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"Laurance! What are you doing here?" I stepped through the door, rubbing the back of my neck as I laughed. Thalia stood before me, clothes in complete disarray. She shut the door behind me, discreetly trying to fix her appearance.

"I have the day off, and I remember you mentioning that you were going to do some spring cleaning here at the shop, so I thought I'd stop by and see if you needed any help." I took her in, the brown apron covering her green dress, her normal contained hair bursting out of the leather strip she had tied around it, the sweat that glistened on her brow. My gaze flicked to hers, losing myself briefly in her green eyes before pulling away, instead focusing on the disorganized room around us. "Obviously it's already well underway."

It was Thalia's turn to laugh, brushing stray hair behind her ear. "Well, if you're offering your assistance, I would be a fool to turn you away. Come on, Evelyn and I are working on the supplies room right now." I followed her through the hurricane zone, picking my way over stacks of books and piles of materials.

In the two weeks since Evelyn had appeared at our front gate, she and Thalia had been nearly inseparable. I was glad to see she was so happy; she spent so much time in a horrible state, the years spent in the Nether really weighing down on her. She never really spoke about what she had gone through, and I was hoping that Evelyn would be able to help her let go of all of that pain. I mean, the two of us had talked, seeing as we were the only Shadow Knights in Phoenix Drop. But I couldn't compare to a childhood best friend.

"Evelyn! I don't know if you've met him, but this is Laurance. He's going to help us out with all of... this." The young woman kneeling on the ground stood up, dusting off her pants before offering her hand to me. I shook it, smiling broadly.

"It's nice to meet you Evelyn. I've heard a lot about you from Thalia here." She smiled, grey eyes twinkling. "You know, I can tell we're going to get along fantastically. You can tell me all about Thalia, and I can tease her about everything." She made a raspy sound from the back of her throat, one that she quite obviously meant to be a laugh.

"Oh Irene," Thalia groaned, pushing my shoulder with a giggle. "Maybe it was a bad idea to introduce the two of you." The three of us laughed, and I unbuckled my sword belt, laying the weapon on top of the nearest table along with my jacket.

"Alright, what do you want me to do?"


Seven hours later, Thalia finally placed the final book back on her shelves. "Done! Wow, that really did take all day." Evelyn nodded, wiping a hand over her brow as she plopped down on a now empty chair. I followed her lead, draping myself over a bed meant for patients. Ash covered every inch of my tunic after I had spent about two hours cleaning out the giant fireplace across the room. "Laurance! Until you're clean, get off of the bed!"

I groaned, pushing myself up with aching arms. "Well, I could always just take my shirt off." I winked at her, running a hand through my hair. Thalia blushed, throwing her apron at me.

"Now I see why everyone calls you a casanova." I laughed, catching her apron midair before throwing it into a nearby basket. Evelyn looked between us, a smile forming on her lips. For being mute, she was very vocal in her facial expressions, and she had developed a whole system of signs with her hands that meant different things. She had taught me a few, and I was hoping to learn more of them. She seemed like a really fun person, and I can't wait to get to know her better.

"Hey, let's go get some dinner. There's this fantastic inn on the Capital Island, and we've been working hard. Come on, my treat." I stood up, all fatigue leaving at the prospect of food. Thalia laughed, shaking her head and reaching back to fix her hair.

"Alright, but how about a certain someone showers first. Or at least changes their shirt." I scoffed, sticking my tongue out at her. Evelyn snorted before grabbing Thalia's arm and pulling her upstairs.

Fifteen, she signed, which I assumed to mean fifteen minutes. I saluted before grabbing my sword and leaving Thalia's shop.

Thirteen minutes later, I was waiting by the portal, drumming my fingers against the sword that once again hung by my side. I hated going anywhere without it, even to somewhere as safe as the Capital Island. I guess being forced to spend a year under the control of Zane Ro'Meave would leave anyone on edge. And I guess that being a wolf in sheep's clothing would make anyone a little nervous. I saw how people looked at me, whispering or avoiding eye contact. I was the Shadow Knight who had gone rogue, disappeared for almost two years before returning and becoming a guard again. People didn't trust me anymore, not like they used to when all I was known as was the second-in-command in Phoenix Drop.

These thoughts were interrupted as I saw Thalia and Evelyn walking down the path towards me. Thalia seemed to be glowing, her smile growing brighter when she saw me waiting. Or maybe that was my imagination. "Hey! Where are you taking us?"

Together, the three of us walked through the portal and then through the streets of the Capital Island. As we walked together, the Island was starting to settle down for the night. A few buildings were still open, and the sounds of nightlife were emanating into the streets. Evelyn kept teaching me new signs as we walked, Thalia laughed as I messed up over and over again. "Like this?" I made a shape with my hands, causing Thalia to giggle again.

"No! Like this." She takes both of my hands in hers, forming my fingers to the correct shape. She glanced up at me and our eyes locked for a split second. I laughed awkwardly, pulling away and showing Evelyn the sign I had made. She smiled at me, obviously pretending that she hadn't just seen my awkward encounter with Thalia.

I cleared my throat, pointing ahead down the street. "Come on, we're almost there!" I pulled the girls along with me, trying to ignore the hammering in my chest and to forget the stares of the people passing by.

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