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Even though we rallied our forces as quickly as possible, we were still too late joining the battle. The guards of Phoenix Drop were dispersed through the village, fighting in small groups surrounded by dozens of Tulian soldiers. Lady Cadenza pushed us forward, thirty of us riding forward on the mounts we had taken from New Meteli. Even riding at top speeds, it had taken nearly three hours to gather everyone up and make it here. Charging into battle was a daunting task, but no one faltered.

I leapt from my horse, slapping its shoulder in an attempt to force it to flee from the battlefield that would likely take its life. Cadenza remained atop her horse, shouting orders and waving her sword, Zach staying close by to protect her from any sudden attack or fit.

"Kace, Xavier! You take ten men and head towards the village square! That's where the most action seems to be happening! Everyone else! Spread out and help whoever you can! We can't let Tu'la take Phoenix Drop!"

Side by side, Xavier and I took off through the streets, swords and shields held high. All around was evidence of the war ravaging the city I had slowly started to call home. Bodies lay in the streets, blood coating the cobblestones, buildings torn to shreds. Soldiers jumped out at us from alleys and side streets, slowing us down and causing many injuries along the way. What should have taken us ten minutes turned into thirty, maybe more. Each and every second was a fight for our lives, and we were lucky to make it to the square without any lives lost in our group.

But the square was a mess. There was no sense to the chaos, just the constant clamor of swords against swords, against shields, against armor, against flesh. Everywhere I turned was more and more destruction, and more and more carnage. If not for the heat of the moment, I may have keeled over and thrown up the entire content of my stomach. As it was, I swallowed down my bile and charged forward, a yell dragging itself from the back of my throat. A cry of encouragement went up from the guards of Phoenix Drop and the Capital Island. Here were their reinforcements; here was their chance at victory.

Across the square was a shock of blue hair: Dante. He was fighting like the devil itself. Just from here, I could see the wrench across his left calf, the broken arrow shafts and spearheads sticking out of his shield strapped to his back, the sweat and gore matting his hair against the side of his head. His twin swords flashed like two suns, slicing high and low, back and forth, in and out. I had a feeling that Dante would fight until every last drop of blood had been drained from his body.

"Let's give 'em all we've got!" Xavier's voice cut through the commotion, leading to an exhausted shout from our allies. As my boots hit the cobblestones and my sword clashed with the weapons of our enemies, I was overtaken with the most exhaustion I had ever felt. My muscles twinged in sympathy as I thought of the complete exhaustion that must be consuming those from Phoenix Drop; I had been fighting for about thirty minutes, but my friends had been in combat for hours and yet still struggled on. Those who still had the ability to stand, that is. I pushed down the heavy exhaustion and forced my limbs into action.

Someone behind me howled in pain, and I whirled around to see a young man holding the stump of what used to be his right hand against his gut. I leapt forward, I tried to force my way across the square to protect this young man before the pain left him oblivious to the world. My eyes stretched wide and I shouted his name, trying to turn his attention to the swordsman behind him.

I was too late. Kyle's cry of pain increased tenfold as a sword drove through his chest, twisting and ravaging his poor frame. Someone screamed across the square. An arrow struck the Tu'la soldier and took him down. Fury powered my actions, sending me into a rampage as I whirled and swung my sword in great arcs, cutting down anyone stupid enough to come near me.

This battle needs to end. If we don't win within the next hour or so... we'll run out of energy and guards. And that'll be the end. I grunted, yanking my sword out of a soldier's shield and dodging another blade. We can't lose! We need help! We need Lady Aphmau and the others!

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