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The call echoed through the barn, bringing silence with a hint of nervous excitement. We had no idea how Lady Aphmau was going to react, but hopefully, this would be able to brighten up her day after weeks of stress and worry. We all still fondly remember the days when Aphmau was full of joy and excitement, dedicating all of her free time to making life better for the people living in Phoenix Drop. She still did exactly that, but there was a heavier weight in her steps, and her gaze seemed to show all of the hurt and turmoil inside. Even if only for a few hours, we were willing to do whatever it took to see her smile once more.

I pulled Richard with me so we dropped behind one of the tables, and I saw the others doing the same. The lights had been dimmed just enough that we could still see, but the surprise wouldn't be ruined the moment Aphmau walked through the doors. The movement must have caused something to happen because I heard Laurance curse under his breath. I laughed, shaking my head as he and Garroth started arguing with each other over whose fault that was.

"Shut up!" Katelyn's whispered voice echoed across the room, and the giggles of my children followed soon after. I smiled, raising myself up just enough so I could see what was about to happen. A few minutes passed before Lady Aphmau appeared at the end of the road, her daughters, Zoey, and Kiki all around her. She was speaking with Kiki, but I couldn't make out what was being said. Aphmau looked ever so confused, obviously having no idea as to why Kiki would need her to come to the barn this close to dusk.

She was so focused on Kiki that, even as she entered the barn, she didn't even notice all of the decorations around her. She just kept walking, listening to every word Kiki uttered as they entered the darkened building. That is, until the entire building exploded into lights and noise.

"Surprise!" The shout echoed around the barn, the joyous tones filling the air and making everyone swell with delight. I leapt up from the ground, throwing my hands in the air and adding my voice to the chorus. In the process, the drink in my hand left the cup and exploded all down the front of my face and shirt. Richard started howling in laughter, and I couldn't help but join in as root beer dripped down my hair and chin.

"Oh Dante!" Aphmau cried, barely concealing a grin as she took in what I had done to myself. "You are a complete disaster!" I grinned, shaking my head like a dog and spraying root beer everywhere. The lady shrieked, leaping backwards to avoid the spray, giggling the whole time. "Dante!" Seeing her standing there, laughing with a sparkle in her eyes, it made all of it worth it. All the years waiting for her, never knowing when she would come back but never giving up, every second was worth it. This was the woman who gave me a chance, even though she had no idea who I was, and she proved to me that a lord is more than someone who leads a village. They are brave and strong and will do anything for their people. She was a rare woman, and I was ever so lucky to have met her so long ago.

On that note, the rest of the barn jumped right into the party. All of Aphmau's long time friends were there, all wanting to provide the woman who had done so much for them with at least one good night. Everyone from the old Phoenix Drop such as Brendan and his family, Molly and Dale, Emmalyn and Kenmur, Donna and Logan and their kids, Lady Cadenza and so many more were all here. Those who had recently become dear to her like Travis and Richard, Katelyn and Kacey, Thalia, Vylad, Isabell, and even Chad were here as well. The only ones here were those who had made an impact on Aphmau and were her friends. No one who pretended to know her or only loved her because she was Irene. Just those she could trust with her whole heart.

Nana appeared at my side, shaking her head while throwing a towel at my head. "Honestly Dante, I can't leave you anywhere!" She tried to sound disappointed, but she only succeeded in laughing at my predicament. I grinned, throwing my arms around her and spinning her around in a hug. She gasped as the root beer on my shirt transferred from me onto her dress. "Dante!" She giggled, ears flicking. I set her down before pressing a kiss against her forehead.

"Go enjoy yourself, love. I'll clean this up," I murmured into her hair, and she hummed in approval. Blowing me a kiss, she turned and danced towards Lady Aphmau before pulling her around the barn, showing her everything that she had down throughout the day. Shaking my head at my beautiful wife, I took the towel, and, after wiping my face off, mopped up the spill on the ground. Richard appeared at my side, holding a new drink in his hand.

"I figured you might want another drink to spill," he mocked, a good-natured grin lighting up his face. I laughed, pushing myself to my feet with a groan before accepting the cup from his hand.

"You keep getting older and older, don't ya Dante?" The teasing voice of my longtime friend caused me to turn, and I shook my head at the brunette.

"Just because I'm fifteen years your elder doesn't mean I'm old Laurance. Besides, I remember the last time you and Garroth teased me for being old, and I'm pretty sure it ended in my beating both of you in combat." Laurance scoffed, nudging Garroth with an elbow.

"We've had some training since then. Anytime you want old man, and we'll take you down." The four of us laughed, and I couldn't help but appreciate how much it meant to all of us that Laurance was back. It reminded me of simpler days, and I felt like with Garroth, Laurance, Travis, Richard, Kacey, and myself, nothing could ever go wrong.

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