aphmau was kneeling in the center of the clearing, the moonflower decorating the ground before her. Her face was contorted in frustration, and I wished I knew how to help her. But this wasn't my level of expertise. I knew magick and I knew how to open portals but... this was a different type of magick, older than anything I was used to. I was here to help, but I couldn't guide. We simply had to trust that the Lady deep within Aphmau would show her what needed to be done.

"Aphmau?" Travis called out, palm resting on the hilt of his blade. "What do you need of us?" Aphmau glanced up, brow still furrowed.

"You and Katelyn stand guard in case any imps get any bright ideas. Laurance and Thalia, you do the same. Nana, Lucinda, and Zoey, stay nearby. You all have experience with magick, and maybe you can lend some of your strength if needed." Everyone nodded, going to their respective places. Well, almost everyone.

"Aphmau, there's something that I need to tell you," Thalia's voice dripped with defeat and exhaustion. We all automatically looked toward the woman, noting her crossed arms and tense frame. Aphmau leaned back on her heels, waiting for Thalia to continue. She sighed, closing her eyes and raising her chin. "There was a reason the Shadow Knights chose to make me one of them. I... well, my father called it a blessing, but by the Six, it's been a curse. I have this... magick ability. It lets me open portals. That's how Vylad and I escaped."

Her revelation was met with stunned silence. "Thalia, why..." Laurance sounded bewildered, and I watched him take a step towards the woman he held above all others, even if he didn't realize he did.

"I know I should have mentioned this earlier," she started, words tumbling out in an endless stream. "I know you must think me insane for not telling you about this months and months ago and I'm dreadfully sorry but it's just that, that when, that whenever I open portals-"

"It takes a toll on you," I recalled, the words she had spoken just moments before clicking into place. She looked at me with shining eyes, thankful for the help. Everyone else still seemed shocked by her words, but they followed the conversation easily.

"It takes a dreadful toll on me. And I want to help so, so much but I was scared that if I offered my help and I wasn't able to follow through because of what this power take out of me, I would leave you all without hope and to me that seemed so much worse than just not saying anything-" She was breathing hard, the normally stony expression showing the panic building inside.

Aphmau was already on her feet, pulling Thalia into a close hug. "Oh Thalia, no one blames you. It seems like this power is the reason why your life went downhill; I understand why you didn't want to use it again. And I understand why you're afraid of it. But hey, listen to me." She placed a hand to Thalia's cheek, pressing their foreheads together. "I don't expect you to risk yourself or your wellbeing. All I can ask is that... maybe you lend a hand if I truly desperately need your help?"

Thalia's face glowed in relief and she smiled, squeezing her eyes shut and pressing her forehead against Aphmau's slightly harder. "Again, I'm sorry I didn't say anything earlier."

Laurance shifted, seeming as if he wanted to step forward and envelope the young woman in his arms. "Like Aphmau said, no one blames you Thalia. You've been through a lot in the past few years. You shouldn't be expected to give up anything else, especially whatever this magick takes out of you."

The others nodded, but Nana looked slightly confused and concerned. There were white marks on her bottom lip from her teeth, but before I could cross to her side, Aphmau was moving away from Thalia and back to the moonflower. She knelt, black tresses obscuring her face from view as her hands reached out towards the flower she was placing every ounce of hope in. Her eyes met mine through the curtain of hair, and I sent every bit of confidence and faith towards her, flashing a smile.

Thalia stepped closer towards Aphmau and waited for the lady to begin. Katelyn and Travis spread out, and Laurance positioned himself behind Thalia, ready to step in if anything went wrong. Zoey, Nana, and I made a loose semicircle behind Aphmau, my knuckles turning white around the wood of my staff. Aphmau rocked back on her heels, holding her hands above the flower and squeezing her eyes shut as she searched for the power deep inside, the power of Lady Irene,

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