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I stalked down the road, anger burning its way through my body. My hands were shaking, and I clenched them into fists to keep anyone from the visible anger. Day after day I went to the council on the Capital Island, and day after day they rejected my idea. It seemed like nowadays, no one cared about the threat of Tula, and that made me mad. They were a real threat, and the longer we let them sit there, the longer they had to grow stronger.

"Katelyn, wait up!" I looked behind me to see Levin running after me. Every time I saw him, I was always reminded of Garroth. I guess it comes from the blonde hair and blue eyes, and Aphmau also told me of how much time Garroth spent with Levin when he was a toddler.

I smiled at the young man, waiting for him to catch up to me. Once he caught up, we both continued walking down the cobble road. "What's the matter Levin?"

He sighed, rubbing his eyes. "I'm sorry about the Council, today and everyday." I heaved an exasperated sigh, shaking my head.

"It's not your fault Levin. They are all just too preoccupied in their own unimportant problems to realize that they need to focus on the bigger problems of the world. Honestly, if you and Malachi give me consent, I might just go ahead and do it anyway. The only reason I want to get the go-ahead from the Council is so they can provide the resources needed."

Levin nodded, raising his eyes to the skies. "Malachi and I are fine with it, but I don't know if Phoenix Drop has enough to spare. But we can figure out the land you need for it." I smiled at him, powder blue hair falling in front of my face.

"Thanks Levin. It's good to know that I have at least one person on my side." He snorted, rolling his eyes.

"Maybe after you actually start it, they might realize what a good idea it is." I laughed, seeing the portal approaching in the distance.

"How's Kacey doing? I haven't had much time to see him lately." I changed the subject, wanting to move away from the idiotic people Aphmau had chosen for the Council. Levin frowned slightly, obviously thinking.

"I'm not sure. I haven't seen him in a while either. But he is an amazing guard, and having him has been a huge help for Phoenix Drop." After another few seconds, his face lit up. "Actually, I think he's in New Meteli visiting Lady Cadenza. He checks up on her every month or so."

"How is she doing?" I lowered my voice, making sure no one was around to overhear us. His expression darkened, and he looked at the ground.

"She's still really tired, and she can never get warm. And, she never says anything, but I can tell she still has those fits when she can't see anything. It's been a year, and she's not really getting better. And... I can also tell that Mom blames herself."

I cocked my head to the side, looking at him in confusion. "What do you mean Aphmau blames herself? There was nothing she could do." Levin sighed, looking down at the ground.

"I don't know if you are aware, but after Alina's birth...  Mom hasn't been able to use her healing powers. And because she hasn't been able to, she couldn't help Cadenza and it's been tearing her apart from the inside." My face fell, looking over at him with hurt.

"Why wouldn't she tell me? Aphmau tells me everything." Levin was about to reply, but by then we had arrived at the portal, and we had to change our faces so the guards wouldn't notice. After the whole incident with Rosalind, Levin and Aphmau had been extremely careful to make sure that every guard in both villages had been carefully screened and known personally by at someone Aphmau or Levin trusted. But still, there was no need to let on that something was wrong. As we started to go through the portal, I couldn't help but glance back, getting the sinking feeling in my gut that I wouldn't be coming back for a long time.

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